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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

06/29/10 The Raw Stamford News Feed:

The Latest News Reports About Stamford
Candidates present views on finances
New Haven Register
By Mary E. O'Leary, Register Topics Editor
STAMFORD — R. Nelson "Oz" Griebel thinks holding the legislature to a regular session every other year and not ...
Stamford's Ballo wins second straight MGA Ike championship
Stamford Advocate
Stamford's Mike Ballo with his trophy after winning the 55th Ike Metropolitan Golf Association Stroke Play Championship for the second year in a row at ...
Stamford schools struggle to get testing down to a science
Stamford Advocate
STAMFORD -- During finals, Westhill High School students in three science courses received 15 extra minutes on their exams, throwing a wrench into the ...
Angela Carella: Tornadoes tend to miss Stamford
Stamford Advocate
Stamford's southwestern corner of Connecticut, tornadoes are even more rare -- information from the National Climatic Data Center shows most have ...
Craig Ferguson: CBS talker doing stand-up in Stamford
Danbury News Times
The Palace Theatre is at 61 Atlantic St.,
Stamford. Wed 8 pm $38-$98. 203-325-4466, www.stamfordcenterforthearts.org.
Traffic sets tone for Gateway hearing in Stamford
Stamford Advocate
STAMFORD -- The fate of Gateway, a controversial office and housing development near the train station, appears to be hinging on whether the developer can, ...
Pops in the Park: Neil Sedaka kicks off Stamford series
Ct Post
The chart-topping singer/songwriter Neil Sedaka will perform in
Stamford July 7 to kick off the Pops in the Park series at Columbus Park. ...
Downed power lines ignite brush fire in North Stamford
Stamford Advocate
STAMFORD -- Firefighters on Tuesday doused a large brush fire in North Stamford caused by downed power lines, city fire officials said. ...
Connecticut State Treasurer Awards Stamford CHET Dream Big! Winner
Hartford Courant
Stamford's Salome Alfaro, a second grade student at Toquam School, was awarded a $50 Merit prize for her drawing entry. Salome dreams of becoming an art ...
Montelli, Clinkscales, Pape earn call to Fairfield County Hall of Fame
Ct Post
Fairfield County Sports Hall of Fame for 2010 inductee Vito Montelli during the ceremony at the UCONN
Stamford building June 29, 2010. ...

Stamford In The Blogosphere:

The Best of Times Online: Smiler in Stamford . . .
By Debra Emery
Each year
Stamford Downtown hosts a distinguished outdoor sculpture exhibit designed to attract local and regional audiences. This year 40 oversized, originally designed and painted fiberglass cats and dogs will be on display on the streets and ... Stamford Downtown Special Services District Five Landmark Square, Suite 110. Stamford, CT 06901. Telephone: (203) 348-5285 email:dssd@stamford-downtown.com website:www.stamford-downtown.com. Posted by Debra Emery at 10:34 PM ...
The Best of Times Online - http://thebestoftimesonline.blogspot.com/
Budden in Training: Stamford KIC IT Triathlon
By Chris
Stamford KIC IT Triathlon. Here is what I liked about this race: Raised over $140K for Kids in Crisis charity... very impresive. Fastest bike split of the day was done by a 37 year old mom... amazing. This cool Black and White photo ...
Budden in Training - http://buddenintraining.blogspot.com/
Radical Normality: Stamford, CT or NOW That's What I Call the 90's!
By Free Radical
Stamford, CT or NOW That's What I Call the 90's! In honor of the Gin Blossoms and Soul Asylum playing at Stamford's Alive@5 concert series last week (which I wouldn't have been caught fatally wounded at). ...
Radical Normality - http://radicalnormality.blogspot.com/
Multimedia/Interactive Designer for E-Learning (Stamford, CT ...
By admin
Join the in-house media department at a publicly-traded billion dollar research corporation in
Stamford, CT. Responsibilities: You'll be respons.
New York - http://www.find-jobs-in-new-york.com/

A Recently Updated Web Page About Stamford
Contemporary Art in Stamford - Home and Garden - HG - Features 2010
The exhibit is currently happening at the Fernando Luis Gallery in
Stamford, CT until Saturday, July 17. Fernando Luis Alvarez, Ross Mich Invasion, 2009 ...

Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to StamfordRoundup@gmail.com

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

06/23/10 Conservative Latino Adds Spice To Congressional Race Against Jim Himes




If you like your politics conservative, fiscally and socially, Rick Torres fits both.

Rick is a passionate pol who stirs passionate responses. He has qualified for the ballot to challenge GOP-endorsed State Senator Dan Debicella, a Bridgeport native, in an August primary the winner to face Fourth District Democratic Congressman Jim Himes. Rob Merkle, of Norwalk, founder of an executive search firm in Westport, has also qualified for the August primary. Merkle is a favorite of some Tea Party types, such as it is in Fairfield County. So who’s Rick Torres?

