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Saturday, December 12, 2009

12/12/09 Linda McMahon Is Gaining Momentum

Linda McMahon For Senate

Dear Brian,

Linda's upstart campaign to end business as usual in Washington and put people back to work is gaining momentum, and it is being fueled equally by growing support among Connecticut voters and impressive reviews by state and national political analysts.

Ten days after announcing 22 first-round endorsements, Linda today released a second round. We are thrilled to announce the support of four Greenwich Republican leaders:

  • Peter Tesei, Greenwich First Selectman
  • Tod Laudonia, Greenwich Tax Collector
  • Dave Theis, Greenwich Board of Selectmen
  • Peter Crumbine, Former Greenwich Selectman

As GOP leaders and activists across Connecticut continue to gravitate toward Linda, her growing momentum is reflected in public polling. The latest Rasmussen Reports Poll shows Linda has increased her lead over Chris Dodd, and now leads him 44% to 38%.

Linda's momentum is being noticed by national media. FOX News' Sean Hannity this week remarked on his show: "She's outpolling Dodd." Pollster Frank Luntz responded, "She's going to do a smackdown" on Dodd.

Respected publications in Washington D.C., this week made clear her campaign is the one to watch. "She's got the right stuff," reports National Journal adding that "the first-time candidate is getting good reviews." The Hill reports that Linda "is quickly becoming the frontrunner in Connecticut's GOP Senate primary." And despite Rob Simmons's non-stop, shameless, negative attacks on Linda, respected Washington Post analyst Chris Cillizza believes Linda will be "hard to caricature."

Meantime, there are signs that Rob Simmons' vote-getting effort to redefine himself as a conservative may be floundering. Columnist Amanda Carpenter this week let the cat out of the bag regarding one of the worst-kept secrets among conservatives both in Connecticut and nationally: Simmons isn't who he claims to be.

In a blurb titled, "Tea Party poser?" Carpenter writes in The Washington Times: "...past positions may come back to haunt Rob Simmons in the Republican primary against Linda McMahon. Mr. Simmons has modeled himself as a movement conservative, even brandishing tea bags and a copy of his pocket Constitution during stump speeches, but his voting record as a member of Congress will give the 'tea party' crowd pause."

Carpenter goes on: "As a member of Congress, Mr. Simmons was a co-sponsor of the House's 'cap and trade' bill and the Employee Free Choice Act, called 'card check' by its opponents. These two pieces of legislation are vehemently opposed by the free-marketers who drive the tea party movement."

Today, as national news outlets report Congress is set to increase the federal debt limit by an astonishing $1.8 trillion, many fiscal conservatives are no doubt troubled to learn that Rob Simmons twice voted to raise the federal debt ceiling -- once by $450 billion and once by $800 billion.

Linda's consistent and principled opposition to job-killing initiatives like Card Check and federal debt increases is bringing into focus the clear contrast between her and her opponents.

Thank you for your support of Linda. With your help, we can and will change the direction of Washington and put Connecticut back to work.

Ed Patru
Communications Director
Linda For Senate 2010

Website Donate Volunteer

Linda McMahon on Facebook Linda McMahon on Twitter Linda McMahon on Flickr Linda McMahon on LinkedIn Linda McMahon on MySpace Linda McMahon on YouTube

Linda McMahon for Senate 2010
PO Box 271386 West Hartford, CT 06127
Telephone: 860-244-2010

Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com

Thursday, October 15, 2009

10/15/09 The Stamford Briefing

  • Insult, Meet Injury: Chimp Victim May Lose Out
    posted on October 16, 2009 09:45:23 am
    ... the woman's crippling injuries should be subject to workman's compensation instead of a civil court judgment. (The Stamford Advocate, via AP) If a judge agrees, it would mean Charla Nash a ' who was blinded in the attack, has difficulty walking and ...
  • Oil hits one-year high over US$77 on U.S. data
    posted on October 16, 2009 08:42:22 am
    ... runs. "What stands out is the big draw in the gasoline," said Gene McGillian, analyst for Tradition Energy, in Stamford, Connecticut. "But when you look at the numbers more closely, you see that there was such a large decline in refinery utilization ...
  • Connecticut fall foliage nearing peak
    posted on October 16, 2009 08:16:50 am
    ... a reminder that fall's foliage is fleeting. The colors typically last in Connecticut until early to mid-November. Stamford resident Peter Cloudas said it can be hard to imagine canopies of brilliant hues further north, when many of the leaves are ...
  • Fair fares: Are some train tickets too cheap?
    posted on October 16, 2009 06:23:23 am
    ... miles. And on the upscale New Canaan line, traveling from that town to New York City costs no more than going from Stamford to the city - making the eight-mile ride from Stamford to New Canaan "free." On the main line our fares are based on a ...
  • RIM Introduces BlackBerry Storm2 to Fix Flaws, Challenge Apple's IPhone
    posted on October 16, 2009 06:05:00 am
    ... in the recession than the broader handset market, climbing 27 percent worldwide in the second quarter, according to Stamford, Connecticut-based Gartner Inc. The overall mobile-handset market dropped 6.1 percent. a Enormously Competitivea a oeIta s ...
  • RIM's Balsillie Makes a `Land Grab' for Customers With $28.88 BlackBerry
    posted on October 16, 2009 05:52:58 am
    ... 27 percent worldwide in the second quarter as the broader mobile-handset market dropped 6.1 percent, according to Stamford, Connecticut-based Gartner Inc. Stock Performance RIM dropped 86 cents to $68.34 at 4 p.m. New York time in Nasdaq Stock ...
  • Oil hits one-year high over $77 on U.S. product draw
    posted on October 16, 2009 04:05:02 am
    ... runs. "What stands out is the big draw in the gasoline," said Gene McGillian, analyst for Tradition Energy, in Stamford, Connecticut. "But when you look at the numbers more closely, you see that there was such a large decline in refinery utilization ...
  • CIT said to be in talks to amend $29 billion swap
    posted on October 16, 2009 03:34:17 am
    ... plus 83.4 percent of equity in the reorganized company, according to an Oct. 8 report from CRT Capital Group LLC in Stamford, Connecticut. This excludes most unsecured notes maturing after 2018, which are left in place, CRT said. The exchange offer ...
  • Stamford announces first swine flu clinic
    posted on October 16, 2009 03:18:54 am
    ... though medical officials warn this is only the "tip of the iceberg," because most people get better on their own, Stamford Hospital's director of infectious diseases Dr. Michael Parry said. "August and September were really quiet, we saw maybe one ...
  • Is there any good pizza in Stamford?
    posted on October 16, 2009 02:10:09 am
    I have lived in Stamford for almost three years now and still cannot find a great pizza place.
  • Electronic Pressure Switch
    posted on October 16, 2009 01:45:39 am
    ... vailable in both gage and absolute pressure references from 15 psia to 9000 psig. Omega Engineering, Inc. Box 4047, Stamford, CT 06907-0047. See similar products
  • Gartner Highlights Five Issues Enterprises Should Examine With Upcoming Launch of Windows 7
    posted on October 16, 2009 01:20:07 am
    STAMFORD, Conn., The move to Microsoft's latest operating system , Windows 7, is all but inevitable for most organizations, and Gartner, Inc.
  • Buffalo Recycling Enterprises Installs Bollegraaf Single-Stream System
    posted on October 15, 2009 12:00:00 pm
    ... system at its Hopkins Street material recovery facility (MRF) that was supplied by Van Dyk Baler Corp. , Stamford, Conn. The system features a triple-deck OCC (old corrugated container) screen, a double-deck ONP (old newspaper) screens with a ...
  • Chimp Owner Wants Suit Treated As Workers' Compensation Claim
    posted on October 16, 2009 12:52:00 am
    ... when his owner, Sandra Herold, asked her friend and employee Charla Nash to help lure him back into her house in Stamford. The animal ripped off Nash's hands, nose, lips and eyelids, and she remains in stable condition at the Cleveland Clinic. >> ...
  • Pitney Bowes Files Suit Against Zumbox
    posted on October 16, 2009 12:01:53 am
    ... Zumbox, alleging the Westlake Village start-up's 'paperless mail' service infringes on its patents. Pitney Bowes, a Stamford, Conn. public company, is best known for its postal scales but has expanded into online communications products and invested ...
  • Korn Ferry, Teleos find new homes at RFR buildings
    posted on October 15, 2009 11:53:00 pm
    With the announcement of General Reinsurance Corp.'s departure by the end of January from the sprawling East Main Street office building in Stamford it has occupied for 25 years, other tenants are fleeing the complex as well, and the owner of two commercial properties is benefiting from the arrival of two of them.
  • Malloy, Bysiewicz Lead In Gubernatorial Fundraising: Capitol Watch
    posted on October 15, 2009 09:43:16 pm
    ... in an e-mail controversy, the Democrats who are trying to get her job are out raising money as quickly as they can. Stamford Mayor Dannel Malloy is in the fundraising lead with $373,000 from almost 1,700 contributors, while Secretary of the State ...
  • Using Event Processing in Business Applications
    posted on October 15, 2009 08:47:03 pm
    ... click here to download it for free. W. Roy Schulte is Vice President and Distinguished Analyst at Gartner Inc. in Stamford Connecticut. Mr. Schulte was a co-author of the 1996 report that introduced the term SOA to the industry. He also originated ...
  • Chimp owner tries to limit damages
    posted on October 15, 2009 07:49:17 pm
    This Oct. 20, 2003 file photo shows Travis, a 10-year-old chimpanzee, sitting in the corner of his playroom at the home of Sandra and Jerome Herold in Stamford, Conn.
  • In Race For Governor, Stamford Mayor Leads Democrats In Fundraising
    posted on October 15, 2009 07:33:13 pm
    ... in an e-mail controversy, the Democrats who are trying to get her job are out raising money as quickly as they can. Stamford Mayor Dannel Malloy is in the fundraising lead with $373,000 from almost 1,700 contributors, while Secretary of the State ...

