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Thursday, January 31, 2013

Jackie Robinson Remembered

... Images) He was born in Cairo, Georgia on the last day of January in 1919, and died on October 24, 1972 in Stamford, Connecticut. A chilly April 15, 1947 was the day he broke baseball's color barrier at Ebbets Field, the lone black man wearing the ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.theepochtimes.com/n2/sports/jackie-robinson-remembered-342636.html

Stamford Parents: Don't Move Bilingual Programs

Parents and teachers in Stamford are worried that the bilingual and English Language Learner programs in the public schools will be moved.

via Stamford Newswire http://stamford.dailyvoice.com/schools/stamford-parents-dont-move-bilingual-programs

Lifereel coverts your old photos and film footage into lasting memories

... in the company's new location at Danbury Fair mall on Thursday, Jan. 31, 2013. Photo: Jason Rearick Lifereel, the Stamford-based company he founded, has opened its flagship location in a compact 1,500-square-foot space on the second floor of the ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.newstimes.com/news/article/Lifereel-coverts-your-old-photos-and-film-footage-4241446.php

Potentially Explosive Material Found At Stamford Home

Materials that could be used to make explosives were found in a home on Stamford's Vine Road, police Capt.

via Stamford Newswire http://stamford.dailyvoice.com/police-fire/potentially-explosive-material-found-stamford-home

Malloy Presents Details of $2 Billion Plan For UConn

... - which will go to the legislature and the State Bond Commission - encompasses the Storrs , Greater Hartford and Stamford campuses and includes hiring faculty, improving facilities, expanding overall enrollment by a third, and boosting the number of ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.courant.com/news/breaking/hc-engineering-uconn-0201-20130131,0,4372437.story

Connecticut banks among the stingiest with interest rates

... to discussing the savings rate issue, with People's United not responding to requests for comment, First County in Stamford declining to comment and Webster Bank also failing to comment. Phil Lane , Fairfield University associate professor of ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.ctpost.com/news/article/Connecticut-banks-among-the-stingiest-with-4241249.php

Gov. proposes $1.5 billion for UConn expansion

... and math jobs and patents and licenses. It would increase student enrollment and faculty at UConn's Storrs and Stamford campuses and increase enrollment by 70 percent at the School of Engineering. "The president knows I'm driving her to raise more ...

via Stamford Newswire http://washingtonexaminer.com/gov.-proposes-1.5-billion-for-uconn-expansion/article/feed/2068368?custom_click=rss

Package of laws emerging in wake of shootings

... right now," said Coleman, who walked out of the hearing at Newtown High School with Rep. Gerald M. Fox III , D-Stamford, the Judiciary Committee's other co-chairman. "I think there were some good recommendations that came out tonight. I know where ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.newstimes.com/local/article/After-Sandy-Hook-package-of-laws-emerging-4239640.php

need a roomate(no lease required)..

Hi Looking for roommate in a 2 BR apartment located on Stamford, CT-06902. it is newly carpeted and everything included Ideally located near to downtown, indian grocery, library and mall.

via Stamford Newswire http://indianroommates.sulekha.com/need-a-roomate-no-lease-required_stamford-ct_390167

Stamford Mayor Michael Pavia Won't Run For Re-election

"Throughout my career, I have had the honor of serving the city of Stamford in multiple capacities.

via Stamford Newswire http://stamford.dailyvoice.com/politics/stamford-mayor-michael-pavia-wont-run-re-election

Girls heartthrob Christopher Abbott makes fashion debut in romantic...

... determine whether he will leave. The result is left a mystery In the first season of Girls, Mr Abbott, a native of Stamford, Connecticut, played Charlie Dattolo - beautiful but uptight Marnie's doting boyfriend. Marnie's boyfriend: Mr Abbott, 26, ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2271390/Girls-heartthrob-Christopher-Abbott-makes-fashion-debut-romantic-film-Free-People-leaves-modelling-female-star.html?ITO=1490&ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490

Gov. proposes $1.5 billion for UConn expansion

... and math jobs and patents and licenses. It would increase student enrollment and faculty at UConn's Storrs and Stamford campuses and increase enrollment by 70 percent at the School of Engineering . "The president knows I'm driving her to raise more ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.sfgate.com/news/article/Gov-proposes-1-5-billion-for-UConn-expansion-4240370.php

High Winds, Downed Lines Thursday Create Delays For Metro-North

... in several locations resulted in New Haven Line delays and in busing on the New Canaan Branch. In the area from Stamford to New Haven, trees fell across our overhead wire at four locations, bringing down catenary wire at one spot. Exacerbating the ...

via Stamford Newswire http://madison-ct.patch.com/articles/high-winds-downed-lines-thursday-create-delays-for-metro-north

Malloy proposes $1.5B for UConn expansion

... math jobs, as well as patents and licenses. It would increase student enrollment and faculty at UConn's Storrs and Stamford campuses and increase enrollment by 70 percent at the School of Engineering . State Sen. Gary LeBeau , vice-chairman of the ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.ctpost.com/news/article/Gov-proposes-1-5-billion-for-UConn-expansion-4240370.php

Stamford Mayor Pavia will not seek reelection

... not seek reelection for a second term as Mayor. "Throughout my career, I have had the honor of serving the City of Stamford in multiple capacities. The time has come for me to return to my life as businessman and private citizen. I have been urged ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.stamfordplus.com/stm/information/nws1/publish/News_1/Stamford-Mayor-Pavia-will-not-seek-reelection19328.shtml

Gov. proposes $1.5 billion fora

... math jobs, as well as patents and licenses. It would increase student enrollment and faculty at UConn's Storrs and Stamford campuses and increase enrollment by 70 percent at the School of Engineering. State Sen. Gary LeBeau, vice-chairman of the ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.wwlp.com/dpp/news/connecticut/ap_connecticut/Gov-proposes-15-billion-for-UConn-expansion_96251799

Stamford Mayor Michael Pavia Will Not Seek Reelection

Stamford Mayor Michael Pavia will not seek another term in office as the current one draws to a close later this year, he announced to Stamford Patch Thursday afternoon.

via Stamford Newswire http://stamford.patch.com/articles/stamford-mayor-michael-pavia-will-not-seek-reelection

No Extra Precautions Taken at Middle School Near Bomb Discovery

Stamford police notified the Superintendent of Schools' Office on Wednesday of the discovery of bomb-making materials inside of a Vine Road home just 700 feet away from Turn of River Middle School during a health code violation inspection Wednesday, but ensured administrators that there was no imminent danger to students, faculty or staff, ... (more)

via Stamford Newswire http://stamford.patch.com/articles/no-extra-precautions-taken-at-middle-school-following-bomb-discovery

Stamford Police, FBI to Bring Charges against City Man with Bomb-Making Materials

Stamford police say they're working with the FBI to determine what criminal charges to bring against the city man whose basement residence yielded the discovery of bomb-making materials during a health code violation inspection Wednesday.

via Stamford Newswire http://newcanaan.patch.com/articles/stamford-police-fbi-to-bring-charges-against-city-man-with-bomb-making-materials

Oil falls for first time in four days as jobless claims rise

... has a tendency to experience some profit-taking," said Gene McGillian, an analyst and broker at Tradition Energy in Stamford, Connecticut. "That's what we are having today." The Labor Department, scheduled to release payroll data tomorrow, may ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.sddt.com/News/article.cfm?SourceCode=20130131fx&_t=Oil+falls+for+first+time+in+four+days+as+jobless+claims+rise

Passion for PAWS still strong after 50 years

... have since died. Sweet Pea may not be adopted yet, but she has a fan in longtime PAWS volunteer Cissy Tiernan, of Stamford. "Sweet Pea's been here a long time," Tiernan said, adding that the dog is wary of strangers and doesn't get along well with ...

via Stamford Newswire http://m.norwalkcitizenonline.com/norwalk/db_44360/contentdetail.htm?detailindex=0&contentguid=W82KEZtf&pn=0

Gov. proposes $1.5 billion for UConn expansion

... math jobs, as well as patents and licenses. It would increase student enrollment and faculty at UConn's Storrs and Stamford campuses and increase enrollment by 70 percent at the School of Engineering. State Sen. Gary LeBeau, vice-chairman of the ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.boston.com/news/education/2013/01/31/gov-proposes-billion-for-uconn-expansion/o5gOMkmAIzEEmAfVAWNWZK/story.html

Gov. Malloy proposes $1.5 billion for UConn expansion

... math jobs, as well as patents and licenses. It would increase student enrollment and faculty at UConn's Storrs and Stamford campuses and increase enrollment by 70 percent at the School of Engineering. State Sen. Gary LeBeau, vice-chairman of the ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.myfoxny.com/story/20916666/gov-malloy-uconn-expansion

Attention Connecticut Residents: Watch Out For Tire Irons To The Face

... teeth with a tire iron in November pleaded not guilty to a felony assault charge Tuesday at state Superior Court in Stamford. Rhiannon Noell Stefanick, 23, of 90 Deerfield Drive, Greenwich, was arraigned on a charge of first-degree assault. ...

via Stamford Newswire http://dealbreaker.com/2013/01/attention-connecticut-residents-watch-out-for-tire-irons-to-the-face/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+dealbreaker+%28Dealbreaker%29

UConn, State Officials Announce Launch of 'Next Generation Connecticut' Initiative

... faculty, renovating and adding appropriate facilities, and supporting academic missions at the Greater Hartford and Stamford campuses. The investments would represent one of the most ambitious programs launched at a public research university in ...

via Stamford Newswire http://today.uconn.edu/blog/2013/01/uconn-state-officials-announce-launch-of-next-generation-connecticut-initiative/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+uconn-today+%28UConn+Today%29

FOREX-Euro posts best month in over a year; U.S. jobs data eyed

... newest voting members are thinking for a few more weeks," said Brian Kim, currency strategist at RBS Securities in Stamford, Connecticut. He was referring to minutes of the latest U.S. Federal Reserve Board meeting due for release in about three ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/01/31/markets-forex-idUSL1N0B0G1G20130131?feedType=RSS&feedName=marketsNews

