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Saturday, November 30, 2013

CTBestApts Partners with SureDeposit to Offer Alternative Security Deposit Options

Nov. 30, 2013 - STAMFORD, Conn. -- In an effort to offer renters more cost-effective options, CTBestApts is pleased to announce that it has partnered with SureDeposit.


Julie Jason: The individual investor's best friend

... Personal Portfolio Management in Good Times and Bad," is principal of Jackson, Grant Investment Advisers, Inc. of Stamford. Please e-mail her with questions at readers@juliejason.com or write to her c/o The Advocate, 9A Riverbend Drive South, Box ...


New Appointments in Bank of America Business Capital

... He previously was a senior business development officer at Wells Fargo , where he spent the last 17 years. Based in Stamford, CT , Mcllroy reports to Joe Powers , business development manager for the BABC East Region . Bank of America Business ...


New Canaan Post Office likely moving into a trailer

... of Pine and Park streets for more than 50 years. Residents have wondered if they would have to start going to Stamford for their postal service needs. But Joe Mulvey , the real estate specialist for the postal service, has said the post office would ...


Video: Balloons Grounded for UBS Parade Spectacular

Stamford's UBS Parade Spectacular kicked off Sunday, but without the main attraction.


Quad Chamber Expo offers opportunity for exhibitors

Jerome Liamzon, representing Rodizio Grill of Stamford, points accross the street to their restaurant location while handing out samples of the restaurant's food during the Quad Chamber of Commerce Expo at Stamford UConn in Stamford, Conn., on Thursday, Nov. 21, 2013.


Gone to the Dogs: Mia Has Her 'Muttigree.' 2nd Pet Store Task Force Hearing Set for Wednesday

... OPIN foster home waiting for her permanent home. To meet Mia, please contact OPIN, the nonprofit that supports the Stamford Animal Shelter, at: (203) 348-4397, email: outreach@opinpets.org or, fill out an online application at: opinpets.org. See all ...


Cyber Monday like never before with DiscountShop.com

... can be contacted on Email - shop@discountshop.com Or via Phone: +1 212 2030519 Or via snail mail on PO Box 8089, Stamford CT 06905-8089, USA. Disclaimer: Issuers of the press releases are solely responsible for the content of their press releases. ...


Black Friday at DiscountShop.com

... can be contacted on Email - shop@discountshop.com Or via Phone: +1 212 2030519 Or via snail mail on PO Box 8089, Stamford CT 06905-8089, USA. The company's website is www.discountshop.com Disclaimer: Issuers of the press releases are solely ...


Stamford's Palace Theater gets new artistic director

Nov. 30--STAMFORD -- A theater geek growing up, B.T. McNicholl remembers how exciting it was to see Broadway shows so close to home.


Greenwich Ballet Students Cast in 'The Nutcracker'

Connecticut Ballet's production of The Nutcracker at Stamford Center for the Arts returns Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 14-15 and 21-22 in downtown Stamford.


Stamford's Avon Theatre Offers Free Screening Of 'Elf'

The Avon Theatre in Stamford will host a free screening of "Elf" on Saturday, Dec. 7 at 10:30 a.m. "Elf" stars Will Ferrell as Buddy, a grown man who thinks he's one of Santa's elves.


Open Houses In Stamford This Weekend

The Junior League of Stamford-Norwalk will host its annual Winterfair on Saturday, Dec. 7, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Darien Community Association.


Stamford-Norwalk Junior League Hosts Winterfair Gift Market In Darien

The Junior League of Stamford-Norwalk will host its annual Winterfair on Saturday, Dec. 7, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Darien Community Association.


Friday, November 29, 2013

Pamela Marsh Heinzer, Longtime Stamford Resident

... Pittsfield, Mass., and the Nightingale-Bamford school in New York City. She grew up in New York City, and lived in Stamford for more than 60 years. She was a member of the Roxbury Community Association and the Roxbury Horseman's Association. Heinzer ...


Video: Pavia: I'm Honored to Have Served

... Serving the city where he grew up, where his children and grandchildren live, Pavia says it was his goal to make Stamford a safe place. Out of that came the Mayor's Youth Employment Summer Program -- which gives Stamford High School students the ...


Trending: When We Live On Our Own

... number of people who live by themselves. Photo: Tyler Sizemore Erin McGee talks about living by herself in her Stamford, Conn. apartment on Monday November 11, 2013. Photo: Dru Nadler Erin McGee talks about living by herself in her Stamford, Conn. ...


Three Generations of Dysfunction Make for Good Reading

Nov. 29, 2013 - STAMFORD, Conn. -- They arrived in America with a Polish name they were told was unpronounceable and a sure handicap for their school aged son.


SHU community provides Thanksgiving meals for neighbors

... Bridgeport. From left are Kimberly Rooney of Hauppauge, NY, Cory Rivera of Falmouth, MA, and Marisa Carpanzano of Stamford, CT. Photo by Tracy Deer-Mirek FAIRFIELD, CT - Sacred Heart University's Office of Volunteer Programs and Service Learning ...


This 90-Year-Old Grandmother Charmed The Reddit Community With Her Post-Thanksgiving AMA

I was born in May 1, 1923. I was born in Stamford, CT. I lived through the Great Depression, 14 presidents, a moon landing and much more.


Stamford's Harbor boat parade surges into its 8th year

Decorated boats make their way to Stamford Landing in Stamford, Conn., from Czesick Marina, as part of the annual boat parade on in 2012.