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

08/25/09 The Stamford Briefing (Updated)

Comprehensive News Feed for Stamford, CT.
  • Crash After Carjacking Results In Death
    posted on August 26, 2009 06:08:08 am
    A carjacking in Fairfield County has resulted in a death after a crash. According to the Stamford Advocate , the incident started in Norwalk where a Mercury Sable was carjacked at knifepoint.
  • U.S. Home Prices Rise for a Second Straight Month
    posted on August 25, 2009 10:02:52 pm
    ... a bottom," said Jesse Litvak, a managing director in mortgage- and asset-backed securities at Jefferies & Co. in Stamford, Connecticut. Economists in a Reuters poll expected the 20-city index increased by 0.2 percent in June. S&P said its U.S. ...
  • Beat the high cost of textbooks rent them
    posted on August 25, 2009 06:17:24 pm
    ... option for students fed up with spending $100 or more to buy books they have little use for after a semester. Stamford, Conn.-based Cengage Learning said its rentals would cost 40 percent to 70 percent less than the suggested retail price. Several ...
  • Malloy outlines plan to better fund nonprofits
    posted on August 25, 2009 01:09:02 pm
    STAMFORD By CHASE WRIGHT Hour Staff Writer Stamford Mayor Dannel Malloy outlined his plan Monday to support future operations of Connecticut nonprofit groups who he said have gone "chronically under-funded." Malloy, a potential candidate for ...
  • Wall Street still seeks answers
    posted on August 25, 2009 11:48:45 am
    ... run, whether up or down, will affect the market," said Frank Ingarra Jr., co-portfolio manager at Hennessy Funds in Stamford, Conn. On Tuesday, the Conference Board releases its monthly consumer confidence index. Economists polled by Thomson ...
  • Malloy outlines plan to better fund non-profits
    posted on August 24, 2009 03:00:00 pm
    Malloy outlines plan to better fund non-profits By CHASE WRIGHT Times Staff Writer STAMFORD -- Stamford Mayor Dannel Malloy outlined his plan Monday to support future operations of Connecticut non-profit groups who he said have gone "chronically under-funded." Malloy, a potential candidate for governor in 2010, was joined in Hartford by state Rep.
  • Investors take short-term view in driving markets
    posted on August 24, 2009 12:00:00 pm
    ... run, whether up or down, will affect the market," said Frank Ingarra Jr., co-portfolio manager at Hennessy Funds in Stamford, Conn. On Tuesday, the Conference Board releases its monthly consumer confidence index. Economists polled by Thomson ...
  • Lawmakers pledge to keep fighting for Wright Tech
    posted on August 20, 2009 03:00:00 pm
    Lawmakers pledge to keep fighting for Wright Tech By CHASE WRIGHT Times Staff Writer STAMFORD --The locked doors and boarded up windows of J.M. Wright Technical High School will one day reopen, despite opposition in Hartford, Democratic lawmakers said Thursday.
  • Ballo headed to U.S. Amateur golf championships
    posted on August 20, 2009 03:00:00 pm
    Ballo headed to U.S. Amateur golf championships By George Albano Times Staff Writer STAMFORD -- Mike Ballo Jr.
  • Tough Love Real Estate Offers New MLS Home Search Tool in Fairfield County CT
    posted on August 25, 2009 08:22:16 am
    Home buyers searching the communities of Stamford, Darien, and Norwalk Connecticut are being offered an innovative new MLS online home search tool that can cut down search time and provide more detailed information on homes for sale than traditional online web sites.
  • Investors must decide whether to give in to worries or trust Bernanke
    posted on August 25, 2009 02:45:36 am
    ... run, whether up or down, will affect the market," said Frank Ingarra Jr., co-portfolio manager at Hennessy Funds in Stamford, Conn. On Tuesday, the Conference Board releases its monthly consumer confidence index. Economists polled by Thomson ...
  • First-Time Homebuyers in Fairfield County, CT, Offered Free New MLS Home Search Tool
    posted on August 24, 2009 03:00:00 pm
    - ToughLove RealEstate.com is offering first-time home buyers in Stamford, Darien, and Norwalk, CT, a free new MLS home search tool that makes it possible to accelerate their online home search. Homebuyers who request the proprietary new ...
  • Publishers move into book-rental business
    posted on August 24, 2009 12:00:00 pm
    ... used versions that push them to the sidelines, are hoping they have figured out some new strategies to make money. Stamford, Conn.-based Cengage Learning recently announced plans to rent titles directly to students for 40 percent to 70 percent off ...
  • New Biometrics Investment Firm Established
    posted on July 01, 2005 03:00:00 pm
    A private investment management firm specializing in the biometrics industry called L-1 Investment Partners LLC, Stamford, Conn., has been formed to acquire or make controlling investments in public and private companies.
  • A fall into the money pit
    posted on August 24, 2009 01:47:55 pm
    ... access to Wall Street, who were happy to give them funding," said Charles Mallory, managing general partner of Stamford-based Clearview Investment Management and majority owner of the Delamar Greenwich Harbor hotel, in which Antares still has a ...
  • Oil over $74 in more than 10 months
    posted on August 24, 2009 01:05:38 pm
    ... to 78.25. 'All signs are pointing higher,' said Gene McGillian, an analyst and broker at Tradition Energy in Stamford Connecticut. 'The market continues to get support from equities and was able to break through $74, which should stimulate technical ...
  • Tasty Thai, and Chinese Surprises
    posted on August 24, 2009 06:18:24 am
    ... often such clones of one another that reviewing more than one is a redundancy. TINY NEWCOMER Little Buddha in Stamford has few seats, but a variety of intriguing dishes, like beef larb, below. What drew me to Little Buddha in Stamford was a case of ...
  • Barry preps for second straight Amateur
    posted on August 24, 2009 12:42:32 am
    ... Hills Monday, then at 7:40 Tuesday morning at Cedar Ridge. His playing partners both days are Mike Ballo of Stamford, Conn., and Taylor Floyd of Macon, Ga. This is Barry's first major event since his lifestyle changed in the past year. "I don't know ...
  • Falling fixed-income values seen hurting insurers, survey finds
    posted on August 23, 2009 06:01:00 pm
    ... rate and credit risks were the focal points for 53% and 13% of the executives' hedging programs, respectively. Stamford, Conn.-based Towers Perrin found that the techniques that insurers use to manage credit spread and interest rate risks haven't ...