New Canaan farmers market open through March

... Jeanna Petersen Shepard / For the New Canaan News Photo: Contributed Photo Fernando Cardona of Beldotti Bakery in Stamford offers a variety of treats at the New Canaan Farmers Market at the New Canaan Nature Center Tuesdady, Jan. 29, 2012. Jeanna ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.newcanaannewsonline.com/news/articleGallery/New-Canaan-farmers-market-open-through-March-4235513.php

Oil Falls for First Time in Four Days as Jobless Claims Rise

... has a tendency to experience some profit taking," said Gene McGillian, an analyst and broker at Tradition Energy in Stamford, Connecticut. "That's what we are having today." The jobless claims rose 38,000 in the week ended Jan. 26, the most since ...

via Stamford Newswire http://washpost.bloomberg.com/Story?docId=1376-MHHTY20YHQ0X01-0Q3E4NPRREUU2BPP7NLJUUHA37

"Apple Picking:" Gang will stop at nothing to get your iPhone, Conn. police say

STAMFORD, Conn. - A gang of thieves is so determined to steal iPhones the cops have given them a name: "Apple pickers," CBS New York reports.

via Stamford Newswire http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-504083_162-57566955-504083/apple-picking-gang-will-stop-at-nothing-to-get-your-iphone-conn-police-say/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+cbsnews%2Ffeed+%28CBSNews.com%29

Greenwich woman charged in tire-iron beating

Rhiannon Noell Stefanick, 23, of 90 Deerfield Drive, Greenwich was arraigned Tuesday on a charge of first-degree assault at state Superior Court in Stamford.

via Stamford Newswire http://www.dariennewsonline.com/local/article/Greenwich-woman-charged-in-tire-iron-beating-4239995.php

Wilton Rep. To Speak At Westport Gun Violence Forum

... speakers will include state Reps. Jonathan Steinberg (D-Westport), Kim Fawcett (D-Fairfield) and Gerald Fox (D-Stamford); state Sens. Toni Boucher (R-Wilton) and Beth Bye (D-West Hartford); Westport First Selectman Gordon Joseloff; Weston First ...

via Stamford Newswire http://wilton.dailyvoice.com/news/westport-s-temple-israel-host-gun-violence-forum

Couple Arrested In Stamford Had Cocaine, Police Say

Police arrested a couple with cocaine in Stamford, said Lt. Tim Shaw of the police department's Narcotics and Organized Crime Unit.

via Stamford Newswire http://stamford.dailyvoice.com/police-fire/couple-arrested-stamford-had-cocaine-police-say

Cops: Stamford Man Wielded Knife, Threatened Wife

During an argument with his wife, Braulio Navarro-Rivas, 41, took out a large kitchen knife and began slashing doors and walls in his home, police said.

via Stamford Newswire http://stamford.dailyvoice.com/police-fire/cops-stamford-man-wielded-knife-threatened-wife

Sawed-Off Shotguns, Drugs Seized From Stamford Home

Two sawed-off shotguns were found in the attic along with a cooler containing 293 grams of marijuana, 15 folds of heroin, a scale and more than $3,000 in cash, Shaw said.

via Stamford Newswire http://stamford.dailyvoice.com/police-fire/sawed-shotguns-drugs-seized-stamford-home

Potential Explosive Material Found At Stamford Home

Materials that could be used to make explosives were found in a home on Stamford's Vine Road, Capt.

via Stamford Newswire http://stamford.dailyvoice.com/police-fire/potential-explosive-material-found-stamford-home

Stamford Rep. To Speak At Westport Gun Violence Forum

... speakers will include state Reps. Jonathan Steinberg (D-Westport), Kim Fawcett (D-Fairfield) and Gerald Fox (D-Stamford); state Sens. Toni Boucher (R-Wilton) and Beth Bye (D-West Hartford); Westport First Selectman Gordon Joseloff; Weston First ...

via Stamford Newswire http://stamford.dailyvoice.com/news/westport-s-temple-israel-host-gun-violence-forum

Greenwich woman charged in tire-iron beating

An unemployed hairdresser accused of knocking out a Darien woman's teeth with a tire iron in November pleaded not guilty to a felony assault charge Tuesday at state Superior Court in Stamford.

via Stamford Newswire http://m.dariennewsonline.com/darien/db_10915/contentdetail.htm?detailindex=0&contentguid=2Yo53EXa&pn=0

XxTREASURIES-Prices steady in mixed U.S. data, payrolls awaited

... to 2.10 percent in coming sessions, said William O'Donnell, head of U.S. Treasury strategy at RBS Securities in Stamford, Connecticut. Recent higher yields have lured some investors back into buying, he said. "I think people like the levels." ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/01/31/markets-usa-bonds-idUSL1N0B0DAR20130131?feedType=RSS&feedName=bondsNews

Gov. Malloy Has Plan For UConn To Spur More Scientists

... d also include scholarships to help attract bright young high school graduates to the UConn campuses in Storrs and Stamford. Dishing out the latest on the newest food trucks, the best eats on the street and where you can find your lunch today in NYC.

via Stamford Newswire http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2013/01/31/gov-malloy-has-plan-for-uconn-to-spur-more-scientists/

Cops: Brick Man Arrested in Bizarre Harassment Case

A Brick man has turned himself in to Stamford, Ct. police after they say he harassed a woman he dated more than 20 years ago for an extended period of time, including sending a variety of ordered goods and food to her home, according to Lt.

via Stamford Newswire http://brick.patch.com/articles/cops-brick-man-arrested-in-bizarre-harassment-case

After Sandy Hook, package of laws emerging

... a lot of stuff in progress right now," said Coleman, who walked out of the school with Rep. Gerald M. Fox III , D-Stamford, the Judiciary Committee's other co-chairman. "I think there were some good recommendations that came out tonight. I know ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.ctpost.com/local/article/After-Sandy-Hook-package-of-laws-emerging-4239640.php

FBI, Police Discussing Charges for City Man with Bomb-Making Materials

Stamford police say they're working with the FBI to determine what criminal charges to bring against the city man whose basement residence yielded the discovery of bomb-making materials during a health code violation inspection Wednesday.

via Stamford Newswire http://stamford.patch.com/articles/vine-rd-man-not-charged-yet

Susan A. Miller

Susan Alling Miller, a summer resident of Amagansett for many years, died in her sleep at home in Stamford, Conn., on Jan.

via Stamford Newswire http://www.easthamptonstar.com/?q=Obituaries/2013131/Susan-Miller

Consumer spending hit an eight-year high in December VIDEO

... Consumers closed out the year on a relatively strong note," says Guy Berger, an economist at RBS Securities Inc. in Stamford, Conn. "We have a fair amount of resilience in demand." Household purchases, which account for 70 percent...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.bizjournals.com/sanantonio/news/2013/01/31/consumer-spending-hit-an-eight-year.html?ana=RSS&s=article_search&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+bizj_sanantonio+%28San+Antonio+Business+Journal%29

Mobile Security Technology Company NXT-ID, Inc. Reports Funding...

... media and mobile technology: MedAdherence LLC ( Norwalk, Conn.) - $200,000 funding commitment MediaCrossing Inc. ( Stamford, Conn.) - $150,000 funding commitment NXT-ID Inc. ( Shelton, Conn.) - $150,000 funding commitment "These new investments ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.investorideas.com/CO/NXT/news/2013/01311.asp

Leone welcomes Malloy's proposal

Wednesday, State Senator Carlo Leone (D-Stamford), Senate Chair of the General Assembly's Banks Committee, welcomed a proposal by Governor Dannel P. Malloy to protect homeowners facing mortgage delinquency or who are in foreclosure, and to streamline ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.stamfordplus.com/stm/information/nws1/publish/News_1/Leone-welcomes-Malloy-s-proposal19326.shtml

Consumer spending grew in December as payrolls rose

... closed out the year on a relatively strong note," said Guy Berger, an economist at RBS Securities Inc. in Stamford, Connecticut, who correctly projected the gain in spending. "We have a fair amount of resilience in demand. But, this quarter doesn't ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.nj.com/business/index.ssf/2013/01/consumer_spending_grew_in_dece.html

Cops: N.J. man harassed ex-girlfriend, had 20 pizzas delivered to her home

... for allegedly harassing a woman he dated in college and her husband, according to a report on NewCanaanPatch.com . Stamford, Conn. police said Donato Anthony Minicozzi made repeated phone calls to the couple's home and to her husband's office. On ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.nj.com/ocean/index.ssf/2013/01/cops_nj_man_harassed_former_girlfriend_repeatedly_ordered_food_to_be_delivered_to_her_home.html

Oil Falls for First Time in Four Days as Jobless Claims Rise

... has a tendency to experience some profit-taking," said Gene McGillian, an analyst and broker at Tradition Energy in Stamford, Connecticut. "That's what we are having today." West Texas Intermediate for March delivery slid 88 cents, or 0.9 percent, ...

via Stamford Newswire http://washpost.bloomberg.com/Story?docId=1376-MHHTY20YHQ0X01-35A57IVJT33MJAKCNG7USJMVSC

Storm Leaves Stamford Residents Without Power

A powerful storm that moved through the state last night has left thousands across Connecticut without power Thursday morning. According to the Connecituct Light & Power outage map , currently 447 customers in Stamford are without power. That's about .8 percent of their 55,748 users.

via Stamford Newswire http://stamford.patch.com/articles/storm-leaves-stamford-residents-without-power

Super Bowl XLVII menu all planned out with lots of meat

... in New Orleans is finalized. The company cooking and executing this menu is Centerplate . Centerplate is located in Stamford, CT and is not new to catering huge events. They have over eighty years of experience, and they have catered past Inaugural ...