Rockville Centre trader sentenced to jail

... purchases of stock in Apple Inc. while employed as an institutional sales trader for Rochdale Securities LLC of Stamford, Conn. Chatigny also ordered Miller to spend the first six months of his supervised release in home confinement, and to perform ...


Stamford's Harbor boat parade surges into its 8th year

Decorated boats make their way to Stamford Landing in Stamford, Conn., from Czesick Marina, as part of the annual boat parade on in 2012.


Stamford man charged in October incident

Paul Hedrick Jr., 24, of 171 Sylvan Knoll Road, Stamford, was arrested Nov. 24 on charges of driving while intoxicated and speeding in connection with an October incident.


TREASURIES-Prices dip in shortened post-holiday trading

... range extremes as the market approaches those levels," said John Briggs, U.S. rates strategist at RBS Securities in Stamford, Connecticut. The 30-year bond fell 14/32 in price to yield 3.837 percent on Friday, compared to 3.8120 percent late on ...


Suspect Faces Probation Violation Charge

... had obtained. Police charged Klaboe after he was taken into custody by judicial marshals at state Superior Court in Stamford, according to the report. The report did not include information on the charge or why he was in court when marshals detained ...


Police: Woman, 63, Charged on Post Rd. with 2nd DUI

... er driver's license was seized by police. White is scheduled to appear Thursday, Dec. 5, in state Superior Court in Stamford.


Stamford Holds Two Swearing-In Ceremonies For Mayor-Elect David Martin

Stamford Mayor-Elect David Martin will be honored with two swearing-in ceremonies as he becomes the city's top elected official.


Greenwich Orthodontist Writes Christmas-Themed Children's Book

STAMFORD, Conn. -- Stamford author Albert Repicci is hoping to remind parents and children of the magic behind Christmas with his new book "Sarah and the Red Scarf."


Police Need Small Bomb Squad Bots But Don't Have the Money

... team, but they had few devices they could put in a car or bag. Sargent Lou DeRubeis, the bomb squad commander in Stamford, Conn., said he understands the need to be fast in his business. "We say, get eyes and ears on something that looks suspicious ...


Thursday, November 28, 2013

Falcone Named HR Director for Stamford Schools

Not long after he resigned under fire as Superintendent of Darien Schools, Stephen Falcone of New Canaan has been named human resources director for Stamford Public Schools.


Carey's family asks feds to probe DC shooting

... for Tuesday morning, Oct. 15, 2013. (AP Photo/Advanced Periodontics, File) Photo: Uncredited, Associated Press STAMFORD -- The lawyer for the family of Miriam Carey has asked U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder to look into Carey's fatal shooting in ...


HS football Westhill at Stamford

The Westhill football team raises the Frank Robotti after defeating Stamford High, 40-0, at Westhill High School in Stamford, Conn., on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, Nov. 28, 2013.


Donation Collection Tree Created by the Y Cares Club

... and women overseas, making an edible tree garland for the Nature Center, & compiling Thanksgiving food bags for a Stamford school. The Darien Y would like to extend a special thanks to Linda Fritsch, Janice Marzano (Mrs. Clause), & Millie Miceli for ...


Cops: He Drove Intoxicated at 62 mph on Post Road

... the patrol car and then repeatedly at the Darien police station, according to police reports. So police got him to Stamford Hospital and opted to apply for a warrant for his arrest instead. The warrant was approved and on Sunday Hendricks turned ...


Stamford Police To Host Fundraiser for Sergeant Fighting Cancer

Members of the Stamford Police Department will come together to host a benefit for a 28-year department veteran who was recently diagnosed with Stage 4 lung, brain and bone cancer.


Stamford Police Reportedly Release More Info On UBS Protest Arrests

Stamford police have released more details regarding the arrests of multiple people who chained themselves to a crane at a UBS construction site, according to a Patch.com report.


Bestsellling Wally Lamb Heads For Stamford's Ferguson Library

Lamb will speak about his books at 6 p.m., Dec. 5, at the Ferguson Library, 96 Broad St. in Stamford.


Stamford Police Officers Band Together To Collect Thanksgiving Turkeys

Stamford police officers gathered and donated dozens of turkeys Monday for the Food Bank of Lower Fairfield County in Stamford.


Nicola Catino, 93; Head Tailor at Richard's of Greenwcih

... working at Richard's for more than 20 years as the head tailor, He was a member of San Manghese Social Club of Stamford for more than 40 years. Nicola went on to open and run his own men's clothing business, "Catino Custom Tailors and Clothing," in ...


State Police Seek Help Identifying Pedestrian Killed On I-95 In Stamford

State Police are asking the public for help to identify the man who was struck and killed while walking along Interstate 95 in Stamford early Saturday, Nov. 23, Lt.


Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Weathered Way: Hidden Gem on Obtuse Road

... roneck, NY. She's sold at multiple antique fairs in the area and holds a booth at the Connecticut Antique Center in Stamford.


Protesters Hold UBS Accountable for Funding Mountaintop Removal

... " UBS. Stop Funding Mountaintop Removal " off of a crane constructing the 66 Summers St building in downtown Stamford. Later in the day, two activists entered the UBS headquarters in Stamford, locking themselves to a bannister and hanging a banner ...


Elderly Stamford Woman Found Dead Near Newark Airport

An 82-year-old Stamford woman was found dead Wednesday, Nov. 27, slumped over the steering wheel of her car in Newark, N.J., according to NJ.com .


Excelsior Multi-strategy Hedge Fund of Funds, LLC Files SEC Form SC...