Thursday, August 20, 2009

08/20/09 The Stamford Briefing

Comprehensive News Feed for Stamford, CT.
  • Oil Falls From 7-Week High on U.S. Jobless Claims
    posted on August 21, 2009 01:48:40 am
    ... has stalled and we're consolidating in the $72 a barrel range," said Gene McGillian, analyst at Tradition Energy in Stamford, Connecticut. Oil prices had surged 4.7 percent on Wednesday, after data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration ...
  • Aug. 19 2009, 12:00pm-1:00pm
    posted on August 20, 2009 08:06:08 pm
    ... 1400 WSTC. Thirteen fifty WNLK . It's." " Turns seats at account for a Special Olympics John Labarca has more." " Stamford police will again raise much needed funds for Connecticut Special Olympics by getting tips for waiting on tables next Thursday ...
  • Oxford Bioscience leads $16.5M B round in Coherex Medical
    posted on August 17, 2009 03:00:00 pm
    ... Inc., the company reports. Joining Oxford Bioscience in the Series B financing was Tullis Health Investors, a Stamford, Conn.-based venture capital firm focused on the health-care industry. Coherex, which is based in Salt Lake City, Utah, has now ...
  • L-1 California driver's license deal worth up to $108M
    posted on August 17, 2009 03:00:00 pm
    ... for technology systems to create secure driver's licenses. The deal could be worth a total of $108.6 million to Stamford, Conn.-based L-1 (NYSE: ID) if California elects to exercise a pair of two-year extensions. Under the contract, California will ...
  • Westport medical building sells for $6.49 million
    posted on August 20, 2009 02:40:29 pm
    ... the most attention (among office uses)," said Jon Sabrowski, senior managing director, investment sales, at the Stamford office of First Service Williams, a commercial real estate brokerage firm. "There are medical REITs (real estate investment ...
  • Harman International posts 4Q, full-year losses
    posted on August 20, 2009 08:29:43 am
    ... the manufacturer of audio and other products for automotive and consumer markets beat Wall Street estimates. The Stamford, Conn., company posted a loss of $62 million, or $1.05 per share, down from a $32 million profit, or 54 cents per share a year ...
  • U.S. mortgage bond yield premiums rise on Fed angst
    posted on August 20, 2009 07:51:22 am
    ... director in Jefferies & Co's mortgage and asset-backed securities group told Reuters in an interview at the firm's Stamford, Connecticut, office on Tuesday. Angst over the pace of the Fed's MBS purchases has been elevated since the central bank last ...
  • L-1 wins contract to boost security of Calif. driver's licenses
    posted on August 20, 2009 07:05:17 am
    ... amera station. The enhancements are also designed to make the licenses as tamper-proof as possible. L-1 is based in Stamford, Conn. Doug Beizer is a staff writer for Washington Technology.
  • Tucker: 2009 inside linebacker breakdown
    posted on August 20, 2009 06:08:58 am
    ... Fortt recorded 118 tackles, with four interceptions and five forced fumbles in 2008. Khairi Fortt Highlights (Stamford, Conn.) College: Undecided Recently moved inside during our final evaluation process preceding the 150 release, Fortt, like Luc, ...
  • FOREX-Dollar falls vs euro, basket as stocks rebound
    posted on August 20, 2009 03:58:06 am
    ... have been tracking sentiment" in the equity and oil markets, said Brian Kim, currency strategist at UBS in Stamford, Connecticut. "That's why we've seen the dollar come off." In recent months, the dollar has tended to fall as stock prices and risk ...
  • A Home to Roost: Resident leads push to keep backyard poultry
    posted on August 20, 2009 03:14:42 am
    A Home to Roost: Resident leads push to keep backyard poultry By CHASE WRIGHT Times Staff Writer STAMFORD -- For a handful of local residents, chicken is more than just what's for dinner.
  • The Christmas spirit in August
    posted on August 20, 2009 03:14:08 am
    The Christmas spirit in August By STEPHANIE PAULINO Times corresponent STAMFORD -- The season of giving came early for Nagi Jewelers, which this month is celebrating Christmas to benefit Kids in Crisis .
  • Stamford News Briefs
    posted on August 20, 2009 03:13:35 am
    Stamford News Briefs Wrestling exec considering Dodd challenge STAMFORD -- The chief executive of World Wrestling Entertainment Inc.
  • Confusion abound over mayoral debates
    posted on August 20, 2009 03:11:58 am
    Confusion abound over mayoral debates By CHASE WRIGHT Times Staff Writer STAMFORD -- A campaign organizer for Stamford's Democratic mayoral candidate said Monday his opponent was premature in announcing an agreed upon debate schedule.
  • Oil surges 4% on U.S. data
    posted on August 20, 2009 02:30:32 am
    ... where prices are looking more attractive,a said Addison Armstrong, director of Research for Tradition Energy in Stamford, Connecticut. Further the American Petroleum Institute (API) said U.S. oil demand in July showed signs of improvement, with ...
  • Study: Outsourced IC design growth slowed in '08
    posted on August 18, 2009 02:47:00 am
    ... showed that outsourced chip designs grew only 6.5 percent in 2008, compared to 34 percent in 2007, Gartner (Stamford, Conn.) said. However, outsourcing of back-end physical design starts at lagging-edge nodes (130 nm and above) grew significantly in ...
  • Another sweltering day
    posted on August 19, 2009 09:54:15 pm
    ... and 41 minutes of sunlight today. High tides today in Bridgeport harbor will be at 9:57 a.m. and 10:18 p.m. In Stamford and Greenwich harbors, high tides will occur at about 10:01 a.m. and 10:22 p.m. Today, it will be partly cloudy, with a high near ...
  • Riverbank VW, customer a steady couple
    posted on August 19, 2009 09:45:18 pm
    Stamford resident Tom McNally, 89, sits in the driver's seat of his 2005 Volkswagen GTI that he bought from Riverbank Volkswagen in Stamford.
  • Bridgeport woman tries to save home
    posted on August 19, 2009 09:44:46 pm
    ... call them in 10 days to discuss options. She said she hopes those who attended, such as Kirkland, will contact the Stamford-based Housing Development Fund to discuss their outcomes, because the group is gathering information to help track results ...
  • Area stocks
    posted on August 19, 2009 09:44:14 pm
    Area stocks rose Tuesday, led by a group that included Norwalk-based Priceline.com Inc. and Stamford-based PrimeEnergy Corp. The Hearst/Bloomberg Southwest Connecticut Index added 1.13, climbing to 90.41 as 52 stocks gained, 16 fell and 14 were ...