via Stamford Newswire https://www.examiner.com/article/super-bowl-xlvii-menu-all-planned-out-with-lots-of-meat?cid=rss

Jackie Robinson Google Logo: First Black Major League Baseball Player

... birthday. Robinson was born on January 31, 1919 in Cairo, Georgia and died at the age of 53 on October 24, 1972 in Stamford, Connecticut. His MLB career lasted about ten years, until October 10, 1956. Some of his stats include a batting average of ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.seroundtable.com/google-jackie-robinson-16293.html

Tong welcomes Malloy proposal to help distressed homeowners

... for helping distressed homeowners at a press conference in Hartford. Banks Committee Chairman William Tong (D-Stamford, New Canaan) welcomed Governor Dannel P. Malloy's proposed legislation Wednesday that is designed to protect homeowners facing ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.stamfordplus.com/stm/information/nws1/publish/News_1/Tong-welcomes-Malloy-proposal-to-help-distressed-homeowners19319.shtml

Stamford Mayor, community leaders celebrate First Niagara branch opening

Celebrating the grand opening of the new Summer Street Branch are, from left to right: First Niagara's Regional Banking Director for the Tri-State Region John Golding; First Niagara's Area Manager of Southwestern Connecticut Ben Fetterman; Stamford Mayor Michael Pavia; Domus Director of Volunteers Julia Wade; Summer Street Branch Manager Sam ... (more)

via Stamford Newswire http://www.stamfordplus.com/stm/information/nws1/publish/Business_21/Stamford-Mayor-community-leaders-celebrate-First-Niagara-branch-opening19323.shtml

Women's Business Development Council Financial Center debuts amid fanfare

Political dignitaries, members of the financial community, honored guests and Women's Business Development Council staff, board members, supporters and clients gathered at the new WBDC offices on Bedford Street in Stamford to join Fran Pastore, CEO, Women's Business Development Council, Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy; James, Bzdrya, First ... (more)

via Stamford Newswire http://www.stamfordplus.com/stm/information/nws1/publish/Business_21/Women-s-Business-Development-Council-Financial-Center-debuts-amid-fanfare19317.shtml

Stamford Train Riders Face 30-Minute Delays

A New York City man working as a broker dealer in Stamford has been charged with securities fraud, according to a news release from U.S. Attorney David B. Fein's office said.

via Stamford Newswire http://stamford.dailyvoice.com/news/new-haven-line-riders-face-30-minute-delays

Storm Causes Hundreds Of Stamford Power Outages

The storm overnight Thursday knocked power out to thousands of customers in Fairfield County. Here's a list of outages as of 7 a.m.

via Stamford Newswire http://stamford.dailyvoice.com/news/storm-causes-hundreds-power-outages-fairfied-county

Stamford Man Scares Off Home Invaders, Protects Sleeping Child

Stamford Police shared Wednesday the harrowing tale of a man napping with his sleeping child when a group of intruders kicked in his front door.

via Stamford Newswire http://stamford.patch.com/articles/stamford-man-scares-off-home-invaders-protects-sleeping-child

Mayor's Minute: Stamford's Pavia Joins 'Mayors Against Illegal Guns'

Stamford Mayor Michael Pavia sat down with Patch Wednesday so he could address the citizens of the city and explain to them his decision to join the Mayors Against Illegal Guns Coalition.

via Stamford Newswire http://stamford.patch.com/articles/mayor-s-minute-stamford-s-pavia-joins-mayors-against-illegal-guns

A Matter of the Heart: Emotional Eating

... Debbie Oberlander, LCSW, RD, CDN is a licensed psychotherapist and registered dietitian with a private practice in Stamford, CT.

via Stamford Newswire http://wilton.patch.com/blog_posts/a-matter-of-the-heart-emotional-eating

Police: Bombs, White Supremacist Propaganda Found in Stamford Home

City officials say they discovered weapons, bombs, white supremacist and anti-police propaganda in a Stamford home during a health inspection there Wednesday evening.

via Stamford Newswire http://darien.patch.com/articles/police-bombs-white-supremacist-propaganda-found-in-stamford-home-f30b8ba6

Jackie Robinson's Day

(born January 31, 1919, Cairo, Georgia, U.S.-died October 24, 1972, Stamford, Connecticut), the first black baseball player to play in the American major leagues during the 20th century. On April 15, 1947, Robinson broke the decades-old colour bar of ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/505734/Jackie-Robinson

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Drug bust nets federal felon, girlfriend

... for them, in hopes a female officer wouldn't be available to a strip search them. In 2000, Canada was arrested by Stamford police when he was found with 60 grams of crack cocaine, Gasparino said. Because of the amount of narcotics, the case was ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.ctpost.com/policereports/article/Drug-bust-nets-federal-felon-girlfriend-4237620.php

Unilever hopes to wow viewers with AXE Super Bowl ad

... viewers and repeated runs, said Kevin McEvoy , assistant professor of marketing at the University of Connecticut 's Stamford campus. Like AXE, many of the products advertised are traditionally geared toward male audiences, though that is subtly ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.ctpost.com/news/article/Unilever-hopes-to-wow-viewers-with-AXE-Super-Bowl-4237565.php

Jennifer Aniston was set for shoot on Greenwich synagogue property

... Elmore Leonard 's novel "The Switch," and set in late 1970s Detroit, will be shot at various sites in Greenwich and Stamford. Last week, the Board of Selectmen approved an intermittent closure of Hamilton Avenue on Feb. 11 to allow a scene to be ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.ctpost.com/news/article/Jennifer-Aniston-was-set-for-shoot-on-Greenwich-4237491.php

Stamford Police: Bombs, White Supremacist Propaganda Found in City Home

City officials say they discovered weapons, bombs, white supremacist and anti-police propaganda in a Stamford home during a health inspection there Wednesday evening.

via Stamford Newswire http://newcanaan.patch.com/articles/stamford-police-bombs-white-supremacist-propaganda-found-in-city-home

Stamford Moves Closer To Continuing Well Water Testing

Stamford's well water testing ordinance moved a step closer to continuation Wednesday night, when it received unanimous support from the Special Water Committee of the Board of Representatives.

via Stamford Newswire http://stamford.dailyvoice.com/politics/stamford-moves-closer-continuing-well-water-testing

Stamford Police: Bombs, White Supremacist Propaganda Found in City Home

City officials say they discovered weapons, bombs, white supremacist and anti-police propaganda in a Stamford home during a health inspection there Wednesday evening.

via Stamford Newswire http://greenwich.patch.com/articles/police-bombs-white-supremacist-propaganda-found-in-stamford-home

Stamford Woman's Dance-Travel Show Takes On Italy

Stamford native Mikela Mallozzi, a dancer and online show host, has partnered with a media company to take her show "Bare Feet" to Italy, according to a news release.

via Stamford Newswire http://stamford.dailyvoice.com/business/stamford-womans-dance-travel-show-takes-italy

Malloy Wants To Invest $1.5 Billion In UConn Sciences, Technology

... by state lawmakers and the State Bond Commission, the money - targeted for the Storrs , Greater Hartford and Stamford campuses - would be used to hire faculty, improve facilities and increase overall enrollment by a third. Also, the money would pay ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.courant.com/community/mansfield/hc-uconn-engineering-school-0131-20130130,0,4906946.story?track=rss

Police: Bombs, White Supremacist Propaganda Found in Stamford Home

City officials say they discovered weapons, bombs, white supremacist and anti-police propaganda in a Stamford home during a health inspection there Wednesday evening.

via Stamford Newswire http://stamford.patch.com/articles/stamford-bomb-squad-responds-to-unspecified-incident-at-vine-road-home

Malloy Wants To Invest $1.5 Billion In UCONN Sciences, Technology

... and the Bond Commission, the money - targeted for the main Storrs campus as well as the greater Hartford and Stamford campuses - would be used to hire new faculty, improve facilities and increase enrollment in those fields by a third. Also, the ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.courant.com/community/mansfield/hc-uconn-engineering-school-0131-20130130,0,4906946.story


... Route 1, warning of a precedent that could allow other religious institutions to be built in residential zones. STAMFORD -- After a group of young school children sang the "Gong Xi" Happy New Year song, an acrobat danced in the ballroom of the ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.greenwichcitizen.com/news/article/Roundup-4236800.php


... National Academic WorldQuest competition where more than 60 students from area high schools will compete at UCONN/Stamford. Teams compete in 10 rounds of questions on topics from currents events to China to the Cuban Missile Crisis to the Middle ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.greenwichcitizen.com/news/article/Record-4236804.php

Metro-North Produces Second Highest Ridership Ever

... increase from 2011's 38.3 million. The "busiest suburban work destination" and "biggest outlying station" is Stamford, Conn., with an estimated 5,300 people getting off morning trains from both east and west. Connecticut Transportation Commissioner ...

via Stamford Newswire http://mamaroneck.dailyvoice.com/news/metro-north-produces-second-highest-ridership-ever

Grand Central and the New Haven line

... to New York City for legions of commuters from southern Connecticut. However, the rail link between Manhattan, Stamford, Norwalk, Bridgeport, New Haven and the numerous towns in between begins long before the "new" Grand Central opened in 1913. The ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.ctpost.com/opinion/article/Grand-Central-and-the-New-Haven-line-4236999.php

Stamford Residents Can Comment On School Spending Plan

Stamford parents and other residents will have a chance to vocalize their opinions of the school superintendent's proposed 2013-2014 budget Thursday night.

via Stamford Newswire http://stamford.dailyvoice.com/schools/stamford-residents-can-comment-school-spending-plan

Avis Tippman, 91, Stamford Native

... She was 91. Tippman was born April 19, 1921, in Herkimer, N.Y., to George Earl Covert and Pearl Foudy. She moved to Stamford in 1933 and graduated from Stamford High School in 1939. She graduated from Katherine Gibbs Secretarial School in 1941. She ...