... The contact information for this company is US TRUST HEDGE FUND MANAGEMENT INC., 225 HIGH RIDGE ROAD, STAMFORD CT 06905, 203-352-4400. Our editors provided additional information about Form SC TO-I: Tender offer statement by Issuer. Replaces SC ...


Sheila Mara, daughter of late Giants owner, faces DWI charge in Port Chester

... "She had an accident with a taxi cab and failed to stop," police Lt. James Ladeairous said. Mara, 52, of Stamford Conn., is out on $250 bail in the incident, which took place shortly before 2 a.m. Sunday at Adee and King streets. Police were ...


Stage adaptation of classic film celebrates the spirit of the holiday

... F. Potter. It's "a surefire reminder of what this season is all about" ( Edge Magazine ). Premiering in 1996 at Stamford Center for the Arts in Stamford, Connecticut, playwright Joe Landry's "It's a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play" has since been ...


Connecticut woman, 82, found dead in Newark

... morning, after she was reported missing from Newark Liberty International Airport, officials said. Sallie Lloyd of Stamford, Conn., was discovered on Halsey Street shortly before 9:30 a.m. and pronounced dead at University Hospital in Newark a few ...


Array Of Shops At Danbury, Stamford Malls Opening On Thanksgiving

DANBURY/STAMFORD, Conn. -- Getting up in the middle of the night on the day after Thanksgiving to go shopping is a thing of the past.


Stamford's Harbor boat parade surges into its 8th year

Decorated boats make their way to Stamford Landing in Stamford, Conn., from Czesick Marina, as part of the annual boat parade on in 2012.


Weekend Planner: Turkey Trot, Advent Services, Chanukah Celebrations

... Wrapping at the First United Methodist Church Photos With Santa Sticks for Soldiers Thanksgiving Lacrosse Classic Stamford Artists Celebrate Small Business Saturday Intergenerational Community Chanukah Celebration AuthorSpeak with Elizabeth M. Wilms ...


Weekend Planner: Turkey Trot, Advent Services, Chanukah Celebrations

... Wrapping at the First United Methodist Church Photos With Santa Sticks for Soldiers Thanksgiving Lacrosse Classic Stamford Artists Celebrate Small Business Saturday Intergenerational Community Chanukah Celebration AuthorSpeak with Elizabeth M. Wilms ...


Video: Stamford Organizations Provide Thanksgiving Meals

It's season of giving. And that's what many organizations in Stamford have been doing this week, such as NEON and Inspirca, two agencies dedicated to helping those in need.


Video: Sending Baskets from Heaven

... have been making sure families in need have a complete meal on their Thanksgiving table. This year, 265 families in Stamford and Greenwich will receive their own basket. And it's all made possible through donations. "Each basket can feed up to 30 ...


Video: Balloons Grounded for UBS Parade Spectacular

Stamford's UBS Parade Spectacular kicked off Sunday, but without the main attraction.


Video: Students Help Kick Off Holiday Giving Season

... and some other community partners we are going to be providing at least 100 meals to families in the Greenwich and Stamford area," says Jennifer Flatow, Director of Community Engagement at Family Centers. The Thanksgiving baskets include ...


Mob-Con 2013 convention - Former mobsters, law enforcement and their books

... a stand-up comedy routine. Vito Collucci, Jr. shared his experiences in uncovering rampant corruption in the Stamford, Connecticut Police Department. Gary Magnesen revealed fascinating facts about investigations into Howard Hughes. Robert Allen also ...


Weekend Planner: Turkey Trot, Advent Services, Chanukah Celebrations

... Wrapping at the First United Methodist Church Photos With Santa Sticks for Soldiers Thanksgiving Lacrosse Classic Stamford Artists Celebrate Small Business Saturday Intergenerational Community Chanukah Celebration AuthorSpeak with Elizabeth M. Wilms ...


What's Open / What's Closed in New Canaan for Thanksgiving?

... at) after the parade ends." The New Canaan YMCA will close for Thanksgiving and reopen on Friday at 7:30 a.m. The Stamford YMCA will be closed for Thanksgiving Banks have the option of staying open or closed in Connecticut - in practice, all or ...


$500,000 Alliance for Cancer Gene Therapy Grant to Fund Breakthrough Brain Cancer Research

Alliance for Cancer Gene Therapy - a Stamford, CT-based non-profit devoted exclusively to treating and eradicating cancer with cell and gene therapies - has provided a $500,000 grant to combat glioblastoma, one of the most difficult types of brain cancer to treat.


Weekend Planner: Turkey Trot, Advent Services, Chanukah Celebrations

Looking for things to do this weekend in Stamford and the surrounding region? There's plenty going on including Christmas and Chanukah events, live music, holiday fairs, photos with Santa, tree and wreath sales, local fundraisers, and much more.


What's Open / What's Closed in Stamford for Thanksgiving?

If you have closing or opening information for business, organization or institution, and you want Patch readers to know about it, tell us in the comments! And here's a link to the National Weather Service's Stamford-specific weather forecast .


Anthony Dominic Mastroni, Worked For Pitney Bowes In Stamford

... and earned his license as an electrician. He was employed by Pitney Bowes and worked at its world headquarters in Stamford until his retirement in 1998. Mastroni is survived by his wife, Dolores (Oliver) Mastroni; daughter, Debra Mastroni-Kenyon ...


Help Wanted: Local Jobs

... experience. Possesses the communication, people skills and drive to advance within the firm. Sales Representative Stamford CT Diabetes Specialty, Lily, Stamford. Job ID: ELY6885BRCB, full time. Source Careerbuilder.com "The Specialty representative ...