Friday, August 14, 2009

08/14/09 The Stamford Briefing (Updated)

Comprehensive News Feed for Stamford, CT.
  • Textbooks for rent: Publishers to offer college students the option of renting
    posted on August 14, 2009 07:49:02 pm
    ... used versions that push them to the sidelines, are hoping they have figured out some new strategies to make money. Stamford, Conn.-based Cengage Learning on Thursday announced plans to rent titles directly to students for 40 percent to 70 percent ...
  • College textbooks now for rent
    posted on August 14, 2009 03:00:00 pm
    ... used versions that push them to the sidelines, are hoping they have figured out some new strategies to make money. Stamford, Conn.-based Cengage Learning on Thursday announced plans to rent titles directly to students for 40 percent to 70 percent ...
  • Brookfield's new principals introduced
    posted on August 14, 2009 10:58:16 pm
    Educators left posts in New Fairfield, Stamford and Greenwich to join the ranks of school leaders in Brookfield this month.
  • Man gets 3 years for gang rape
    posted on August 14, 2009 10:32:42 pm
    ... New Canaan woman that took place over 14 hours in two towns. Wilkens Placide of Norwalk was sentenced Wednesday in Stamford Superior Court. He pleaded guilty in March to third-degree sexual assault and other crimes. Placide was the last of four ...
  • Publishers going rent-a-text
    posted on August 14, 2009 09:01:34 pm
    ... used versions that push them to the sidelines, are hoping they have figured out some new strategies to make money. Stamford, Conn.-based Cengage Learning on Thursday announced plans to rent titles directly to students for 40 percent to 70 percent ...
  • The Fix: Polling the Town Halls
    posted on August 14, 2009 06:42:45 pm
    ... her as a serious candidate based on a rsum that includes leading a $1 billion publicly traded company based in Stamford, Conn. The source also noted that McMahon would be willing and able to spend significant sums on the race, an x-factor that could ...
  • College Textbook Publisher To Rent Books To Students
    posted on August 14, 2009 06:39:55 pm
    A college textbook publisher says it will be the first in the industry to rent books directly to students. Stamford, Conn. based Cengage Learning says it will cost 40 percent to 70 percent less than the suggested retail price. Students will ...
  • Conn. publisher says it will rent textbooks to college students
    posted on August 14, 2009 02:58:36 pm
    ... up with spending $100 or more to buy books they have little use for after a semester. Cengage Learning, based in Stamford, Conn., said its rentals would cost 40 percent to 70 percent less than the suggested retail price. Several hundred titles will ...
  • MeadWestvaco announces auction
    posted on August 13, 2009 09:29:26 pm
    ... in downtown Dayton was the longtime headquarters of Mead Corp. before its merger with Westvaco Corp. in 2002. Stamford, Conn. was chosen at the time as headquarters of the new company. The company is now based in Glen Allen, Va. Mead employed nearly ...
  • Stamford hotel blames rape victim for assault
    posted on August 13, 2009 03:00:00 pm
    STAMFORD, Conn. - Lawyers for a Connecticut hotel where a woman was raped at gunpoint in front of her children is putting some blame on the victim, saying in court documents that she was careless and negligent.
  • Elderly man again ruled competent to stand trial
    posted on August 13, 2009 03:00:00 pm
    STAMFORD, Conn. - A 76-year-old Connecticut man has been ruled competent a second time to stand trial for murder in the death of his former daughter-in-law. A Stamford Superior Court judge ruled in May that Gerardo Lombardi could understand the court proceedings and assist in his defense.
  • Mortgage rates up, may curb demand
    posted on August 13, 2009 03:00:00 pm
    ... however, is not as sensitive to changes in rates as in refinancing activity. David Adamo, CEO of Luxury Mortgage in Stamford, Connecticut, said the overriding driver of the housing market at this point is confidence and not interest rates on ...
  • Darien police investigate string of robberies
    posted on August 13, 2009 03:00:00 pm
    Darien Police are investigating a string of thefts from at least 10 unlocked cars in the Noroton Heights neighborhood near the Stamford border overnight Wednesday into Thursday, police said.
  • #8 - Locals featured in Vineyard Vines catalog
    posted on August 13, 2009 03:00:00 pm
    ... he said. "They opened the Georgetown store and it made a little more sense." Growing the vine Headquartered in Stamford, Conn., Vineyard Vines was started by Ian and Shep Murray, two brothers who grew up in Connecticut and summered in Martha's ...
  • Open source solutions vs. SaaS applications: Weigh the options
    posted on August 12, 2009 10:30:57 pm
    ... applications at heart. According to Yefim Natis, a vice president and distinguished analyst at Gartner Inc. in Stamford, Conn., companies like Salesforce.com Inc., Google Inc. and Amazon Web Services all use open source. "Many SaaS providers use ...
  • Westport medical building sells for $6.49 million
    posted on August 14, 2009 12:45:42 pm
    ... the most attention (among office uses)," said Jon Sabrowski, senior managing director, investment sales, at the Stamford office of First Service Williams, a commercial real estate brokerage firm. "There are medical REITs (real estate investment ...
  • RBS Sempra Commodities prepares for move
    posted on August 14, 2009 12:41:32 pm
    ... Boulevard and Richmond Hill Avenue is in line with RBS's plan to consolidate much of its regional workforce in Stamford, said spokesman Christopher Riley. "We expect to achieve our target of having more than 2,000 employees in the building by the ...
  • Abused puppy rescued from city streets
    posted on August 14, 2009 12:40:49 pm
    ... Molly's case Thursday as he prepared to take her to an adoption showcase featuring more than 200 healthy dogs in Stamford. The event is taking place through the weekend at Stamford Petsmart. But Molly is far from ready to go to a new home, even ...
  • Agents agencies
    posted on August 14, 2009 12:38:41 pm
    ... revenue units and resale dollar volume last May. Robbie Blosio, who works out of the New Canaan and Bedford Street, Stamford, offices of William Pitt Sotheby's International Realty, has been recognized as the top agent in units sold and a Gold Star ...
  • Textbooks for rent: Publishers to offer college students the option of renting
    posted on August 14, 2009 09:10:08 am
    ... used versions that push them to the sidelines, are hoping they have figured out some new strategies to make money. Stamford, Conn.-based Cengage Learning on Thursday announced plans to rent titles directly to students for 40 percent to 70 percent ..