(See a snapshot of his bio below.) Torres lives in Black Rock and operates Harborview Market, a popular neighborhood gathering spot. Rick toiled in Bridgeport Democratic politics for a while as an outsider. He was so outside as an establishment fighter that it was better to become a Republican. In 2003 he almost became mayor, losing the general election to John Fabrizi who had become chief executive following Joe Ganim’s resignation following his conviction on corruption charges.

The early fall of 2003 was dicey for Democrats. The electorate was angry, Fabrizi had served as city council president while Ganim was mayor, Mario Testa was party leader. Fabrizi survived a tough primary against Caruso and others. As the general election closed in Republican and Democratic polls showed the race was even. That’s not good for Dems who enjoy a major registration advantage. Testa decided it would be good to resign to take heat off Fabrizi. The editorial board of the Connecticut Post did not believe Rick had the right temperament to be mayor. A statement Rick made about the minority community lifting themselves up was interpreted as insensitive. Fabrizi won the election.

Rick did not go away, nor did his controversial swagger. In the summer of 2007 Rick, as the local GOP chair, endorsed Democratic State Rep. Chris Caruso, the mayoral primary challenger to party-endorsed Bill Finch, arguing the best way to cleanse the city’s Democratic political system was to get behind the guy who’d powerwash it into the Pequonnock River. Local Republicans threw a fit over Rick endorsing a Dem and removed Torres as party leader.

When challengers emerged this year to take on Himes, former State Senator Rob Russo had the majority of the Bridgeport GOP support. Undeterred, Torres jumped in as well claiming the throne of conservatism. Russo’s campaign never took flight, Debicella’s fundraising efforts and district-wide campaigning propelled him to the party endorsement. Taking out Debicella is a tall task. He has money and organizational support. But he must safeguard his money for the general election. Torres has a history of whistling to his own tune. He won’t go away quietly. He has been endorsed by economic guru Peter Schiff who’s trying to slay GOP-endorsed Linda McMahon for the right to challenge Dick Blumenthal in November.

From Rick Torres:

Rick Torres, who is running for the Republican nomination in Connecticut’s 4th District, the seat currently held by Jim Himes, has issued the following statement on the Secretary of State’s announcement regarding ballot qualifiers today. Torres is excited to have his ideas aired alongside those of fellow Republicans Robert Merkle and Dan Dibecella.

“This is going to be an exciting race and, I believe, a definitive race for the nation. The voters of Connecticut’s Fourth have clear choices between a candidate who has as his base, the Republican establishment and a candidate who has the support of some of the louder voices in the Tea Party movement. In me they have a third choice: a candidate who derives his support from regular folks across the District who just simply want to be left alone to raise their families and run their businesses.

“I have struggled and fought from the time that my family fled Cuba and have risen from the oppression of the public housing system to have my name on a ballot for United States Congress. It is really quite an honor and I am happy that the voters had the faith in me to sign my nomination papers.

“It is an interesting year to be in a race. So many want to hold on to their power and others are just swinging wildly because they are angry. We need a reasoned dialogue with the people because it is their lives and their freedoms that are at stake here. Insiders must put aside their allegiances and some in the debate must tone down their anger. We need to come up with real solutions to restore our nation to her place as a shining light for democracy around the globe.”

Torres, who was born in Bridgeport, moved back to his family’s native Cuba when he was a young boy. It took his father five years after Fidel Castro came to power to secure permission to return to America’s shores. In 1967, Rick and his brother were brought back to Bridgeport—with not much more than the clothes on their backs. The family lived across from the PT Barnum Public Housing Project and Torres worked his way through college in a series of construction trades jobs. He eventually studied for a PhD in microbiology but, like many folks, had to quit graduate school in order to support his young family.

Torres and Michelle, his wife of 27 years, started a series of small businesses, working double shifts for years. Eventually, they bought Harborview Market: a once thriving neighborhood store which had fallen on desperate times. Harborview is once again a successful business and was the site of today’s press conference.

In 2003, Rick ran for Mayor of Bridgeport on the Republican Ticket. Prior to his Mayoral run, Rick took an active role in a number of neighborhood and community organizations, and ran for several local government offices. Rick and Michele have five children: John, Alex, Michael, Kaitlyn, and Gabbi. They live in Bridgeport.