Oxycontin Maker Submits New Painkiller Pill to FDA

... to help make the medicine less likely to be abused. Addicts often crush opioid pills to snort or inject them. The Stamford, Conn.-based company said its application is based on a 12-week study of 600 patients who have a history of using opioid pain ...


Area List-Maker Too Good For Steve Cohen

... of Pennsylvania chapter of Zeta Beta Tau . Today, on the flip side, you've got this guy: Steven a. Cohen, whose Stamford, Connecticut-based SAC Capital Advisors LP pleaded guilty on Nov. 8 to securities fraud and agreed to pay $1.8 billion to settle ...


Stamford Celebrates 101 Years Of Albanian Independence

Stamford residents of Albanian descent are invited to a flag-raising ceremony to commemorate the 101st year of the country's independence from the Ottoman Empire on Wednesday at 3:45 p.m.


Renovations Under Way At Pound Ridge Golf Club

... of the golf course." According to Wang, Pound Ridge's proximity to Wall Street and the financial community of Stamford, Greenwich and Norwalk in Connecticut leads to a high number of "business golfers" out for an efficient and enjoyable round. ...


U.S. shale oil trade goes waterborne in 2014, says Freepoint...

... oil traders, with logistical bottlenecks emerging with each expanding wave, Brison Bickerton, head of strategy for Stamford, Connecticut-based Freepoint, told the Reuters Commodity Summit this week. First came the need for oil tank trucks to ferry ...


Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Hedge-fund 'Fight Club' traded illegal tips instead of punches

... faces 20 years in prison if convicted. Steinberg's trial is providing a rare glimpse into the workings at SAC, the Stamford-based hedge fund founded and owned by billionaire Steven Cohen. Bharara has called SAC "a veritable magnet for market ...


New York Giants Owner's Daughter Charged With DWI, Leaving Accident

Port Chester Police recently charged Stamford's Sheila Mara, daughter of the late New York Giants Owner Wellington Mara, with driving under the influence after hitting a taxi cab, according to a report from Patch.


Miriam Carey's family asks feds to investigate Washington, D.C, shooting

... for Tuesday morning, Oct. 15, 2013. (AP Photo/Advanced Periodontics, File) Photo: Uncredited, Associated Press STAMFORD -- The lawyer for the family of Miriam Carey has asked U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder to look into Carey's fatal shooting in ...


Men's Wearhouse turns tables on competitor

... still would be a positive for owning Men’s Wearhouse stock,” Keith Moore, an event-driven strategist at Stamford, Conn.-based MKM Holdings, said in a phone interview. Jos. A. Bank said Tuesday in a statement that it had received the ...


Men's Warehouse offers to purchase Jos. A. Bank

... "This still would be a positive for owning Men's Wearhouse stock," Keith Moore, an event-driven strategist at Stamford, Conn.-based MKM Holdings LLC, said in a phone interview. Jos. A. Bank said Tuesday in a statement that it had received the ...


SRO on the New Haven Line With Lengthy Delays

The 6:27 p.m. express from Grand Central Terminal tonight converted to a local at Stamford and took on new passengers stranded by signal problems.


Stamford's Rosa Hartman Park Set for Improvements

Stamford's about to have one more refined gem amongst it's collection of beautiful, tucked away parks scattered throughout the city.


Darien Police Arrest Four On DUI Charges In One Week

... final arrest of the week came on a warrant stemming from an incident on Sunday, Oct. 13. Paul Hendrick Jr., 24, of Stamford was pulled over that night by an officer doing radar-controlled speed checks on Post Road, according to police reports. ...


New Canaan girls hockey team enters season with state championship to defend

New Canaan's Mia Carroll controls the puck during Saturday's girls hockey state championship game against Hall-Conard at Terry Connors Rink in Stamford, Conn., on March 2, 2013.


Funding research in search for a cure

Barbara Netter, president of the Stamford-based Alliance for Cancer Gene Therapy , stands in her late husband Ed Netter's office.


United Rentals Branches to Host Nationwide Equipment SaleDecember 12...

... the Standard & Poor's MidCap 400 Index, the Barron's 400 Index and the Russell 2000 IndexA and is headquartered in Stamford, Conn. Additional information about United Rentals is available at http://www.pressreleasepoint.com/united-rentals-branches-host-nationwide-equipment-saledecember-12-event-expanded-us-canada-will-offe

U.S. consumer confidence declines

... and expecting through the course of the year," said Stephen Stanley, chief economist at Pierpont Securities LLC in Stamford, Conn. "It's one thing when you have one or two years into the recovery and things aren't progressing in the job market, but ...


Stamford Police Detail UBS Protest Arrests

Stamford police on Tuesday released additional details on the parties arrested during Monday's protests declared to be against UBS' mountaintop blasting and drilling operations.


United Rentals Branches to Host Nationwide Equipment Sale

... the Standard & Poor's MidCap 400 Index, the Barron's 400 Index and the Russell 2000 IndexA and is headquartered in Stamford, Conn. Additional information about United Rentals is available at www.unitedrentals.com .


Men's Wearhouse offers to buy Jos. A. Bank for $1.54B

... "This still would be a positive for owning Men's Wearhouse stock," Keith Moore, an event-driven strategist at Stamford, Conn.-based MKM Holdings LLC, said in a phone interview. Jos. A. Bank said Tuesday in a statement that it had received the ...