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

08/11/09 The Stamford Briefing By Robo Blogger (Updated)

Comprehensive News Feed for Stamford, CT.
  • Gasoline Margins Widen as U.S. Refiners Cut Production to Protect Profits
    posted on August 12, 2009 06:15:44 am
    ... utilization rates below the 5- year average,a said Gene McGillian , an analyst and broker at Tradition Energy in Stamford, Connecticut. a oeThey are doing some early maintenance programs. They dona t want to flood the market with fuel supplies.a The ...
  • In Stamford, Conn., Church Goes to You
    posted on August 12, 2009 05:14:08 am
    ... need is $1. And a way to move the historic Victorian Gothic building by November. St. Andrew's Episcopal Church in Stamford recently received approval the city's Zoning Board for the demolition of their rectory at 1231 Washington Boulevard, which ...
  • Willy DeVille dies at 58
    posted on August 12, 2009 01:15:30 am
    ... and "Where Angels Fear to Tread." In 1985, "Sportin''Life" featured the European hit song "Italian Shoes." Born in Stamford, Conn., he is survived by his wife, Nina. -- Associated Press MusiCares to honor Neil Young >
  • 7 Days
    posted on July 08, 2009 03:00:00 pm
    ... The brown popcorn is not poison, okay? It's just burnt popcorn. Avon Theatre Film Center, 272 Bedford St., Stamford. 6 p.m. $15. (203) 967-3660, www.avontheatre.org . FRIDAY AUGUST 14 Cray Date Out of all of the blues rock guitarists who have come ...
  • Special canine will be honored for rescuing feline friend
    posted on August 11, 2009 11:59:14 pm
    ... only be on an as-merited basis." Oliver's tale of triumph begins in the woods near the Scarboroughs' home in North Stamford, Connecticut, at around noon one day in April. Mr. Scarborough, a television anchor for WNBC Channel 4 in New York, and his ...
  • Triple-H weather again today
    posted on August 11, 2009 09:37:20 pm
    ... County Airport in 1949. Westchester County Airport is the closest official weather station to Greenwich and Stamford. Sunset today will occur at 7:57, and sunrise Wednesday will be at 5:59. There will be about 13 hours and 58 minutes of sunlight ...
  • Real Estate Firm Finds That Best Location for Business Phone System...
    posted on August 11, 2009 09:09:08 pm
    Chris Coard, Manager of Buyers Capital, a full service real estate company located in Stamford, Connecticut, knows the value of location, which is why he selected RingCentral Office, the business phone system that has the ultimate location - everywhere and anywhere.
  • 'Springer Show' Begins Taping in Stamford
    posted on August 11, 2009 07:49:37 pm
    ... season, was previously taped in Chicago, as was Wilkos. Povich is moving from New York and starts production in Stamford next week. NBC moved production to Connecticut to take advantage of the state's film tax credits. The shows are produced for ...
  • RFR reports lease renewals
    posted on August 11, 2009 04:08:37 pm
    Coinciding with the arrival of Ondra International LP's arrival at 300 Atlantic St., in Stamford, RFR Realty reported that five tenants have renewed their leases at its Stamford properties: - L-1 Investments, 16,565 square feet at 177 Broad St., five years.
  • Area Stocks
    posted on August 11, 2009 04:08:22 pm
    ... although revenue for last year's second quarter reached a little more than $1 billion. Independence Holding, a Stamford-based seller of life insurance, gained four cents to close at $6.64. Independence Holding on Monday reported a second-quarter ...
  • Tenants' market draws Ondra
    posted on August 11, 2009 04:08:16 pm
    A new international advisory partnership specializing in mergers and acquisitions, capital markets, business strategy and restructuring, has chosen Stamford for one of its headquarters' locations.
  • CashEdge Announces Growth of Wealth Management Division and...
    posted on August 11, 2009 03:00:00 pm
    - CashEdge Inc. (www.cashedge.com) the preeminent provider of financial account aggregation services to brokerages, wealth management firms and financial advisors, announced today the continued growth of AllData Advisor - the leading financial account aggregation solution for financial advisors as well as long-term growth to the Company's wealth management services. Over the past year, CashEdge has successfully increased its number of relationships with broker dealer and registered investment advisors (RIAs) by more than 80% through its various financial services channels. Through its relationships with these firms, the number of advisors who are eligible to access AllData Advisor has increased by 75% since July 2008. In recent months, leading industry analysts Celent and Aite Group have recognized CashEdge's account aggregation services as the best in the advisor marketplace and as a leader in breadth of functionality and depth of client services 'Account aggregation is a highly specialized business and at CashEdge, we focus squarely on the advisor market so we understand the needs of advisors and their clients better than anyone. We've spent more than ten years refining our technology and services - proving time and time again, that AllData Advisor is the most comprehensive, reliable and secure advisor solution available,' said Tom Roberts, Senior VP & General Manager of Brokerage and Wealth Management for CashEdge, Inc. 'Given the changes in the financial services industry in the past year, we are pleased broker dealers and advisors have continued to add our aggregation solutions to the core of their practices during this period. In fact, volatile markets have helped demonstrate the importance of financial advice based on a holistic view of a client's financial portfolio.' CashEdge has implemented a number of changes to improve the data quality and reliability of AllData Advisor over the past year. During the third quarter of 2009, CashEdge will release additional enhancements that further augment the usability and functionality of AllData Advisor while creating additional ways for advisors to subscribe to the solution. Asset Management Group, Inc., a registered investment advisor based in Stamford, Conn., uses AllData Advisor with its growing client base. 'CashEdge's AllData Advisor enables us to see a client's complete financial situation and understand their unique financial goals. This allows us to develop and deliver the best possible advice to help our clients preserve and grow their wealth,' said LeGrand S. Redfield, Jr., founder and CEO of Asset Management Group, Inc. 'Our clients are continuously looking for cutting-edge tools that will better manage their financial future, particularly in today's environment, and AllData Advisor enables us to meet this client demand and increase the return on investment for our clients.' AllData Advisor, which integrates with leading wealth management platforms, such as Albridge, eMoney Advisor and MoneyGuidePro, currently serves thousands of advisors helping them to provide better advice and build stronger relationships. About CashEdge Brokerage & Wealth Management Division CashEdge is the preeminent provider of financial account aggregation services to brokerages, wealth management firms, financial advisors and providers of personal financial management applications. These services are highly secure and provide a holistic view of a client's or consumer's financial picture, delivering aggregated data from more than 10,000 sources, including self-directed brokerage and retirement accounts, as well as hard-to-access assets, such as life insurance, annuities and REITs. For more information, visit About CashEdge CashEdge is the leader in Intelligent Money Movement services that enable financial institutions to engage customers in new ways. CashEdge's Intelligent Money Movement services provide a single point of access, through an online banking or mobile application, for multiple easy-to-use consumer and small business transfer routes. CashEdge's industry-leading products include OpenNow /FundNow for new account opening; TransferNow for Consumers, which includes Me-to-Me Transfers and Third Party Transfers; POPmoney for person-to-person payments; and TransferNow for Small Businesses, which includes Invoicing and Payments, Me-to-Me Transfers, Employee Payments and Vendor Payments. These products are supported by industry-leading risk management capabilities that leverage comprehensive, proprietary technology, helping institutions mitigate risk and decrease fraud exposure. CashEdge currently serves hundreds of leading financial institutions, including seven out of the top ten largest banks in the country. CashEdge's Intelligent Money Movement services, including online account opening and online funds transfer services, help full-service brokers, clearing firms and independent broker dealers offer a more complete online experience for their investor clients, increasing investor self-service, improving operational efficiencies and reducing costs. The Company has offices in New York, Silicon Valley and India. For more information, visit www.cashedge.com. ### Media Contact: CashEdge Cheri Herlinger 267-752-0098 Trackback URL: XAtWmVybw==
  • Fans flock to see Springer show in Stamford
    posted on August 11, 2009 01:15:01 pm
    STAMFORD By CHASE WRIGHT Hour Staff Writer Hundreds stood still in sweltering hot weather along Tresser Boulevard on Monday waiting to catch a glimpse of America's most controversial talk show. "The Jerry Springer Show" began taping the first ...
  • More TV shows relocating to Connecticut
    posted on August 11, 2009 12:20:53 pm
    STAMFORD, Conn. - Some daytime drama is coming to Connecticut, as "The Jerry Springer Show" and other shows take advantage of the state's film tax credits.
  • Treasury Yields Fall on Eve of Sales as `Attractive' Yields Entice Traders
    posted on August 11, 2009 06:59:41 am
    ... yield levels,a William Oa Donnell , U.S. government bond strategist at primary dealer RBS Securities Inc. in Stamford, Connecticut, wrote in a note to clients today. a oeTen-year Treasury yields lie within the upper 20 percent band of their yield ...
  • Founder of punk's Mink DeVille dies at 58
    posted on August 07, 2009 03:00:00 pm
    ... here Angels Fear to Tread." In 1985, "Sportin' Life" featured the European hit song "Italian Shoes." He was born in Stamford, Conn., and survivors include his wife, Nina, and a son, Sean Borsey. ___ On the Net:
  • Scene on scenic New Milford road may lead to lawsuit
    posted on August 11, 2009 04:24:43 am
    ... and waved a hatchet at Hollins and another highway crew member. In June, Farel's attorney, Steven Frederick, of Stamford, filed a notice of claim with the town, advising officials of Farel's intent to sue the police department for false arrest and ...
  • Bank on bank stocks and#8211; but not on their survival
    posted on August 11, 2009 02:21:00 am
    ... 150 to 200 banks will fail by the end of the year," said Richard Bove, bank analyst with Rochdale Securities LLC of Stamford, Conn. Many of the banks that failed this year were smaller community banks, and their biggest challenge was ...
  • Oil Steady in New York as Dollar Strengt...
    posted on August 11, 2009 02:07:33 am
    ... this morning and pushed us down at the open,a said Gene McGillian, an analyst and broker at Tradition Energy in Stamford, Connecticut. a oeIf the dollar starts to strengthen, I think thata s going to cause further liquidations in the oil markets and ...
  • 'Jerry Springer Show' Coming To Conn.
    posted on August 11, 2009 12:08:00 am
    ... the state's generous film tax credits. Springer and "The Steve Wilkos Show" will begin taping episdoes this week in Stamford, which will also be home to Maury Povich's "Maury" show starting Aug. 17. NBC Universal said it's taking advantage of the ...