via Stamford Newswire http://stamford.dailyvoice.com/obituaries/avis-tippman-91-longtime-new-canaan-resident

Regions Bank Wins 16 Greenwich Excellence Awards for Small Business and Middle Market Banking in 2012

... services in the form of benchmark information on best practices and market intelligence on overall trends. Based in Stamford, Connecticut, with additional offices in London, Toronto, Tokyo, and Singapore, the firm offers over 100 research-based ...

via Stamford Newswire http://eon.businesswire.com/news/eon/20130130005091/en/Regions-Bank-Wins-16-Greenwich-Excellence-Awards

It's like the song says . . . You gotta have friends

... of WorkLife Solutions, Family Centers' Employee Assistance Program serving area businesses. Serving Greenwich, Stamford, Darien and New Canaan, Family Centers is a United Way, New Canaan Community Foundation and Community Fund of Darien partner ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.greenwichcitizen.com/opinion/article/It-s-like-the-song-says-You-gotta-have-4236217.php

Pavia, Stamford Officials Welcome (Back) Niagara Bank

Stamford officials were on hand Wednesday to welcome First Niagara Bank back to the city following a relocation to their new offices at 2386 Summer St.

via Stamford Newswire http://stamford.patch.com/articles/pavia-stamford-officials-welcome-back-niagara-bank

Despite losses, future looks bright for swim team

... to cover every event in a meet with quality swimmers," Coach Doug Marchetti said. The team fell 102-73 to Westhill-Stamford at home on Jan. 25, but it was another meet that gave Marchetti a good feeling about his team during a recent stretch of ...

via Stamford Newswire http://m.norwalkcitizenonline.com/norwalk/db_10950/contentdetail.htm?detailindex=1&contentguid=sMA73ykw&pn=0

Avis Tippman, 91, Longtime New Canaan Resident

... She was 91. Tippman was born April 19, 1921, in Herkimer, N.Y., to George Earl Covert and Pearl Foudy. She moved to Stamford in 1933 and graduated from Stamford High School in 1939. She graduated from Katherine Gibbs Secretarial School in 1941. She ...

via Stamford Newswire http://newcanaan.dailyvoice.com/obituaries/avis-tippman-91-longtime-new-canaan-resident

Bobby Valentine: Next Sacred Heart University Athletic Director?

Bobby Valentine and Sacred Heart Universitycould they be a match? Maybe. As a native of Stamford, Connecticut , Bobby V. is very familiar with this private, catholic university, and has been on campus a handful of times to speak with students.

via Stamford Newswire http://risingapple.com/2013/01/30/bobby-valentine-next-sacred-heart-university-athletic-director/

Oil Fluctuates as Inventories Gain, Dollar Weakens on Economy

... growth. "The unexpected drop in GDP is a very large surprise," said Tom Doremus, an analyst at Tradition Energy in Stamford, Connecticut. The euro strengthened as much as 0.6 percent to $1.3578. A weaker dollar boosts dollar-denominated oil's appeal ...

via Stamford Newswire http://washpost.bloomberg.com/Story?docId=1376-MHG1930UQVI901-789123OGTHSQNNNQQSS321HJKQ

Stamford American Little League Plans Rookie Clinic

STAMFORD, Conn. Stamford American Little League will conduct a free rookie clinic for players ages 4-6 on March 2, at Davenport Ridge Elementary School.

via Stamford Newswire http://stamford.dailyvoice.com/sports/stamford-american-little-league-plans-rookie-clinic

New Canaan farmers market open through March

... Jeanna Petersen Shepard / For the New Canaan News Photo: Contributed Photo Fernando Cardona of Beldotti Bakery in Stamford offers a variety of treats at the New Canaan Farmers Market at the New Canaan Nature Center Tuesdady, Jan. 29, 2012. Jeanna ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.newcanaannewsonline.com/news/article/New-Canaan-farmers-market-open-through-March-4235513.php

Thompson Street Buys FocusVision

Thompson Street Capital Partners has acquired FocusVision Worldwide . Financial terms were not announced. Stamford, Conn.-based FocusVision provides video transmission, analysis and archive solutions. PRESS RELEASE Thompson Street Capital Partners ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.pehub.com/183723/thompson-street-buys-focusvision/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+pehub%2Fnews%2Fall+%28PEHub+News%29

Stamford Man Loves His Work As Church's Music Director

... as a pop singer, she was a "lively" student, Strybost said. He attended the Manhattan School of Music and moved to Stamford in 1984 but still has an apartment in Bronxville. "No matter how tired I am the kids are energized and keep me alive," he ...

via Stamford Newswire http://stamford.dailyvoice.com/neighbors/bronxville-churchs-music-director-loves-his-work

Stamford Broker Charged In Securities-Fraud Scheme

A New York City man working as a broker dealer in Stamford has been charged with securities fraud, according to a news release from U.S. Attorney David B. Fein's office said.

via Stamford Newswire http://stamford.dailyvoice.com/police-fire/stamford-broker-charged-securities-fraud-scheme

Oil Steady as Inventories Gain, Economy Unexpectedly Shrinks

... GDP is a very large surprise and is what hit the oil market," said Tom Doremus, an analyst at Tradition Energy in Stamford, Connecticut. Oil climbed earlier as the euro strengthened against the dollar and Agence France-Presse reported Israeli jets ...

via Stamford Newswire http://washpost.bloomberg.com/Story?docId=1376-MHG1930UQVI901-3QGO5N7TH8GPLFC3DPHAPEFOK4

Thompson Street adds FocusVision to its portfolio

... equity firm Thompson Street Capital Partners has partnered with management to acquire FocusVision Worldwide Inc. of Stamford, Conn., which provides web-based video streaming, archiving and analytics for the qualitative market research industry. ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.bizjournals.com/stlouis/blog/2013/01/thompson-street-adds-focusvision-to.html?ana=RSS&s=article_search&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+bizj_stlouis+%28St.+Louis+Business+Journal%29

Asia Pacific Fuels Sheraton Growth

STAMFORD, Conn.-Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide Inc. announced that Sheraton plans to open 30 hotels over the next 12 months.

via Stamford Newswire http://www.lodgingmagazine.com/News/News/Asia-Pacific-Fuels-Sheraton-Growth-2564.aspx

Thompson Street adds FocusVision to its portfolio

... equity firm Thompson Street Capital Partners has partnered with management to acquire FocusVision Worldwide Inc. of Stamford, Conn., which provides web-based video streaming, archiving and analytics for the qualitative market research industry. "The ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.bizjournals.com/stlouis/blog/2013/01/thompson-street-adds-focusvision-to.html?ana=RSS&s=article_search&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+vertical_44+%28Wireless%2C+Palms+%26+PDA+Industry+News%29

Treasury yields fall from nine-month highs as economy contracts

... it that need to be looked at," said David Ader, head of U.S. government-bond strategy at CRT Capital Group LLC in Stamford, Connecticut. "It's positive for the Treasury market, relative to where we are, and there are lots of caveats." Treasuries ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.pionline.com/article/20130130/DAILYREG/130139997/treasury-yields-fall-from-nine-month-highs-as-economy-contracts

Regions Bank Wins 16 Greenwich Excellence Awards for Small Business and Middle Market Banking in 2012

... services in the form of benchmark information on best practices and market intelligence on overall trends. Based in Stamford, Connecticut, with additional offices in London, Toronto, Tokyo, and Singapore, the firm offers over 100 research-based ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.businesswire.com/news/topix/20130130005090/en

Synovus Receives 21 Customer Service Excellence Awards

... sales of $10-$500 million, and 17,500 small businesses with sales of $1-$10 million across the country. Based in Stamford, CT, Greenwich Associates is a financial services consulting and research firm with additional offices in London, Singapore, ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20130130005901/en/Synovus-Receives-21-Customer-Service-Excellence-Awards

Autopsy: Stamford man's deatha

Stamford police say they believe a man whose frozen body was found at a local beach fell down while jogging, hit his head and drowned.

via Stamford Newswire http://www.wtnh.com/dpp/news/connecticut/Autopsy-Stamford-mans-death-was-accident_57074952

Wanted: Photo Editor Ready to Show Some Muscle

Ready to pick a fight? World Wrestling Entertainment is looking for a photo editor to join its pugilistic, Lycra-clad creative team in Stamford, Connecticut.

via Stamford Newswire http://www.mediabistro.com/unbeige/wanted-designer-ready-to-show-some-muscle_b7754

Police: Man Runs When Confronted by Store Workers

... d interfering with an officer. He posted a $5,000 bond and is scheduled to appear Feb. 8 in state Superior Court in Stamford.

via Stamford Newswire http://darien.patch.com/articles/police-man-runs-when-confronted-by-store-workers

NJ Man Obsessed with New Canaan Woman Charged with Harassment

A New Jersey man turned himself in to Stamford Police after allegedly harassing a woman he dated more than 20 years ago for an extended period of time, including sending a variety of ordered goods and food to her home, according to Lt.

via Stamford Newswire http://stamford.patch.com/articles/nj-man-obsessed-with-new-canaan-woman-charged-with-harassment

Lorca Brings Spanish Sweetness to Stamford

Those with a sweet tooth and coffee connoisseurs, Stamford's newest small business is looking to satisfy both your cravings at the same time, and reviews have been nothing but positive.

via Stamford Newswire http://stamford.patch.com/articles/lorca-brings-spanish-sweetness-to-stamford

Report: Valentine eyeing Scared Heart

... he'll be retiring this year, leaving an opening that Bobby V. is apparently interested in. Valentine, a native of Stamford, Conn., reportedly visited the school's campus in Fairfield about two weeks ago. Valentine is reportedly among several ...

via Stamford Newswire http://msn.foxsports.com/mlb/story/bobby-valentine-sacred-heart-athletics-director-former-boston-red-sox-manager-fired-one-disappointing-season-012913?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Foxsports%2Frss%2FMLB+%28FOXSports.com+News+for+MLB%29