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06/23/10 The Raw Stamford News Feed:

The Latest News Reports About Stamford

Stamford teen accused of Darien home invasion linked to car-theft ring
Stamford Advocate
STAMFORD -- A city teenager arrested on charges of breaking into a Darien home with friends last winter and assaulting a man faces more felony criminal ...
Malloy and Lamont: On message
The Connecticut Mirror
Malloy is the dyslexic child who grew up to become mayor of
Stamford, coping with all the issues facing the next governor. Lamont is the businessman, ...
Stamford, We Have a Problem
TPM (blog)
Widow of late wrestler Owen Hart sues WWE, now-senate candidate Linda McMahon and her husband Vince. The claim is that the WWE used images of Hart in videos
After 40 years of building bridges to Stamford High School, Intrieri retires
Stamford Advocate
The school's spokesman is retiring after 40 years in
Stamford, Conn. ...
Angelica Salem stages gala fundraiser at Stamford Palace
Danbury News Times
Angelica Salem has aspirations to take her talents far and wide, but for now, she is concentrating on an upcoming show in her hometown of
Stamford. ...
Stamford title insurance firm sees an online future
Danbury News Times
The crash in home construction and house sales has slowed economic expansion, but despite the downturn a
Stamford-based title insurance company is ...
Graduation more precious for those who thought they couldn't
Stamford Advocate
Mike Meyer, Director of Student Support welcomes the audience, and talks about setting a roadmap for yourself in life during the
Stamford Public Schools ...
Bridgeport men face more charges for crime spree
Ct Post
STAMFORD -- Two Bridgeport men charged in a multi-town robbery spree were arraigned on new charges Tuesday after Stamford police said they burglarized a ...
Public hearing on Stamford streetcar study
Stamford Advocate
STAMFORD -- The concept of a trolley car system carrying passengers from the South End through downtown along Atlantic and Bedford streets could be further ...
3rd Annual Music Bee tests knowledge of Stamford Boys & Girls Club members
By High Ridge Park Corporate Center Members of the Boys & Girls Club of
Stamford recently tested their music knowledge at the third annual Music Bee. ...

Stamford In The Blogoshere

Why didn't Rell meet with Stamford Democrats over parking garage ...
By Brian Lockhart
M. Jodi Rell's veto of a transportation bill that prevents her administration from moving forward with a $35 million plan to build a new commuter parking garage a block and change from the
Stamford train station. ...
Political Capitol - http://blog.ctnews.com/politicalcapitol/
Limousine Stamford CT – Why Do You Need To Hire Limousine Stamford ...
By adela
To make it worth the time, money and effort you need to have certain information that will help you to choose the best limo service in town and that is very much important as it can or cannot make your day, Limousine
Stamford, CT. ...
tiffany ring on sale - http://adela.boseviews.com/
Wrestler's widow suing Stamford-based WWE and its leaders ...
By Staff
STAMFORD By SUSAN HAIGH Associated Press The widow of a World Wrestling Entertainment performer who died in a 1999 stunt says she's suing the Connecticut-based company and its leaders, including Republican U.S. Senate candidate Linda ...
The Hour Headlines - http://www.thehour.com/
Stamford, We Have a Problem | Liberal Whoppers
By Blog Feed
Something malfunctioned and he fell 78 feet to his death. Owen Hart – Linda McMahon – World Wrestling Entertainment – Vince McMahon – Martha Hart. Read more from the original source:
Stamford, We Have a Problem ...
Liberal Whoppers - http://www.liberalwhoppers.com/

Recently Updated Web Pages About Stamford

Stamford Hospital | Press Releases
Dr. Harvey L. Hecht Receives
Stamford Hospital's Physician Recognition Award ... Stamford Hospital, 30 Shelburne Road, Stamford CT, 06904 | (203) 276-1000 ...
Stamford CT
Tourette Syndrome and Other Tic Disorders
Stamford CT · Autism Stamford CT · Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Stamford CT ...

Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com

Monday, June 21, 2010

06/21/10 MEDIA ALERT: Rick Torres Press Release On Ballot Qualification

For Immediate Release

Torres for Congress: 203-923-1321

June 21, 2010

Contact: Victoria Smith



Rick Torres, who is running for the Republican nomination in Connecticut's 4th District, the seat currently held by Jim Himes, has issued the following statement on the Secretary of State's announcement regarding ballot qualifiers today. Torres is excited to have his ideas aired alongside those of fellow Republicans Robert Merkle and Dan Dibecella.

"This is going to be an exciting race and, I believe, a definitive race for the nation. The voters of Connecticut's Fourth have clear choices between a candidate who has as his base, the Republican establishment and a candidate who has the support of some of the louder voices in the Tea Party movement. In me they have a third choice: a candidate who derives his support from regular folks across the District who just simply want to be left alone to raise their families and run their businesses."