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

08/05/09 The Stamford Briefing By Robo Blogger (Updated)

Comprehensive News Feed for Stamford, CT.
  • Oil Rises on U.S. Distillate Stock Drop, Optimism
    posted on August 06, 2009 03:25:19 am
    ... and demand increase, I think that has boosted heating oil," said Gene McGillian, analyst for Tradition Energy in Stamford, Connecticut. U.S. heating oil futures settled up 2.92 percent, with traders citing higher distillate demand outside the United ...
  • American Business Gives Fed High Marks in Crisis Management
    posted on August 04, 2009 11:11:43 pm
    ... handling of the financial crisis, a survey showed Tuesday. The survey of 231 companies by Greenwich Associates of Stamford, Connecticut, found that nearly 65 percent gave a positive rating to the performance of the Fed and its chairman, Ben ...
  • LeBeau Takes the Leap
    posted on June 18, 2009 03:00:00 pm
    ... so many meetings with her commissioners, her senior staff or serious journalists." State Sen. Andrew McDonald, D-Stamford, told Bromage he usually discerned Rell's positions on issues affecting the Judiciary Committee he co-chairs by reading her ...
  • Treasury Plans to Sell Record $75 Billion Debt, Expands Offering of TIPS
    posted on August 05, 2009 11:36:47 pm
    ... on them remains acute,a said William Oa Donnell , U.S. government bond strategist at RBS Securities Inc. in Stamford, Connecticut. a oeThey seem to be satisfied with the current suite of nominal issuance. There doesna t seem to be any imminent ...
  • Baseball Fans Give Back
    posted on August 05, 2009 09:39:01 pm
    ... we love the very next day." On April 17th, Baseball Fans Give Back will host a "Baseball Day" event with Domus, a Stamford, CT-based, organization that works with at-risk and under-privileged youth. This day will have both physical and learning ...
  • Verizon request irks unions
    posted on August 05, 2009 03:22:56 pm
    ... objected to a memo the company sent asking workers to refrain from publicly discussing its $5.3 billion deal with Stamford, Conn.-based Frontier Communications Corp. Verizon asked employees to comply with the Securities and Exchange Commission's ...
  • White Plains Hospital Center Welcomes New Director
    posted on August 05, 2009 03:00:00 pm
    Joseph Ho, M.D., of Stamford, CT, has been appointed to the position of Director of Pain Management and Palliative Care at White Plains Hospital Center.
  • Stamford police investigate death
    posted on August 05, 2009 02:22:41 pm
    ... the friends were able to positively identify Maldonado. Investigators notified his relatives Tuesday afternoon. Stamford Police Capt. Richard Conklin said police got an anonymous phone call shortly before midnight Monday. He declined to disclose ...
  • Jazz on the Plaza @ Stamford Town Center Plaza
    posted on August 05, 2009 01:48:19 pm
    Event details: Jazz on the Plaza Date: 08/05/09 Venue: Stamford Town Center Plaza 6:00PM End time: 8:00PM Description: The new outdoor Plaza at Stamford Town Center is the 'go to place' this summer for 'live' jazz entertainment every Wednesday night in Stamford Downtown.
  • Warm feelings draw Madonia's owners
    posted on August 05, 2009 10:44:07 am
    It was love at first sight upon walking into Giordano's Italian Steakhouse in Stamford, according to Charles Trombetta, though his vision is impaired from retinitis pigmentosa.
  • WVa Unions Blast Verizon Over 'Quiet Period'
    posted on August 05, 2009 10:42:14 am
    ... things, not to discuss the sale on blogs or web sites. Verizon plans to sell its wire line business in 14 states to Stamford, Conn.-based Frontier Communications for $8.6 billion.
  • Inverness Medical Innovations, Inc. Announces Offering of $150 Million of Senior Notes
    posted on April 08, 2009 03:00:00 pm
    ... and accompanying prospectus may be obtained from Jefferies & Company, Inc. at One Station Place, Three North, Stamford, CT 06902, Attention: Timothy Lepore or at 1-888-708-5831, from Goldman, Sachs & Co. at 85 Broad Street, New York, NY 10004, ...
  • Stamford man arrested on Ridgefield warrant
    posted on August 05, 2009 07:59:59 am
    Edwin Galeano, 41, of Spruce Street in Stamford, was arrested Friday in Stamford, then transferred to Ridgefield, where he was wanted on a warrant.
  • Curtain Call's Summer Youth Theatre opens 'The King and I'
    posted on August 05, 2009 06:36:04 am
    ... ended last week as the group moved from Curtain Call's home at the Kweskin Theatre to the 900-seat auditorium at Stamford's Rippowam Middle School, where they will perform the Rodgers and Hammerstein classic Wednesday through Aug. 15. The Kweskin is ...
  • Police identify man found dead on sidewalk
    posted on August 05, 2009 06:06:42 am
    UPDATE: Police identify man found dead on sidewalk By CHASE WRIGHT Times Staff Writer STAMFORD -- Stamford Police say they are investigating the "untimely death" of a Hispanic male who was found lying face down on a West Main Street sidewalk late Monday night.
  • Pressure on Obama to Move Fast on Cybersecurity Appointment
    posted on August 05, 2009 04:53:15 am
    ... and empire building, not driving change for the better of cybersecurity," said John Pescatore, an analyst with Stamford, Conn.-based Gartner Inc. "It really does need someone who is more interested in the political and visibility aspects, not the ...
  • People on the move
    posted on August 05, 2009 04:09:00 am
    ... world. Prior to today's announcement, she was a senior equity partner at Robert H. Schaffer & Associates based in Stamford, Conn., and managing partner of its London office.'Katie will work closely with Russell leaders to implement human capital ...
  • Russell Names New Global Chief HR Officer
    posted on August 05, 2009 03:59:05 am
    ... the firm." Prior to joining Russell, Beavan was a senior equity partner at Robert H. Schaffer & Associates based in Stamford, CT, and managing partner of their London office. Beavan brings to the role more than 25 years of HR experience, both in ...
  • Understimulated: Bailouts have been 'ineffective,' large investors say
    posted on August 05, 2009 03:48:00 am
    ... according to a study released today. According to the Greenwich Market Pulse survey, from Greenwich Associates of Stamford, Conn., 52% of more than 400 institutional investors it polled believed that the $787 billion economic package passed this ...
  • CT Gop Chair Sanctions Right-Wing Attempts To Shut Down Town Halls
    posted on August 05, 2009 03:28:49 am
    ... 6th, 6:30pm Woodstock Academy 57 Academy Rd, Woodstock, CT Rep. Jim Himes (CT-04) Thursday, August 6th, 5:30pm Stamford Senior Center, 2nd Floor 888 Washington Blvd, Stamford, CT Wasn't it nice of Daniela Altimari to clean up the memo and not ...