Love for Lucy: Local Burn Victim Needs Medical Care and a New Home

... we knew it would be costly, we took her into our care this past Saturday, Jan. 26th. OPIN has supported the Stamford Animal Shelter and the Stamford and surrounding communities since 2007. There have been many sad cases like Lucy's, but this one, is ...

via Stamford Newswire http://weston-ct.patch.com/blog_posts/love-for-lucy-local-burn-victim-needs-medical-care-and-a-new-home

Clearwire investors use Dish to demand Sprint bump bid

... stand by this $2.97 bid is not going to work," said Keith Moore, an event-driven strategist at MKM Partners LLC in Stamford, Conn. "The Dish bid is illusionary. But Sprint still has the problem of having to get enough shareholders to support them." ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.northjersey.com/news/188964961_Clearwire_investors_use_Dish_to_demand_Sprint_bump_bid.html

Super Bowl XLVII menu all planned out with lots of meat

... in New Orleans is finalized. The company cooking and executing this menu is Centerplate . Centerplate is located in Stamford, CT and is not new to catering huge events. They have over eighty years of experience, and they have catered past Inaugural ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.examiner.com/article/super-bowl-xlvii-menu-all-planned-out-with-lots-of-meat?cid=rss

Trinity dominates Ridgefield

Trinity's Neno Merritt puts the ball up as Ridgefield's Andrew Barton blocks as Trinity Catholic hosts Ridgefield High School in a boys basketball game in Stamford, Conn., Jan.

via Stamford Newswire http://www.newstimes.com/sports/article/Trinity-Catholic-boys-dominate-Ridgefield-4233882.php

Stamford's Hurricane Sandy Costs Could Be $7 Million

The bill for Stamford's clean-up from Hurricane Sandy could total about $7 million, Stamford grants officer Karen Cammarota said Tuesday night.

via Stamford Newswire http://stamford.dailyvoice.com/news/stamfords-hurricane-sandy-costs-could-be-7-million

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Video: Stamford YMCA Hosts Fine Food for a Cause

For Sam Cingari, swimming in the pool at Stamford's YMCA is where his involvement all started.

via Stamford Newswire http://stamford.itsrelevant.com/content/13145/Stamford_YMCA_Hosts_Fine_Food_for_a_Cause

Angelina Pia Toscani, 100, Former Stamford Seamstress

... nd a grandson and two great-grandchildren. A Mass of Christian burial was celebrated Tuesday at St. Leo's Church in Stamford. Lacerenza Funeral Home handled arrangements.

via Stamford Newswire http://stamford.dailyvoice.com/obituaries/angelina-pia-toscani-100-former-stamford-seamstress

John Mariano Jr., 86, Stamford WWII Veteran

... great-grandchildren. A Mass of Christian burial will be celebrated at 10:30 a.m. Thursday at Sacred Heart Church in Stamford. Burial will be private. Lacerenza Funeral Home in Stamford is handling arrangements.

via Stamford Newswire http://stamford.dailyvoice.com/obituaries/john-mariano-jr-86-stamford-wwii-veteran

Public Hearing Set On Stamford Well Water Testing

Stamford residents will have a chance Wednesday night to sound off on continuing the well-water testing program the city has in place.

via Stamford Newswire http://stamford.dailyvoice.com/politics/public-hearing-set-stamford-well-water-testing-0

Fitch Takes Various Actions on Morgan Stanley 2007-XLC1

... mezzanine loan (31.4%) secured by interests in a portfolio of five full-service hotels (1,910 keys) located in Stamford, CT; Sonoma, CA; Norfolk, VA; Atlanta, GA; and Southfield, MI. The hotels are under the Marriott, Hilton, Sheraton, and Westin ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.businesswire.com/news/topix/20130129006876/en

Theodore Wilson III, 27, Norwalk Crossing Guard

... as a crossing guard for the City of Norwalk Community Services. Wilson is survived by a son, Jamari Wilson, of Stamford; his maternal grandparents, James and Willie Mae Keller, of Norwalk; his paternal grandparents, Theodore R. Wilson Sr. and ...

via Stamford Newswire http://norwalk.dailyvoice.com/obituaries/theodore-wilson-iii-27-norwalk-crossing-guard

Fitch Takes Various Actions on Morgan Stanley 2007-XLC1

... mezzanine loan (31.4%) secured by interests in a portfolio of five full-service hotels (1,910 keys) located in Stamford, CT; Sonoma, CA; Norfolk, VA; Atlanta, GA; and Southfield, MI. The hotels are under the Marriott, Hilton, Sheraton, and Westin ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.businesswire.com/portal/site/topix/index.jsp?ndmViewId=news_view&newsId=20130129006876&newsLang=en&ndmConfigId=1000639&vnsId=41

Cops: Man Violates No-Contact Order Again, Arrested Again

... harassment, then released on a $2,500 bond pending an appearance on Jan. 22 in state Superior Court in Stamford. Five days after that court appearance, Darien police arrested the man again, charging him again with criminal violation of a protective ...

via Stamford Newswire http://darien.patch.com/articles/cops-husband-violates-no-contact-order-again-arrested-again

FOREX-Euro advances as euro zone prospects brighten; Fed looms

... improving sentiment surveys in the euro zone's largest economy. Brian Kim, currency strategist at RBS Securities in Stamford, Connecticut, said overall economic data out of the euro zone showed mixed results. "There is no crazy outperformance in the ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/01/29/markets-forex-idUSL1N0AYFJT20130129?feedType=RSS&feedName=usDollarRpt

Death of Man Found in Stamford Park Ruled Drowning

According to Stamford Police Lt. Diedrich Hohn, the man found dead in the waters of Horseshoe Crab Beach at Cove Island Park died from asphyxiation by submergence, or drowning.

via Stamford Newswire http://stamford.patch.com/articles/police-death-of-man-found-in-stamford-park-ruled-drowning

U.S. Government Printing Office Announces Top 50 Private Sector Print Suppliers of 2012

... the number-four position, SourceLink of Miamisburg, Ohio produced $11,837,772 worth of printing for the GPO while Stamford, Connecticut's Cenveo advanced one place to the fifth position with $10,389,019. , senior vice president of Government Print ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.goprintandpromo.com/article/gpo-announces-top-50-private-sector-print-suppliers-2012/1

TREASURIES-Prices ease as investors seek to pay less at auctions

... zone have proven buying opportunities," said Ian Lyngen, senior government bond strategist at CRT Capital LLC in Stamford, Connecticut. While technical signals don't yet have the momentum for yields to decisively pierce 2 percent, he said, the ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/01/29/markets-usa-bonds-idUSL1N0AYBZN20130129?feedType=RSS&feedName=bondsNews

Connecticut Innovations Commits $650,000 to Fairfield County Startups

... ventures and look forward to seeing an even stronger pipeline of startups in the area as Connecticut 's new Stamford-based business accelerator, which is part of the state's Innovation Ecosystem, gets underway. Building a strong technology community ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.investorideas.com/news/2013/technology/01291.asp

UBS Ordered to Provide IRS with Info on Other Swiss Banks

... $16.2 million of which was seized and forfeited by the government from Wegelin's correspondent account with UBS in Stamford, Conn. in April 2012. "This summons is the latest step in our efforts to identify and prosecute U.S. taxpayers who think they ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.accountingtoday.com/news/UBS-Ordered-Provide-IRS-Information-Swiss-Banks-65478-1.html

The Nancy Lanza law: Bill focuses on safekeeping of guns

... unstable. State Sen. L. Scott Frantz, R-36, a gun owner himself who represents all of Greenwich and parts of Stamford and New Canaan, recently introduced a bill that would tighten the law applying to safekeeping of firearms. The measure, proposed ...

via Stamford Newswire http://m.newcanaannewsonline.com/newcanaan/db_11291/contentdetail.htm?detailindex=1&contentguid=pBqFDVH2&pn=0

New Haven Line sets record for high ridership

Despite the effects of Superstorm Sandy, Metro-North Railroad 's New Haven Line provided a record 38.8 million customer trips in 2012, driven by ridership growth in non-commuter and intermediate trips and those to and from stations from Stamford to New Haven.

via Stamford Newswire http://www.norwalkcitizenonline.com/news/article/New-Haven-Line-sets-record-for-high-ridership-4232455.php

ACG Connecticut's February Meeting Focuses on the Art of Successfully...

... process leading up to a successful exit. The event will be Friday, February 1, from 7:30 AM - 9:30 AM at the Stamford Marriott, 243 Tresser Boulevard, Stamford. ACG CT President Karin (McKittrick) Kovacic said, "This exciting panel of proven ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.prweb.com/releases/2013/1/prweb10373783.htm

Record-high RR ridership

Despite the effects of Superstorm Sandy, Metro-North Railroad 's New Haven Line provided a record 38.8 million customer trips in 2012, driven by ridership growth in non-commuter and intermediate trips and those to and from stations from Stamford to New Haven.

via Stamford Newswire http://www.newcanaannewsonline.com/local/article/New-Haven-Line-sets-record-for-high-ridership-4230305.php

Police: Stamford Man Drowned At Cove Island Park

The Stamford man whose body was found at Cove Island Park on Saturday drowned, according to the autopsy, Lt.

via Stamford Newswire http://stamford.dailyvoice.com/police-fire/police-stamford-man-drowned-cove-island-park

Stamford Police: Suspect Accused Of Harassing Couple

A New Jersey man was arrested in Stamford on Monday and accused of harassing a New Canaan couple, Stamford Police Lt.

via Stamford Newswire http://stamford.dailyvoice.com/police-fire/stamford-police-suspect-accused-harassing-couple

Another Reason To Hate Lawyers; Threatening To Sue Over The Newtown Massacre

... was the first of her son's victims, killed in the Newtown home they shared. His father, Peter, reportedly lived in Stamford, CT. He had separated from Adam's mother in 2001, and officially divorced her in 2009. Though his parents legally had joint ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.mediaite.com/online/another-reason-to-hate-lawyers-threatening-to-sue-over-the-newtown-massacre/