TREASURIES-Bond prices gain after solid 5-year note auction

... looking for an increase, we got a decrease," said Ian Lyngen, senior government bond strategist at CRT Capital in Stamford, Connecticut. Housing data came in mixed on Tuesday, with one closely watched housing survey showing that U.S. single-family ...


Cops: Darien Man, 24, Driving Under Influence, Hits Tree

... an improper turn. He was held overnight in lieu of paying a $250 bond and was taken to state Superior Court in Stamford later that day, Nov. 21. He is next scheduled to appear in court on Dec. 12, according to the Connecticut Judicial Branch ...


ScheduALL Encompass Deployment Virtually Centralizes Bookings

... the finance team will process the work order for billing." The teleport facilities are located in Atlanta, Stamford, Conn., Minneapolis and Burbank, Calif. Rozycki said that before the ScheduALL roll-out, each facility had its own legacy booking ...


FDA Accepts For Review Purdue Pharma L.P.'s New Drug Application For...

... are privately-held pharmaceutical companies known for pioneering research on chronic pain. Headquartered in Stamford, CT, Purdue Pharma is engaged in the research, development, production, and distribution of both prescription and over-the-counter ...


After 55 years, Delmonaco is a cut above the rest

... go. But John Delmonaco has been a Noroton Heights mainstay for more than half a century. In fact, the 81-year old Stamford native and current Fairfield resident, is celebrating his 55th straight year doing haircuts on the same street -- Heights ...


Daughter of NY Giants' Mara Arrested after Drunken Head-On Crash, Chase

A 52-year-old Stamford, Conn. woman is facing multiple charges after driving, drunk, head-on into a taxi cab in Port Chester, N.Y. and then failing to pull over immediately for police in pursuit.


Colorado AG obtains restraining order against air duct companies

... damage to homes," Suthers alleged. Named as defendants are Andre Shatyko, 27, and Alexander Kurdyukov, 26, both of Stamford, Conn., and their companies, Seabreeze Air LLC; Seabreeze Air; Quality Air; Quality Air LLC; and Fresh Air LLC. Last year, ...


TREASURIES-Prices rise as economic data mixed, month end nears

... looking for an increase, we got a decrease," said Ian Lyngen, senior government bond strategist at CRT Capital in Stamford, Connecticut. "We did see a slight firming in the jobs component," he said. "Mixed, but still consistent with this grinding ...


Data Centers Require New Sensor Design Considerations

... ork design and implementation. Currently, Bill works as a cloud and virtualization architect at MTM Technologies, a Stamford, CT based consulting firm.


5 Considerations Around Leasing vs Buying a Data Center

... ork design and implementation. Currently, Bill works as a cloud and virtualization architect at MTM Technologies, a Stamford, CT based consulting firm.


Marine Construction Contractor Faces 15 Citations Following Crane Collapse

OSHA has cited Concavage Marine Construction Co. for willful and serious workplace safety violations following a May 22, 2013 crane collapse at the Avalon Bay Marina in Stamford, Conn.


Stamford's Palace Theatre Names Broadway's BT McNicholl New Producing Artistic Director

Stamford's Palace Theatre, with a rich and storied tradition of presenting the best in regional arts and entertainment, now embarks on its next exciting chapter with the appointment of new Producing Artistic Director, BT McNicholl.


Stamford DUI Checkpoint Leads To Carjacker's Arrest

A DUI checkpoint set up on Tresser Boulevard at Elm Street in Stamford led to the arrest of a Bridgeport man over the weekend who had carjacked another man just minutes earlier, police told the Stamford Advocate.


Hedge Funds See Repeat of Yen Slide That Paid Soros: Currencies

... drop since 1979. "Everybody likes dollar-yen higher," Brad Bechtel, the managing director at Faros Trading LLC in Stamford, Connecticut, said in a Nov. 22 interview. "And everyone has it on." The yen fell to as low as 101.92 per dollar yesterday, ...


Property Transfers in Old Lyme: 2004

... of Miami, Fla., $380,000. 31 Saunders Hollow Rd.: Marylin C. Clarke of Old Lyme to Harold D. & Anna M. Edmonds of Stamford, $570,000. 15 Hawk's Nest Rd.: Clara F. Stevens of Middlebury to Richard M. & Marian A. Hyne of Wayne, N.J., $357,500. Land at ...


Mark Teixeira ready to return to Yankees in 2014, on schedule for full spring training

... On Jan. 1, he hopes to be able to swing full speed. He plans to work out at Bobby Valentine's training facility in Stamford, Conn. 2. By Feb. 1, he wants to swing at 90-mph fastballs, so that when spring training begins, he'll be up to full speed. ...


Government Clouds: What is FedRAMP?

... ork design and implementation. Currently, Bill works as a cloud and virtualization architect at MTM Technologies, a Stamford, CT based consulting firm.


Stamford's Maria Lovello Shows Uncommon Love For Dogs

... she has towards her four legged friends is evident by all that she does for them. Maria was born and raised in Stamford where she currently lives with her husband Frank and their four adopted dogs. Nolie is 11, Buddy, Sweet Pea and their newest ...


Find A Job In Stamford

Here come the holidays that joyous time of year when your "To Do" list grows tenfold and your time and patience declines exponentially.


Cervalis Continues to Expand and Increase Disaster Recovery and Data...

Cervalis adds an additional 38,000 sq. ft. of work area recovery space in Totowa, New Jersey and in Stamford, Connecticut.