Sunday, August 2, 2009

08/02/09 The Stamford Briefing By Robo Blogger (Updated)

Comprehensive News Feed for Stamford, CT.
  • Team Cape Cod cruises in N.E. opener
    posted on August 02, 2009 05:42:23 pm
    ... today at 12:30 back at Tivnan Field. With a win, the team would play again today at 5:30 against Belfast, Maine, or Stamford, Conn. A loss would set up a date with Concord, N.H., today at 3. Team Cape Cod is on its quest for the New England title ...
  • Strange, Sad Animal Tales
    posted on August 02, 2009 12:46:07 pm
    ... to make of this, but it has been an odd and disturbing year for animal stories in Connecticut. Early in the year, a Stamford woman was nearly killed by a "pet" chimpanzee. Last month, a raid in Harwinton netted 357 fighting cocks, apparently the ...
  • Royer part of monster PSU class
    posted on August 02, 2009 12:31:30 pm
    ... this week. Visits are also expected from four-star WR Kenny Stills of California, and four-star LB Khairi Fortt of Stamford, Conn. Fortt is a close friend of RB commit Silas Redd, also from Stamford. Still also has offers from Florida, Oklahoma and ...
  • Bar mitzvah with a twist: Family to go to Key West
    posted on August 02, 2009 09:02:04 am
    ... older daughters. "I wasn't going to make Zachary do something he didn't want to do," said Karen Cowit, who lives in Stamford, Conn. The family party heading to Key West and Cozumel in May will include the Cowits, two grandmothers and assorted ...
  • The good, the bad, the test scores
    posted on August 02, 2009 02:49:35 am
    Results of 2009 test scores that were released this week were promising, in that Stamford students' improved performance shows that educators' hard work can pay off.
  • Ex-mayoral candidate ordered to pay court $6,500 a month
    posted on August 01, 2009 11:44:49 pm
    ... court records show. Groggins continued an eviction action against Merrell until Sept. 10 because he wants to give a Stamford judge time to decide if he will grant Merrell an injunction to stop the new owner from taking possession of the property, ...
  • Connecticut Public Broadcasting Network
    posted on August 01, 2009 02:20:55 pm
    ... - THE JIMMY BUFFETT TRIBUTE -"Cheeseburger in Paradise" Family & Friends BBQ at Ponus Yacht Club 41 Bateman Way, Stamford CT. Tickets are $28.00 for adults, kids 12 & under free. Cash bar, (soft drinks, juices included for 12 & under). Join us for ...
  • Ooh la la! Sasson offers yesterday's prices to mark 30 years
    posted on August 01, 2009 10:20:57 am
    ... children, from left, David, Craig and Lauren, stand in the salon June 28 during the 30th anniversary celebration. Stamford hair stylist Guy Sasson is cutting more than hair these days as he celebrates 30 years in business. In July, the owner of Guy ...
  • Eyes On The Governor's Chair
    posted on August 01, 2009 09:04:34 am
    ... development and growth - in short, he's a good lawmaker. But in a potential Democratic field that already includes Stamford Mayor Dannel Malloy, Secretary of the State Susan Bysiewicz and former state House Speaker James Amann, all better known than ...
  • Rowdy New Britain end's Norwalk Post 12's season
    posted on August 01, 2009 05:03:49 am
    ... only had to win one play-in game and after accomplishing that, it finished third in the state. "We needed to beat Stamford in the regular season and we would have finished second," said Brueski. "It's easier to win one game than two games." Post 12 ...
  • Financial publisher Asset International to buy Strategic Insight
    posted on July 31, 2009 11:42:00 pm
    Asset International Inc., a Stamford, Conn.-based publisher and information provider, has agreed to acquire Strategic Insight Mutual Fund and Consulting Research LLC of New York for an undisclosed sum.
  • 00pm
    posted on May 01, 2009 03:00:00 pm
    ... of weather and traffic and Jerry Doyle is coming up next." " He's not 1400 WSTC. Now at the Italians setter of Stamford. Doctor frank Defazio orthopedic surgeon Stanford hospital." " In orthopedics and we're certainly on the leading edge of ...
  • Analysis: Tiny impact on gas demand
    posted on August 01, 2009 01:20:01 am
    ... program as it is right now is big enough to have an impact," said Gene McGillian, analyst at Tradition Energy in Stamford, Connecticut. The U.S. Energy Information Administration, the statistical wing of the Department of Energy, said it is not ...
  • The Closer: The latest real estate news and gossip
    posted on July 31, 2009 11:37:53 pm
    ... are in trouble." Go to www.bondnewyork.com for info. Looking for a house on the water? There's a great deal in Stamford, Conn. Prudential CT Realty agent Steve Anastos has the exclusive listing on a 2,240- square-foot 1968 Colonial with its own ...
  • Flash flood watch posted for Fairfield County
    posted on July 31, 2009 09:35:27 pm
    ... effect through Saturday morning. High tide today will occur at 8:06 p.m. in Bridgeport harbor, and at 8:10 p.m. in Stamford and Greenwich harbors. Sunset today will occur at 8:10 p.m. There will be 14 hours and 23 minutes of sunlight today. Moonrise ...
  • TW chief heads upstairs
    posted on July 31, 2009 09:30:49 pm
    ... to executive vice president of the cable provider. O'Connell will be based at Time Warner's headquarters in Stamford, Conn., and will oversee seven cable divisions in upstate New York, Maine and Texas. "It's a tremendous opportunity," O'Connell ...
  • UConn program helps troubled gardeners
    posted on July 31, 2009 09:18:27 pm
    ... at the Bartlett Arboretum. (Kathleen O'Rourke/Staff photo) Earlier this month, in the library-cum-laboratory of Stamford's Bartlett Arboretum and Gardens, a team from the University of Connecticut's Master Gardener Program pored over a jumble of ...
  • Welsh leads Summer Lady Trojans to 48-45 victory over Stamford
    posted on July 31, 2009 08:20:16 pm
    When the Weston High girls basketball team shows up, it finds a way to win. Weston raised its record to 3-5 in the Darien YMCA summer league with a 48-45 victory over Stamford High Tuesday but of its five losses, three were by forfeit because it didn't have enough players.
  • They're wild, not pets
    posted on July 31, 2009 06:22:14 pm
    ... as babies, they can be aggressive, even violent, as adults. Witness Travis, the chimp that attacked a friend of its Stamford, Conn., owner, nearly ripping off her face before police shot the animal to death. Some animal species can be domesticated ...
  • Under the Radar: 'Boring' Silgan Is a 'Buy'
    posted on July 31, 2009 05:43:58 pm
    Stamford, Conn.-based Silgan Holdings was founded in 1987, but traces its roots to 1899 when the Carnation Co.