RuSat Selects Newtec To Offer B2C And B2B VSAT Broadband Service

... in 1985 and headquartered in Belgium, Newtec has regional offices as well as additional R&D centres located in Stamford, Conn. (U.S.), Singapore (Singapore), Beijing (China), Dubai (UAE), Sao Paulo (Brazil), Berlin (Germany) and France. About RuSat ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.sys-con.com/node/2526410

Greenwich PD Roundup: Assault Arrest; Construction Tools Pilfered

... scratched during the incident. The woman was released on a promise to appear Jan. 28 in state Superior Court in Stamford. Power tools stolen Greenwich Police are investigating the burglary of a storage shed in the 1100 block of East Putnam Avenue ...

via Stamford Newswire http://greenwich.patch.com/articles/greenwich-pd-roundup-assault-arrest-construction-tools-pilfered

George A. Petersen, 87, Lifelong Greenwich Resident

... and was a graduate of Ithaca College and for many years worked as a chemical engineer at American Cyanamid in Stamford. He was a veteran of WWII serving with the United States Navy from 1943-1945 and was in Normandy on June 6, 1944. George loved to ...

via Stamford Newswire http://greenwich.patch.com/articles/george-a-petersen-87-lifelong-greenwich-resident

Resident Appointed to State Business Development Agency

... entrepreneur and intellectual property (IP) lawyer. For 30 years he has operated a successful IP law practice in Stamford and Greenwich, serving Fortune 500 companies and individuals. Since the early 1990s he has specialized in procuring and ...

via Stamford Newswire http://greenwich.patch.com/articles/resident-appointed-to-state-agency

CT Man Charged with DWI in Downtown Port Chester

... Chester was charged with drunken driving, according to Port Chester Police. Manolo Torres, 47, of 28 Perry St., Stamford, CT, was stopped by a village police officer at 2:25 a.m. Sunday as the 2001 Toyota he was driving just missed hitting another ...

via Stamford Newswire http://portchester.patch.com/articles/ct-man-charged-with-dwi-in-downtown-port-chester

US Judge Gives IRS Permission to Demand UBS Tax Data on Wegelin

... to determine who held assets at Wegelin and other Swiss institutions using the UBS correspondent account in Stamford, Connecticut. UBS told IBTimes UK that "the court order refers exclusively to information in the US. It does not refer to UBS client ...

via Stamford Newswire http://au.ibtimes.com/articles/428970/20130129/wegelin-ubs-tax-evasion-fraud-irs-prosecution.htm

Seasonal Affective Disorder: Symptoms and 'Feel Better' Tips

Glenn Wolff, LCSW maintains a private psychotherapy practice in Stamford, CT. I have been treating a 37 year old woman for about six months.

via Stamford Newswire http://wilton.patch.com/blog_posts/seasonal-affective-disorder-sad

Thousands in CT to march for babies this sping

... - Union Park/South Green Sunday, April 28 East Hartford - Rentschler Field New Haven - Lighthouse Point Park Stamford - Commons Park at Harbor Point Saturday, May 4 Danbury - Matrix Corporate Center Mystic - Olde Mistick Village Sunday, May 5 ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.stamfordplus.com/stm/information/nws1/publish/News_1/Thousands-in-CT-to-march-for-babies-this-sping19297.shtml

California drivers still seeing month-long delay for new license

... ase within five days of renewing a license. California's new licenses are manufactured by L-1 Identity Solutions of Stamford, Connecticut under a five-year $62.8 million contract.

via Stamford Newswire http://www.news10.net/news/article/128949/2/California-drivers-still-seeing-month-long-delay-for-new-license

Helen V. Makowski, 88, Avid Gardener, Former Town Resident

... Czarnik and son-in-law Joseph Czarnik of New Fairfield, two sons, Mark Makowski of Groton, and Richard Makowski of Stamford; two grandchildren Jessica Makowski of Appleton, WI and Adam Czarnik of New Fairfield; and nephews Peter Krack of Danbury, ...

via Stamford Newswire http://greenwich.patch.com/articles/helen-v-makowski-avid-gardener-former-town-resident

UBS Told by U.S. Judge to Give IRS Data on Wegelin Accounts

... Assistant U.S. Attorney Natalie N. Kuehler said Wegelin held a correspondent account through a UBS office in Stamford, Connecticut. UBS will fulfill its legal obligations in the U.S., the Zurich-based bank said today in a statement. The summons ...

via Stamford Newswire http://washpost.bloomberg.com/Story?docId=1376-MHCZ8M6KLVS601-6QB4K1IET7E9ULL0968EJK4J11

13 Doctors from ONS included in Greenwich Magazine's Top Doctors list

... physicians in Fairfield County for their annual Top Doctors list. The January 2013 Top Doctors issue of Greenwich, Stamford, New Canaan/ Darien and Westport Magazines contains information on over 323 doctors in 48 medical specialties. This year's ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.prweb.com/releases/ONSTopDoctors/2013/prweb10302651.htm

Natural Gas Drops Sixth Day on Forecasts for Warmer U.S. Weather

... came in warmer and that's putting some pressure on the market," Tom Doremus, an analyst at Tradition Energy in Stamford, Connecticut, said yesterday. "We're seeing some near-term relief from last week's cold." U.S. gas inventories totaled 2.996 ...

via Stamford Newswire http://washpost.bloomberg.com/Story?docId=1376-MHDC7D6KLVRB01-4SLJNATMVP26M7A0SMLRC9IS4L

Bobby Valentine To Visit Easton Little League Hot Stove Night

... speaker at the Easton Little League's first Hot Stove Night on March 23 at Joel Barlow High School. Valentine, a Stamford native, will also hold a clinic prior to the event. More information is available from the Easton Parks and Recreation office ...

via Stamford Newswire http://weston.dailyvoice.com/sports/bobby-valentine-visit-easton-ll-hot-stove-night

Awareness Increases School Safety, Stamford Officials Say

When was the last time you entered a room and checked for the nearest emergency exits? Stamford Public Schools are trying to get people to do just that to be more aware of their surroundings, especially after the shooting in Newtown, a school security official said Monday night.

via Stamford Newswire http://stamford.dailyvoice.com/schools/awareness-increases-school-safety-stamford-officials-say

Monday, January 28, 2013

Greenwich family office buys Wash. manufacturer

... resources that come from the KCO team," Strong said in a statement. Imaginetics, which has customers including Stamford-based Hexcel Corp., Boeing, Spirit Aerosystems and Zodiac Aerospace, invests in companies with earnings between $2 million and ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.ctpost.com/news/article/Greenwich-family-office-buys-Wash-manufacturer-4230591.php

Feds claim Stamford trader tricked TARP-backed funds

A former Stamford-based managing director at an investment bank pleaded not guilty Monday morning to criminal charges of profiteering on a federal bailout program and multiple allegations of securities fraud.

via Stamford Newswire http://www.ctpost.com/news/article/Feds-claim-Stamford-trader-tricked-TARP-backed-4230596.php

AMR Ad Hoc Bondholder Group Said to Favor Merger With US Airways

... more than $620 million in unsecured trade claims, according to Kevin Starke, an analyst at CRT Capital Group LLC in Stamford, Connecticut. The division of equity in a combined airline and who would run it remain unresolved in talks among the ...

via Stamford Newswire http://washpost.bloomberg.com/Story?docId=1376-MHCVI20YHQ0X01-5I6J347HE1QGL83MK2P92MOMO7

Greenwich family office buys Wash. manufacturer

... resources that come from the KCO team," Strong said in a statement. Imaginetics, which has customers including Stamford-based Hexcel Corp., Boeing, Spirit Aerosystems and Zodiac Aerospace, invests in companies with earnings between $2 million and ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.newstimes.com/news/article/Greenwich-family-office-buys-Wash-manufacturer-4230591.php

New Haven Line sets record for high ridership

Despite the effects of Superstorm Sandy, Metro-North Railroad 's New Haven Line provided a record 38.8 million customer trips in 2012, driven by ridership growth in non-commutation, intermediate, and trips to and from stations from Stamford to New Haven.

via Stamford Newswire http://www.ctpost.com/local/article/New-Haven-Line-sets-record-for-high-ridership-4230510.php

George Petersen, 87, Greenwich WWII Veteran, Engineer

... Greenwich schools and graduated from Ithaca College. He worked as a chemical engineer at American Cyanamid in Stamford for many years. A veteran of World War II, he served in the Navy from 1943 to 1945. He loved to bowl and his favorite activity was ...

via Stamford Newswire http://greenwich.dailyvoice.com/obituaries/george-petersen-87-greenwich-wwii-veteran-engineer

Priceline's Story: The Startup With 1,000 Faces

GUEST MENTOR Scott Case , CEO of Startup America Partnership : Fifteen years ago, I was the founding CTO of a startup that launched in Stamford, Conn., 45 minutes from New York City.

via Stamford Newswire http://blogs.wsj.com/accelerators/2013/01/28/the-priceline-story-the-startup-with-1000-faces/

Emerging Markets-Mexican peso weakens on rate cut fears, real jumps

... to a stronger real, at least in the short term," said Flavia Cattan-Naslausky, a strategist with RBS Securities in Stamford, Connecticut. "I believe that is related to a deterioration in inflation." The real closed at 2.0006 per dollar, 1.5 percent ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/01/29/markets-latam-forex-idUSL1N0AXJNS20130129?feedType=RSS&feedName=usDollarRpt

Carmella 'Millie' Rongoe, 95, Of Stamford

STAMFORD, Conn. Carmella "Millie" Rongoe, a longtime Stamford resident, died Jan.

via Stamford Newswire http://stamford.dailyvoice.com/obituaries/carmella-millie-rongoe-95-stamford

