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Sunday, August 14, 2022

STAMFORD BUSINESS >>> WWE: A New Document Suggests A Link Among Unrecorded Vince McMahon Payments And The Trump Foundation


McMahon Reportedly Paid More Than $12.5 Million To Four Women

It’s well known that Vince McMahon and Donald Trump, the 45th President of the United States, have a long history dating back over 3 decades. McMahon & Trump first collaborated on company in the mid-1980s, at the dawn of WrestleMania. WrestleMania IV and V were held at Trump’s Atlantic City establishments, and their friendship grew over the years to the point where Trump became a figure on WWE programming, even shaving McMahon’s head at WrestleMania 23.

In 2013, Trump was incorporated into the WWE Hall of Fame. McMahon continued to back Trump after he was elected president. After the 2016 election, all of the McMahons visited the White House, and Linda McMahon, who did run for Senate in 2012, was assigned to Trump’s administration as Small Business Administrator from 2017 to 2019.

Both men are now the targets of high-profile investigations. The Justice Department is investigating Trump’s role in the January 6 White House riots, and his home in Mar-a-Lago has recently been raided by the FBI, which was reportedly looking for nuclear documents. In the meantime, McMahon has been the subject of Wall Street Journal reporting that claims he paid billions of dollars to numerous women to cover up accusations of sexual misconduct, which could have led to his untimely retirement from WWE.....


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