Monday, July 27, 2009

07/27/09 The Raw Stamford News Feed By Robo Blogger (Updated)

Comprehensive News Feed for Stamford, CT.
  • Esteemed Stamford Symphony member passes away
    posted on July 28, 2009 12:33:00 am
    Kimberly Reeves, a classical violinist and member of the Stamford Symphony, recently passed away in Evanston, Ill., with her family by her side.
  • The Fairfield County Morning News with John LaBarca
    posted on July 27, 2009 11:28:25 pm
    ... south us to look at very light -- stuck in traffic is an excuse this morning. No problems and I'll get into Norwalk Stamford Greenwich looking good -- very nice to -- a decent trip around seven acquired one out of New Canaan. Plus sport that's -- C ...
  • Rescued animals displayed at Kimball Farm
    posted on July 27, 2009 09:54:58 pm
    ... arms off and beat you with it," he said. This year, a 200-pound chimp named Travis mauled a 55-year-old woman in Stamford, Conn. The 14-year-old chimp was shot dead by responding police officers. Travis' owner, Sandra Herold, says she raised him ...
  • Sticky day on tap as heat, humidity ramp up
    posted on July 27, 2009 09:38:56 pm
    ... chance of a thunderstorm will increase toward evening. High tide in Bridgeport Harbor will be at 4:22 p.m., and in Stamford and Greenwich harbors, high tide will be at 4:26 p.m. The sun will set at about 8:14 p.m., and sunrise tomorrow will be at ...
  • Kuwaiti charged with fraud in US kills himself
    posted on July 27, 2009 09:14:31 pm
    ... reported on the Internet the following day stated that a Middle Eastern investment group made an offer to acquire Stamford, Connecticut-based electronic systems maker Harman International Industries Inc. Harman was forced to issue a statement last ...
  • Global Infrastructure Partners Announces Strategic Natural Gas...
    posted on July 27, 2009 07:53:51 pm
    ... and waste management. GIP has offices in New York, London, Hong Kong and Sydney and Operational Headquarters in Stamford, Connecticut. SOURCE Global Infrastructure Partners * Automotive * Transportation * Accounting * Insurance * Chemical * ...
  • GuestCentric Systems: GuestCentric E-Commerce Optimization Selected for Travel Innovation Summit 2009
    posted on July 27, 2009 07:00:00 pm
    ... significantly impact how travelers research, plan, purchase, organize and memorialize their trips. Headquartered in Stamford, CT with offices in UK and Portugal, GuestCentric Systems ( http://www.guestcentric.com ) is a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) ...
  • Algebra courses revamped for fall
    posted on July 27, 2009 12:14:10 pm
    To address high failure rates in high school algebra courses, Stamford public schools will include in next year's classes new instructional strategies and more focus on the basics and areas where students have struggled.
  • Hazem al-Braikan, Kuwaiti Charged With Fraud In The US, Kills Himself
    posted on July 27, 2009 06:17:08 am
    ... reported on the Internet the following day stated that a Middle Eastern investment group made an offer to acquire Stamford, Connecticut-based electronic systems maker Harman International Industries Inc. Harman was forced to issue a statement last ...
  • Penance Set For Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2
    posted on July 27, 2009 03:02:14 am
    ... from a few years back, Penance believes himself responsible for the tragic deaths of several hundred people in Stamford, Connecticut. At the time of the incident, which launches the Civil War storyline, he's known as Speedball. By the end of Civil ...
  • U.S. crude settles at US$65.40
    posted on July 22, 2009 03:00:00 pm
    ... down by 2%, we still saw a build in distillates and gasoline," said Gene McGillian, analyst for Tradition Energy in Stamford, Connecticut. U.S. crude oil stocks fell by 1.8 million barrels, below analyst expectations for a 2.1 million barrel draw ...
  • CT's First Exotic Animal Amnesty Day A Success
    posted on July 26, 2009 09:50:20 pm
    ... animals in Connecticut. The issue came to the forefront after a 200-pound pet chimpanzee viciously attacked a Stamford woman in February. 135 animals in all were turned over to authorities. They included 15 boa constrictors, 15 pythons, seven ...
  • Owners Allowed To Drop Off Exotic Pets, No Questions Asked
    posted on July 26, 2009 07:17:32 pm
    ... in 136 creatures - no questions asked. The event comes five months after a privately owned chimpanzee mauled a Stamford woman. "I think it's just the tip of the iceberg out there," zoo vice president Don Goff said after a media herd toured a zoo ...
  • BlackRock stakes reputation on its growing girth
    posted on July 26, 2009 03:42:13 pm
    ... to hire fewer managers with broader capabilities, said Dev Clifford, a consultant with Greenwich Associates, a Stamford, Conn.-based consultant to money managers. Still, while Greenwich's surveys consistently show institutional investors talking ...
  • State's Lawyers Keeping An Eye On Trial
    posted on July 26, 2009 01:25:38 pm
    ... this week to see how their friends are doing so far. Mel Bloomenthal, a civil litigator with a solo practice in Stamford, spent a few hours Wednesday watching the testimony of former Greenwich police officers after driving to Norwalk to file papers ...
  • Reports of child abuse dip in summer, but abuse doesn't, experts say
    posted on July 26, 2009 11:24:34 am
    ... mandatory reporters, such as teachers and social workers, said Ken Mysogland, the director for the state DCF in the Stamford-Norwalk area, which includes Greenwich. Schools are the top reporters of abuse. "Schools see children for more waking hours ...
  • de Young Museum to Open New Permanent Exhibition of Eskimo and Inuit Art
    posted on July 26, 2009 10:18:30 am
    ... tourist trade. Today, the practice of creating art for sale continues. Thomas G. Fowler Thomas G. Fowler, from Stamford, Connecticut, was more than an avid collector; he was an artist, designer, illustrator, outdoorsman, and traveler. He had a ...
  • Economic optimism pushes oil higher
    posted on July 26, 2009 07:21:11 am
    ... of economic optimism from the greater financial markets,' said Gene McGillian, Analyst for Tradition Energy in Stamford, Connecticut. 'I think the strength of the rally is derived mainly from the idea that as we enter the end of this year and early ...
  • Four seek lead prosecutor post
    posted on July 26, 2009 05:08:44 am
    ... his retirement last month. In response to a Freedom of Information request for information about the candidates, Stamford State's Attorney David Cohen allowed The Advocate to examine the resumes, letters of recommendation and job application letters ...
  • Connecticut Holds First Exotic Animal Amnesty Day
    posted on July 26, 2009 04:36:07 am
    Five months after a privately owned chimpanzee escaped his home and mauled a Stamford woman, Connecticut officials are giving owners of exotic pets a day of amnesty to turn in the illegally-owned animals at the Bridgeport Zoo.

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