Joseph Skrivan Sr., 81, Stamford Engineer, WWII Vet

STAMFORD, Conn. Joseph F. Skrivan Sr., a longtime Stamford resident, died Jan. 26 at Stamford Hospital, with his children by his side.

via Stamford Newswire http://stamford.dailyvoice.com/obituaries/joseph-skrivan-sr-81-stamford-engineer-wwii-vet

Stamford Police End Stand-Off Peacefully

STAMFORD, Conn. A Stamford man who was said to be suicidal and threatening to kill anyone who entered his home was taken into custody Sunday after a stand-off with police, authorities said.

via Stamford Newswire http://stamford.dailyvoice.com/police-fire/stamford-police-end-stand-peacefully

Stamford Police Mechanic Charged With Larceny, Forgery

A Stamford police mechanic turned himself in on larceny and forgery charges after being suspected of buying car parts for his personal vehicle and charging them to the department's account, Police Chief Jonathan Fontneau said.

via Stamford Newswire http://stamford.dailyvoice.com/police-fire/stamford-police-mechanic-charged-larceny-forgery

Body Found At Stamford's Cove Island Park Identified

The man found dead at Cove Island Park has been identified as Frank Kuleba, 50, of Stamford, Capt.

via Stamford Newswire http://stamford.dailyvoice.com/police-fire/body-found-stamfords-cove-island-park-identified

Stamford Man Re-arrested In Deadly 2011 Stabbing

Police have re-arrested a Stamford man suspected of stabbing a Bronx teenager in July 2011, Capt.

via Stamford Newswire http://stamford.dailyvoice.com/police-fire/stamford-man-re-arrested-deadly-2011-stabbing

Inventories, trade seen hobbling fourth-quarter GDP

... these developments suggest a worrisome weakening in U.S. fundamentals," said Omair Sharif, an economist at RBS in Stamford, Connecticut. A measure of underlying domestic demand, which excludes inventories and trade, is expected to have quickened a ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.foxbusiness.com/news/2013/01/28/inventories-trade-seen-hobbling-fourth-quarter-gdp/

Former trader charged with defrauding bailout fund

... broker-dealer and managing director at Jefferies & Co., Inc. who worked on the company's trading floor in Stamford, Conn., engaged in a scheme to defraud customers on residential mortgage-backed securities trades. "As alleged, the defendant ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20130128/FINANCE/130129900

UPDATE 3-US charges ex-Jefferies exec with mortgage debt fraud

... said on Monday. The criminal case against Jesse Litvak, a former senior trader on Jefferies' trading floor in Stamford, Connecticut, is the first under a 2009 law banning "major fraud" against the United States through the Troubled Asset Relief ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/01/28/jefferies-mortgage-fraud-charges-idUSL1N0AXEG920130128?feedType=RSS&feedName=financialsSector

Inclement Weather Cancels Many UConn Classes on Monday

... at the UConn Health Center should check with their appropriate designees for the status of their campus. Classes at STAMFORD and the LAW SCHOOL will continue as normally scheduled today. All UConn classes will resume tomorrow morning, Jan. 29, as ...

via Stamford Newswire http://today.uconn.edu/blog/2013/01/inclement-weather-cancels-many-uconn-classes-on-monday/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+uconn-today+%28UConn+Today%29

2011 Murder Charges Now Manslaughter Charges for Stamford Man

A Stamford man who ultimately had murder charges from a 2011 stabbing incident dropped has been again indicted in the crime, this time facing a manslaughter charge, according to Stamford Police Capt.

via Stamford Newswire http://stamford.patch.com/articles/2011-murder-charges-now-manslaughter-charges-for-stamford-man

Body Found at Stamford Park ID'd by Police

A body discovered in a remote location on Horseshoe Crab Beach at Cove Island Park was identified by police as a 50-year-old Stamford resident who lived nearby.

via Stamford Newswire http://stamford.patch.com/articles/body-found-at-stamford-park-id-d-by-police

Attend This: 'Reconnecting After Trauma' Venue Change

... Gun Violence," according to a release by the interfaith council. Present at the event will be Congressman Jim Hims, Stamford Public School officials and mental health professionals.

via Stamford Newswire http://stamford.patch.com/articles/attend-this-reconnecting-after-trauma-venue-change

Norwalk Chocolate Expo 2013

Roseline and Andre Gonzales, of Stamford, share chocolate covered strawberries at the Chocolate World Expo at the Maritime Aquarium in Norwalk, Conn.

via Stamford Newswire http://www.newstimes.com/news/slideshow/Norwalk-Chocolate-Expo-2013-55783.php

Urban archeologist to confess to Senior Men's Club of New Canaan

... with regular articles and videos about his discoveries. "The Urban Archeologist" has been featured in New Canaan, Stamford, Greenwich, and an average of 10 different Connecticut Patch "towns" each week. "I have always enjoyed tag sale-ing, to search ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.newcanaannewsonline.com/news/article/Urban-archeologist-to-confess-to-Senior-Men-s-4229433.php

Emerging Markets-Brazil real rallies on move by central bank

... to a stronger real, at least in the short term." said Flavia Cattan-Naslausky, a strategist with RBS Securities in Stamford, Connecticut. "I believe that is related to a deterioration in inflation." The real last traded at 2.0550 per dollar, 1.25 ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/01/28/markets-latam-forex-idUSL1N0AX74220130128?feedType=RSS&feedName=bondsNews

Stamford Schools To Dismiss Early Monday

King Low Heywood Thomas, a private school, also is closing early Monday. Its middle school will close at 12:40 p.m., and the lower and upper schools will close at 1 p.m. All after-school athletics and activities at the private school are canceled.

via Stamford Newswire http://stamford.dailyvoice.com/schools/stamford-schools-dismiss-early-monday

Natural Gas Drops to 2-Week Low on Mild Weather as BofA Sees $3

... came in warmer and that's putting some pressure on the market," said Tom Doremus, an analyst at Tradition Energy in Stamford, Connecticut. "We're seeing some near-term relief from last week's cold." Natural gas for February delivery fell 12.2 cents, ...

via Stamford Newswire http://washpost.bloomberg.com/Story?docId=1376-MHBHY06JTSEF01-13C1TRUIR3PQ3Q82FEFIAG54J8

Emerging Markets-Brazil real rallies on move by central bank

... to a stronger real, at least in the short term." said Flavia Cattan-Naslausky, a strategist with RBS Securities in Stamford, Connecticut. "I believe that is related to a deterioration in inflation." The real last traded at 2.0550 per dollar, 1.25 ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/01/28/markets-latam-forex-idUSL1N0AX74220130128?feedType=RSS&feedName=marketsNews

CT Legislature Confirms First Openly Gay Supreme Court Justice

... d his wider range of professional and life experience in their support of his confirmation. McDonald is a native of Stamford, CT and received a bachelor's degree in Government from Cornell University and a Juris Doctor from UConn Law.

via Stamford Newswire http://rockyhill.patch.com/articles/ct-legislature-confirms-first-openly-gay-supreme-court-justice-7d64456a

Top Hedge Fund Works To Contain Fallout From Inquiry

... owner of the hedge fund SAC Capital Advisors, does not appear concerned. But inside the offices of SAC's Stamford, Conn., headquarters, and at Midtown Manhattan law firms, Cohen's employees and lawyers are working hard to contain the fallout from ...

via Stamford Newswire http://hereisthecity.com/2013/01/28/top-hedge-fund-works-to-contain-fallout-from-inquiry/

Natural Gas Drops to Two-Week Low on Milder Weather Forecasts

... came in warmer and that's putting some pressure on the market," said Tom Doremus, an analyst at Tradition Energy in Stamford, Connecticut. "We're seeing some near-term relief from last week's cold." Natural gas for February delivery fell 12.8 cents, ...

via Stamford Newswire http://washpost.bloomberg.com/Story?docId=1376-MHBHY06JTSEF01-3JG3NBK6PNT5VFP9S42R2HEQMO

Rotary Pulse Generators feature NPN open collector output.

... applications include motion control feedback, machine control, process control, robotics, and food processing. Stamford, CT USA Omega introduces its new series of flange mount rotary pulse generators. The ZDH series features high precision accuracy, ...

via Stamford Newswire http://news.thomasnet.com/fullstory/Rotary-Pulse-Generators-feature-NPN-open-collector-output-20002121

Banks Debt Poised to Capture Pre-Crisis Eminence: Credit Markets

... a favored sector for investment-grade investors," Edward Marrinan, a macro credit strategist at RBS Securities in Stamford, Connecticut, said in a telephone interview. Following legislative and regulatory changes, "their balance sheets are far more ...

via Stamford Newswire http://washpost.bloomberg.com/Story?docId=1376-MH711S0D9L3501-68QI8LT3AFJKNCUDO3S1FL41C3

What To Do In Stamford This Week

The following is a list of community events and town meetings taking place this week in Stamford.

via Stamford Newswire http://stamford.dailyvoice.com/events/what-do-stamford-week-15

Cool Cat Tries to Make Home in Stamford Convertible

... winter chill blanketing the country tried making his home in a car on Bedford St. last week, said Director of the Stamford Animal Care & Control Shelter Laurie Hollywood. The brown Tabby apparently tried climbing into the trunk of the convertible by ...

via Stamford Newswire http://stamford.patch.com/articles/cool-cat-tries-to-make-home-in-stamford-convertible

Dance With Me Stamford Hosting Over-40 Valentine's Party For Charity

David ' s Soundview Catering of Stamford & Purple Feet Wine & Spirits of Westport Partnering With Studio in Over-40 Singles Event; Proceeds Will Benefit Stamford Animal Rescue STAMFORD, Conn., January 24, 2013- This year area singles over 40 can celebrate Valentine's Day at a fun social event in an elegant and romantic setting -- and perhaps meet ... (more)

via Stamford Newswire http://norwalk.patch.com/events/dance-with-me-stamford-to-host-dance-and-date-over-40-valentines-party-for-charity-with-norwalk-partner

