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Saturday, December 12, 2009

12/12/09 Linda McMahon Is Gaining Momentum

Linda McMahon For Senate

Dear Brian,

Linda's upstart campaign to end business as usual in Washington and put people back to work is gaining momentum, and it is being fueled equally by growing support among Connecticut voters and impressive reviews by state and national political analysts.

Ten days after announcing 22 first-round endorsements, Linda today released a second round. We are thrilled to announce the support of four Greenwich Republican leaders:

  • Peter Tesei, Greenwich First Selectman
  • Tod Laudonia, Greenwich Tax Collector
  • Dave Theis, Greenwich Board of Selectmen
  • Peter Crumbine, Former Greenwich Selectman

As GOP leaders and activists across Connecticut continue to gravitate toward Linda, her growing momentum is reflected in public polling. The latest Rasmussen Reports Poll shows Linda has increased her lead over Chris Dodd, and now leads him 44% to 38%.

Linda's momentum is being noticed by national media. FOX News' Sean Hannity this week remarked on his show: "She's outpolling Dodd." Pollster Frank Luntz responded, "She's going to do a smackdown" on Dodd.

Respected publications in Washington D.C., this week made clear her campaign is the one to watch. "She's got the right stuff," reports National Journal adding that "the first-time candidate is getting good reviews." The Hill reports that Linda "is quickly becoming the frontrunner in Connecticut's GOP Senate primary." And despite Rob Simmons's non-stop, shameless, negative attacks on Linda, respected Washington Post analyst Chris Cillizza believes Linda will be "hard to caricature."

Meantime, there are signs that Rob Simmons' vote-getting effort to redefine himself as a conservative may be floundering. Columnist Amanda Carpenter this week let the cat out of the bag regarding one of the worst-kept secrets among conservatives both in Connecticut and nationally: Simmons isn't who he claims to be.

In a blurb titled, "Tea Party poser?" Carpenter writes in The Washington Times: "...past positions may come back to haunt Rob Simmons in the Republican primary against Linda McMahon. Mr. Simmons has modeled himself as a movement conservative, even brandishing tea bags and a copy of his pocket Constitution during stump speeches, but his voting record as a member of Congress will give the 'tea party' crowd pause."

Carpenter goes on: "As a member of Congress, Mr. Simmons was a co-sponsor of the House's 'cap and trade' bill and the Employee Free Choice Act, called 'card check' by its opponents. These two pieces of legislation are vehemently opposed by the free-marketers who drive the tea party movement."

Today, as national news outlets report Congress is set to increase the federal debt limit by an astonishing $1.8 trillion, many fiscal conservatives are no doubt troubled to learn that Rob Simmons twice voted to raise the federal debt ceiling -- once by $450 billion and once by $800 billion.

Linda's consistent and principled opposition to job-killing initiatives like Card Check and federal debt increases is bringing into focus the clear contrast between her and her opponents.

Thank you for your support of Linda. With your help, we can and will change the direction of Washington and put Connecticut back to work.

Ed Patru
Communications Director
Linda For Senate 2010

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Linda McMahon for Senate 2010
PO Box 271386 West Hartford, CT 06127
Telephone: 860-244-2010

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