"I have struggled and fought from the time that my family fled Cuba and have risen from the oppression of the public housing system to have my name on a ballot for United States Congress. It is really quite an honor and I am happy that the voters had the faith in me to sign my nomination papers"

"It is an interesting year to be in a race. So many want to hold on to their power and others are just swinging wildly because they are angry. We need a reasoned dialogue with the people because it is their lives and their freedoms that are at stake here. Insiders must put aside their allegiances and some in the debate must tone down their anger. We need to come up with real solutions to restore our nation to her place as a shining light for democracy around the globe."

Torres, who was born in Bridgeport, moved back to his family's native Cuba when he was a young boy. It took his father five years after Fidel Castro came to power to secure permission to return to America's shores. In 1967, Rick and his brother were brought back to Bridgeport—with not much more than the clothes on their backs. The family lived across from the PT Barnum Public Housing Project and Torres worked his way through college in a series of construction trades jobs. He eventually studied for a PhD in microbiology but, like many folks, had to quit graduate school in order to support his young family.

Torres and Michelle, his wife of 27 years, started a series of small businesses, working double shifts for years. Eventually, they bought Harborview Market: a once thriving neighborhood store which had fallen on desperate times. Harborview is once again a successful business and was the site of today's press conference.

In 2003, Rick ran for Mayor of Bridgeport on the Republican Ticket. Prior to his Mayoral run, Rick took an active role in a number of neighborhood and community organizations, and ran for several local government offices. Rick and Michele have five children: John, Alex, Michael, Kaitlyn, and Gabbi. They live in Bridgeport.


Please send us your comments, news tips and press releases

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

06/15/10 The Latest News About Congressman Jim Himes Opponent Dan Debicella


More problems found with Herrmann's primary petitions
Ct Post
Dan Debicella of Shelton. Norwalk Republican Registrar Karen Lyons said a second voter -- Susan Effren -- has sent her an affidavit stating she did not sign ...


New Canaan Roundup: 06/15/10 Dan Debicella: Greenwich Resident And ...
By New Canaan Roundup
Dan Debicella: Greenwich Resident And CT Congressman Jim Himes Soft On Supporting Israel - Dear friends, Recent reporting in the *Jewish Ledger* on June 9th indicates just how unwilling Jim Himes is to take a strong position in ...
New Canaan Roundup - http://newcanaanroundup.blogspot.com/
Cos Cob Roundup: 06/15/10 Dan Debicella: Greenwich Resident And ...
By Cos Cob Roundup
DAN DEBICELLA (R) "The United States needs to back Israel as it tries to secure its borders against terrorist groups like Hamas. They have a right to stop ships to ensure no weapons are being moved into the Gaza Strip. ...
Cos Cob Roundup - http://coscobroundup.blogspot.com/
Glenn Beck…Prophet?
By admin
... people in dynamic ways, to step up and throw the bums out. It's time for people like Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) and Rob Merkle. It's time for Jim Himes and Dan Debicella to let real leaders and real ideas take over in Washington. ...
Vote Merkle: Rob Merkle for Congress - http://www.votemerkle.com/
Greenwich Roundup: 08/12/09 Dan Debicella Announces Run for 08/12 ...
By Greenwich Roundup
Dan Debicella Announces Run for 08/12/09Greenwich Resident Jim Himes Congressional Seat. State Senator Dan Debicella (R-Shelton) today announced he has formed a committee to run for Congress in 2010 in Connecticut's Fourth ...
Greenwich Roundup - http://greenwichroundup.blogspot.com/


Dan Debicella: Greenwich Resident Jim Himes Soft On Supporting ...
DAN DEBICELLA (R). "The United States needs to back Israel as it tries to secure its ... http://greenwichroundup.blogspot.com/2010/06/061510-dan-debicella- ...
Bridgeport Roundup: 06/15/10 Dan Debicella: Greenwich Resident And ...
Dan Debicella: Greenwich Resident And Comgressman Jim Himes Soft On Supporting Israel - Dear friends, Recent reporting in the *Jewish Ledger* on ...
Danbury Roundup: 06/15/10 NATIONAL AND STATE POLITICS - Dan ...
DAN DEBICELLA (R) "The United States needs to back Israel as it tries to ..... 06/15/10 Dan Debicella: Greenwich Resident And CT Congressman Jim Himes Soft ...
Heading toward the middle - Fairfield - Minuteman News Center
It's the goal of State Senator
Dan Debicella, the Republican running against Himes, to show voters that Himes isn't a moderate after all, but a committed ...
Primary Grease, Coulter Eye-Gouges McMahon, And Hennessy's Proof ...
GOP-endorsed Shelton State Senator
Dan Debicella, a Bridgeport native, faces a multi-field primary that includes former GOP Town Chair . ...
More problems found with Herrmann's primary petitions ...
Dan Debicella of Shelton. Norwalk Republican Registrar Karen Lyons said a second voter -- Susan Effren -- has sent her an affidavit stating she did not sign ...

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