Swartz appointed COO of Hearst; Aldam named president of newspaper division

... two years, Aldam personally supervised Hearst's Northeast newspapers, including Greenwich Time, The Advocate of Stamford, Connecticut Post , The News-Times of Danbury and the Albany Times Union , as well as seven Connecticut weekly newspapers. ...


Denied Entry, Man Is Accused of Breaking Into Home

... rderly conduct. He was released after posting a $500 bond and scheduled to appear Dec. 2 in state Superior Court in Stamford.


Monday, November 25, 2013

14 arrested in protest of Stamford-based UBS

Protestors outside 66 Summer Street in Stamford, Conn. have climbed a crane and unfurled a banner protesting UBS and its mountaintop mining practices on Monday November 25, 2013.


Cops: Darien Woman Drove with Over 2X Legal Alcohol Limit

... She was released on a $250 bond shortly after midnight and is scheduled to appear Dec. 2 in state Superior Court in Stamford.


Stamford Police Donate Turkey's to Food Bank for Thanksgiving

Stamford police officers took the time Monday morning to give back to the community they protect by donating 42 turkeys to the Fairfield County Food Bank just in time for Thanksgiving.


Mayor Dinkins Suggests a Different Tax Plan for de Blasio

... into NYC needs to start looking for a job elsewhere. New York State started bleeding corporate headquarters to Stamford, CT, and New Jersey when they insisted on bigger and bigger commuter taxes. That's why they finally agreed to drop it. Things ...


Man being carjacked drives to DWI checkpoint

A police checkpoint meant to spot drunken drivers in Stamford early Saturday morning instead found a man who had committed a carjacking just minutes earlier, police said Monday.


Police seek help identifying I-95 victim

State police are asking the public's help in identifying a man killed while walking on Interstate-95 in Stamford early Saturday morning.


Man being carjacked drives to DWI checkpoint

A police checkpoint meant to identify drunk drivers in Stamford early Saturday morning instead turned up a man who had just been carjacked a few minutes earlier, police said Monday.


Brent Crude Prices Fall on Iran Deal

... if we're on the verge of seeing Iranian supplies in the market," said Gene McGillian, analyst, Tradition Energy in Stamford, Connecticut, who noted support was also coming from ongoing supply outages from OPEC member Libya. In the meantime, Iran is ...


Apollo's Black Makes Top 10 Art Power List Led by Koons

... Absent from the Power 100 list for the second straight year is hedge-fund billionaire Steven A. Cohen , whose Stamford, Connecticut-based SAC Capital Advisors LP pleaded guilty on Nov. 8 to securities fraud and agreed to pay $1.8 billion to settle ...


Apollo's Black Makes Top 10 Art Power List Headed by Koons

... Absent from the Power 100 list for the second straight year is hedge-fund billionaire Steven A. Cohen, whose Stamford, Connecticut-based SAC Capital Advisors LP pleaded guilty on Nov. 8 to securities fraud and agreed to pay $1.8 billion to settle ...


Demand for a Free Drink Ends with Man's Arrest

... as charged with second-degree breach of peace and released on a promise to appear Dec. 2 in state Superior Court in Stamford.


ScheduALL Encompass Deployment Virtually Centalizes Bookings

... the finance team will process the work order for billing." The teleport facilities are located inAtlanta, Stamford, Conn., Minneapolis and Burbank, Calif. Rozycki said that before the ScheduALL roll-out, each facility had its own legacy booking ...


Video: Students Help Kick Off Holiday Giving Season

... and some other community partners we are going to be providing at least 100 meals to families in the Greenwich and Stamford area," says Jennifer Flatow, Director of Community Engagement at Family Centers. The Thanksgiving baskets include ...


City officials, developer mark big step in Stamford project

Sandy Goldstein and Harry Day sign the last beam to be installed on an apartment building that is being built by Trinity Financial at 66 Summer St., Stamford, Conn, at the Topping Off event on Monday November 25, 2013.


Cops: Stamford DWI Checkpoint Leads to Carjacking Arrest

On Friday night, Stamford police officers conducting a sobriety checkpoint in conjunction with Darien and State Police Departments and made five arrests, the most surprising of which was the arrest of a 22-year-old Stamford man on charges of carjacking and robbery.


New Canaan girls hockey team enters season with state championship to defend

New Canaan's Mia Carroll controls the puck during Saturday's girls hockey state championship game against Hall-Conard at Terry Connors Rink in Stamford, Conn., on March 2, 2013.


UBS Protesters Cause Headache for Police in Downtown Stamford

Stamford police were kept busy downtown Monday when more than a dozen individuals were taken into custody for causing disturbances at various locations relating to UBS in protest of their mining operations in the Appalachian mountains.


WTI Crude Declines for a Second Day After Iran Nuclear Agreement

... the agreement kept oil-export sanctions in place, said Gene McGillian, an analyst and broker at Tradition Energy in Stamford, Connecticut. "The initial excitement subsided," he said. "We still have a long way to go, and the market is having some ...


Video: Stamford's Ubs Parade Spectacular Full Video

The annual event is a Stamford Downtown Signature Event, featuring bands, community organizations and more.


Young Playwrights Festival Culminates in Student Performance on Dec....

Students from the Boys & Girls Club of Stamford have been working diligently with teacher David Robertson over the past 8 weeks during the first ever Young Playwrights Festival.


A 'wild' time awaits this holiday season at Westport Community Theatre

... Ave., Westport, Conn. For more information, visit http://westportcommunitytheatre.com. Photo: Contributed Photo Stamford resident Frederic Tisch plays Ebenezer Scrooge in the Westport Community Theatre's production of Christopher Durang's "Mrs. Bob ...


Riverview Realty Partners Announces Lease with Assisted Living Concepts at AMA Plaza

... lly provides a broad opportunity for investments across the capital structure. The Firm's headquarters are based in Stamford, Connecticut with an office in


18 Arrested In Roundup Of Drug-Dealing Suspects In Stamford

Stamford Police arrested 16 men and two women in a massive drug bust Friday, Nov. 22, and Saturday, Nov. 23, according to the Stamford Advocate.


Giancarlo Pirolozzi, 52, Of Stamford

... and Gennaro Pirolozzi. He served in the Italian Marines before coming to the United States and settling in Stamford. He was a member of the Minturnese Social Club in Stamford. Pirolozzi is survived by his wife, Monica Maria Pirolozzi of Stamford; ...


View Press Release

... provides a broad opportunity for investments across the capital structure. The Firm's headquarters are based in Stamford, Connecticut with an office in New York City. Five Mile has approximately $2 billion in assets under management. For more ...


Theia Gray Poczabut, 93, Of Stamford

... McFarland Gray. She was a graduate of Lyndon Institute, class of 1938, Lyndon Center, Vt., a graduate of the Stamford Hospital School of Nursing, class of 1941 having received her nursing degree. Following her graduation she worked for her uncle, ...


Michael Docimo, Sr., 86, Police Officer With The City Of Stamford

... born March 18, 1927, in Greenwich, to Michael and Margaret Infanti Docimo. He was a police officer with the City of Stamford for 22 years before retiring in 1977. Following his retirement as a police officer, he then went on to being a security ...


Veteran ABC Sales Exec John Watkins Announces Retirement

... Navy after receiving his undergraduate degree from the University of Pennsylvania. He and his wife, Lynn, reside in Stamford, CT.


Protesters Chained To Crane Above Stamford Construction Project

Several people chained themselves to the boom of a crane above Summer Street in Stamford on Monday morning, according to ctnews.com.


Help Wanted: Who's Hiring Near Darien

... experience. Possesses the communication, people skills and drive to advance within the firm. Sales Representative Stamford CT Diabetes Specialty, Lily, Stamford. Job ID: ELY6885BRCB, full time. Source Careerbuilder.com "The Specialty representative ...


Help Wanted: Local Jobs

... experience. Possesses the communication, people skills and drive to advance within the firm. Sales Representative Stamford CT Diabetes Specialty, Lily, Stamford. Job ID: ELY6885BRCB, full time. Source Careerbuilder.com "The Specialty representative ...


To 10 more years: Giuliano's Music celebrates a decade in Darien

... , has brought that music to Darien. Bobby opened the second Giuliano's Music Center location -- the flagship is in Stamford -- in 2003 after surveying the area and learning that Darien needed a music store. And while Bobby has been successful in ...


Ferri Delivers New Lighting for Telemundo Sports

... work with Telemundo Sports resulted from FLDA's work on lighting the flagship NBC Sports headquarters facility in Stamford, Conn.. In an attempt to maintain continuity with the NBC Sports Group family look, Telemundo Sports overhauled its studio ...


Louise M. Montefuscoli, 87, Of Stamford, Retired Pitney Bowes Employee

Montefuscoli was born March 25, 1926, in Stamford, to Nicholas and Josephine Merole DiSette.


Gina Groccia, 80; Enjoyed Cooking Sunday Dinners for Her Family

... cooking the cherished Sunday meals for her family. Gina is survived by her daughters, Maria (Stephan) DeVita, of Stamford and Gina (Matthew) Wallace of Cos Cob; grandchildren; Angelo (Maura) Faugno, Ralph Faugno, Luciano Faugno, Maggie Wallace and ...


Robert Fell Rockafellow, 81, Longtime New Canaan Resident, Navy Veteran

... Interment will be private. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to HomeFront , 88 Hamilton Ave., Stamford, Connecticut 06902. Please make a memo on the check, "Rockafellow Memorial."


Gartner Says India PC Market Grew 7.9 Percent In The Third Quarter Of 2013

... the business of IT within the context of their individual role. Founded in 1979, Gartner is headquartered in Stamford, Connecticut, U.S.A., and has 5,800 associates, including 1,450 research analysts and consultants, and clients in 85 countries. For ...


Help Wanted: Local Jobs

... experience. Possesses the communication, people skills and drive to advance within the firm. Sales Representative Stamford CT Diabetes Specialty, Lily, Stamford. Job ID: ELY6885BRCB, full time. Source Careerbuilder.com "The Specialty representative ...


Gloria E. Ryan, 91, Of Stamford, Worked For Pitney Bowes

Ryan was born Aug. 29, 1922, in Stamford, to Francis F. and Sarah S. Watson. She was a member of St. Leo Parish from 1963 to 1972 and St. Cecelia Parish from 1972 to 2000.


Man Faces Trespass Charge

... o be there, according to the report. Hedbabny was released on a promise to appear Dec. 5 in state Superior Court in Stamford.


Stamford AITE Teams Named Finalists In NFTE Competition

Students at Stamford's Academy of Information Technology & Engineering were recently named finalists in the the Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship World Series.


Crowds Come Out For Stamford Parade Despite Cold, Lack Of Balloons

All along the parade route, people were bundled in their warmest clothes to ward off the chill and wind to watch the Stamford parade.


New Canaan's South School To Help Students In Stamford

New Canaan's South School is hosting a food drive to benefit Blessings in a Backpack, a program to help students in need in Stamford.


Sunday, November 24, 2013

Were you SEEN at Parade Spectacular?

Were you SEEN at the UBS Balloon Parade in Stamford on Sunday morning? 11/24/2013 Photo: Todd Tracy/ Hearst Connecticut Media Group Were you SEEN at the UBS Balloon Parade in Stamford on Sunday morning? 11/24/2013 Photo: Todd Tracy/ Hearst Connecticut Media Group Were you SEEN at the UBS Balloon Parade in Stamford on Sunday morning? 11/24/2013 ... (more)


Wind nixes balloons, parade marches on

Kate Nussline, with the New England Academy of Dance located in New Canaan, dances with a Chinese dragon as part of the academy's production of "The Nutcracker" during the UBS Parade Spectacular in downtown Stamford, Conn., on Sunday, Nov. 24, 2013.


Many Americans Will Be Giving Thanks For Lower Prices

... think they seem lower than they have been in a while," Jeff Kauffman said as he filled his gas tank at a station in Stamford, Conn. A gallon was selling for $3.63 there, well above the national average, but down from the $4 he had been paying ...


Many Americans Will Be Giving Thanks For Lower Prices

... think they seem lower than they have been in a while," Jeff Kauffman said as he filled his gas tank at a station in Stamford, Conn. A gallon was selling for $3.63 there, well above the national average, but down from the $4 he had been paying ...


Video: Live Now: Stamford's Ubs Parade Spectacular

Tune in Sunday November 24, at 12 noon, for a live broadcast of the UBS Parade Spectacular, presented by Stamford Town Center and The Advocate.


Woman Faces Assault, Trespass Charges

... e incident. Maze was released after posting $500 bond and was scheduled to appear Dec. 6 in state Superior Court in Stamford.


Stamford's Parade Steps Off At Noon, But Strong Winds Ground Balloons

STAMFORD, Conn. Kids from Stamford and across Fairfield County will be disappointed this year after strong, gusty winds grounded the giant helium balloons in Sunday's annual Parade Spectacular.


Creative Partners Expands Social Network; Hires Tara Clark, MBA, as Director of Digital Strategy

Stamford, CT November 24, 2013 Creative Partners today announced that Tara Clark, MBA, joins the company as Director of Digital Strategy.


Man's Arrest In Shooting, Pistol-Whipping Tops Stamford News This Week

Stamford police with the help of the MTA police and the U.S. Marshals Service arrested Michael 'Murdah' McFarlane, 20, in connection with a shooting and pistol-whipping .


Happy Birthday To Stamford's Dana Tyler

Dana Tyler, who has owned a home in Stamford, turns 55 on Sunday. The anchor and reporter was born Nov. 24, 1958, in Fort Lauderdale, Fla.


Stamford Police Host Fundraiser for Sgt. Fighting Cancer

This December, members of the Stamford Police Department will come together to host a benefit for a 28-year veteran of the department who has recently been diagnosed with Stage 4 Lung, Brain and Bone cancer.


Saturday, November 23, 2013

Balloons ready to march in Stamford if winds hold

The Mr. Potato Head balloon gets inflated with helium during the annual SAC Capital Advisors balloon inflation party on Franklin Street in Stamford, Saturday afternoon, Nov. 23, 2013.


Strong Winds In Fairfield County Could Hinder Stamford's Balloon Parade

Strong winds may ground the giant helium balloons in Sunday's Parade Spectacular in Stamford after the National Weather Service put a Wind Advisory in place for Fairfield County for Sunday.


Not-so-rich Fairfield County

... that make up Midland, Texas, metro area. $81,068 -- Per capita income for Bridgeport metro area, including Norwalk, Stamford, Greenwich and Danbury. Midland, Texas, ended Fairfield County's 26-year reign as the area with the highest per capita ...


Search of Sound reveals no trace of wreckage from 1947 crash

... on the estuary floor where fishermen had talked of an old plane wreck. Returning to the area, not far from Stamford, Conn., halfway between Connecticut and Long Island, they found a mass of metal. But Contreras did not think it was the AT-6 training ...


Formula 1: NBC says 2013 US Grand Prix viewership up

In a press release Thursday from Circuit of the Americas on behalf of the NBC Sports Group in Stamford, Connecticut, NBC reports that national viewership of the Formula 1 United States Grand Prix was up 47 percent from 2012.


As activity in Stamford's South End booms, creativity blooms

... recent morning, as workers scaled steel beams to continue the construction of one of the new buildings going up in Stamford's South End, an ascent of another kind was getting underway in a gallery located several doors away. Gripping one rung after ...


10 Questions You Might Be Embarrassed to Ask Your Gyno -- Answered

... any? She responded 'Absolutely not -- I place one in my vagina every morning!" -- Michelle Brown an ob/gyn based in Stamford, CT and co-founder of Beaute de Maman "Do I look normal down there?" "There is a wide variety of 'normal.' It is normal to ...


Trader who brought down firm gets 30 months in jail

... and to perform 200 hours of community service, according to prosecutors. Miller caused 'devastation' to Stamford, Connecticut-based Rochdale, Assistant U.S. Attorney Paul Murphy said in a court filing this month. 'Overnight Rochdale went from being ...


Video: Students Help Kick Off Holiday Giving Season

... and some other community partners we are going to be providing at least 100 meals to families in the Greenwich and Stamford area," says Jennifer Flatow, Director of Community Engagement at Family Centers. The Thanksgiving baskets include ...


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