Gun Safety Advocates Raise Money, Awareness in Wilton

... bake sale to raise money. Through some of the donations they hoped to sponsor bus seats for individuals in Norwalk, Stamford and Bridgeport who can't pay to ride the bus to the march, but who still want to join the rally. Close to $1,500 was raised ...

via Stamford Newswire http://wilton.patch.com/articles/march-for-change-table

Photos of This Week's Highest Selling Homes

These are the highest selling houses in our town and neighboring towns, according to the most recent property transfers recorded in town clerks' offices. Get the full scoop on all your local market conditions in one place by checking out the Stamford Patch Real Estate Guide .

via Stamford Newswire http://stamford.patch.com/articles/photos-of-this-weeks-highest-selling-homes-jan-27

Antique shop in Ringwood is all about recycling

... a lot of things when we lost my dad a few years ago." Pickail decided to rent a booth at Hiden Galleries in Stamford, Conn. for her first foray into the retail world of antiques. The cost, location and set-up were all to her liking. "They do the ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.northjersey.com/shopping/188626311_Antique_shop_in_Ringwood_is_all_about_recycling.html

See Stamford's Recent Home Sales

15. a-a Ian Tapsall and Catherine Tapsall sold 1 Shore Road, Unit 6 to Gerhard Krause Jr.

via Stamford Newswire http://stamford.dailyvoice.com/real-estate/see-stamfords-recent-home-sales-9

Malloy May Face Tough Re-election Fight in Conn.

... premise. After mounting an unsuccessful gubernatorial run in 2006 and having served for 14years as the mayor of Stamford -- Connecticut's fourth largest city -- Malloy ascended to the Governor's Residence in early 2011 after eking out a victory ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2013/01/28/malloy_may_face_tough_re-election_fight_in_conn_116821.html

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Grand Central poised for the next century

... commuter groups has been the group of reverse commuters who travel from New York City to employment hubs like Stamford and Greenwich, as well as intrastate riders who travel to those destinations. In 2011, about two thirds of the 8.1 million rides ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.ctpost.com/local/article/Grand-Central-poised-for-the-next-century-4227801.php

DealBook: Beneath the Calm, SAC Works to Contain Fallout From an Inquiry

... owner of the hedge fund SAC Capital Advisors, does not appear concerned. But inside the offices of SAC's Stamford, Conn., headquarters, and at Midtown Manhattan law firms, Mr. Cohen's employees and lawyers are working hard to contain the fallout ...

via Stamford Newswire http://dealbook.nytimes.com/2013/01/27/beneath-the-calm-sac-works-to-contain-fallout-from-an-inquiry/?partner=rss&emc=rss

Chocolate lovers flock to Norwalk

Roseline and Andre Gonzales, of Stamford, share chocolate covered strawberries at the Chocolate World Expo at the Maritime Aquarium in Norwalk, Conn.

via Stamford Newswire http://www.ctpost.com/news/slideshow/Norwalk-Chocolate-Expo-2013-55783.php

Body Found at Stamford's Cove Island Park

The body of a 50-year-old man was reportedly found Saturday afternoon in a remote section of Cove Island Park in Stamford .

via Stamford Newswire http://stamford.patch.com/articles/body-found-at-stamford-s-cove-island-park

Job market probably kept making progress

... market is pretty resilient, but it's also unspectacular," said Guy Berger, an economist at RBS Securities Inc. in Stamford, Connecticut. "It looks like employers didn't really blink during the fiscal debates. If we keep adding jobs at this pace, the ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/job-market-probably-kept-making-progress-us-economy-preview/2013/01/27/e88205fc-6841-11e2-83c7-38d5fac94235_story.html

Room for rent in West Hartford No lease..

... may requested to verify the same in person. Hi Looking for roommate in a 2 BR apartment (1150 sq feet) located on Stamford, CT-06902. it is newly carpeted and everything included Ideally located near to downtown, indian grocery, library and mall. ...

via Stamford Newswire http://indianroommates.sulekha.com/room-for-rent-in-west-hartford-no-lease_west-hartford-ct_388769

Employers added more workers, reports to show

... labor market is pretty resilient, but it's also unspectacular," said Guy Berger, an economist at RBS Securities in Stamford, Conn. "It looks like employers didn't really blink during the fiscal debates. If we keep adding jobs at this pace, the ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.freep.com/article/20130127/BUSINESS07/301270141/1002/business

Sunday and Sports Go Hand-in-Hand

Lewis Baer delivers a pitch for Stamford American Little League's Instant Replay on Sunday May 6th.

via Stamford Newswire http://stamford.patch.com/articles/stamford-community-sports-gallery

Employers added more workers, reports to show

... labor market is pretty resilient, but it's also unspectacular," said Guy Berger, an economist at RBS Securities in Stamford, Conn. "It looks like employers didn't really blink during the fiscal debates. If we keep adding jobs at this pace, the ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.freep.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=2013301270141

Malloy Talks Jobs, Gender Equality in Stamford

It was a day of talking business in Stamford when Gov. Dannel P. Malloy swept through Wednesday, making stops at both the Business Council of Fairfield County's winter luncheon and the grand re-opening of the Women's Business Development Council's office.

via Stamford Newswire http://wilton.patch.com/articles/malloy-talks-jobs-gender-equality-in-stamford-28fc8738

At least three in custody after federal raid at Norwalk, Stamford houses

Federal agents raided a house early Thursday morning, May 12, 2011 in Stamford, Conn.

via Stamford Newswire http://www.norwalkcitizenonline.com/news/article/At-least-three-in-custody-after-federal-raid-at-1376776.php

After enduring Stags' practical jokes, Johnston rises to occasion

... first time I didn't expect it, but the second time I made sure they were with me," said the sophomore guard from Stamford who attended St. Luke's in New Canaan. "So I started running out (the second time) and someone on Marist said, `They did it to ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.newstimes.com/sports/article/After-enduring-Stags-practical-jokes-Johnston-4226160.php

Payrolls Probably Rose in January as U.S. Labor Market Sustained Progress

... market is pretty resilient, but it's also unspectacular," said Guy Berger, an economist at RBS Securities Inc. in Stamford, Connecticut. "It looks like employers didn't really blink during the fiscal debates. If we keep adding jobs at this pace, the ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-01-27/job-market-probably-kept-making-progress-u-s-economy-preview.html

Fans say there's something cool about curling

... can't do it anymore." Curling also helps pass the time during the long days of winter, according to Bill Langley of Stamford, Conn., who has been curling for about a decade. Langley's neighbor encouraged him to hit the ice, and after several pleas, ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.unionleader.com/article/20130126/NEWHAMPSHIRE09/130129241

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Barlow to Take on the World at Debate

... that they can apply in coming years. A week earlier at King Low Heywood Thomas (KLHT), a private school in Stamford, Barlow debaters earned several distinctions debating the idea of government no longer paying for reconstruction in natural ...

via Stamford Newswire http://weston-ct.patch.com/articles/barlow-to-take-on-the-world-at-debate

$50,000 Reward Offered For Norwalk Double Homicide Information

... B. At the request of Police Chief Thomas Kulhawik, David Cohen, state's attorney for the Judicial District of Stamford/Norwalk, asked Governor Dannell P. Malloy to approve a reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person ...

via Stamford Newswire http://weston-ct.patch.com/articles/50000-reward-offered-for-norwalk-double-homicide-information

Malloy Visits Stamford to Talk Jobs, Gender Equality

It was a day of talking business in Stamford when Gov. Dannel P. Malloy swept through Wednesday, making stops at both the Business Council of Fairfield County's winter luncheon and the grand re-opening of the Women's Business Development Council's office.

via Stamford Newswire http://weston-ct.patch.com/articles/malloy-visits-stamford-to-talk-jobs-gender-equality-f76a1951

The Newtown Tragedy and the Stigma of Mental Illness

... Mobile Psychiatric Services team. The Child Guidance Center of Southern Connecticut provides this vital service in Stamford, Greenwich, Darien and New Canaan. But, please do not wait until it is an emergency to seek help. If you are concerned that ...

via Stamford Newswire http://weston-ct.patch.com/articles/the-newtown-tragedy-and-the-stigma-of-mental-illness-7174c2b0

The Nancy Lanza law: Bill focuses on safekeeping of guns

... unstable. State Sen. L. Scott Frantz, R-36, a gun owner himself who represents all of Greenwich and parts of Stamford and New Canaan, recently introduced a bill that would tighten the law applying to safekeeping of firearms. The measure, proposed ...

via Stamford Newswire http://m.newstimes.com/danbury/db_14216/contentdetail.htm?contentguid=TkAabFaI&detailindex=1&pn=0&ps=4

CT Legislature Confirms First Openly Gay Supreme Court Justice

... his wider range of professional and life experience in their support of his confirmation. McDonald is a native of Stamford, CT and received a bachelor's degree in Government from Cornell University and a Juris Doctor from UConn Law. Read the ...

via Stamford Newswire http://southington.patch.com/articles/ct-legislature-confirms-first-openly-gay-supreme-court-justice-2dcdaa7d

Financier in Conn. fraud surrenders

... '-dee) turned himself in as ordered by a federal judge. Illarramendi ran unregistered hedge funds out of offices in Stamford. He has pleaded guilty to several counts of fraud and conspiracy to obstruct justice.

via Stamford Newswire http://www.wtnh.com/dpp/news/crime/financier-in-conn-fraud-enters-us-custody_84180884

Letter: Stamford Organization Helps Patients Recover

... coaches to maintain daily living skills cooking, cleaning, budgeting, etc. He also engages socially within the Stamford community. In the not so distant past, a diagnosis of mental illness was cause for despair and shame. Today, organizations like ...

via Stamford Newswire http://stamford.dailyvoice.com/opinion/letter-stamford-organization-helps-patients-recover

Bond Commission Approves $40M for Stamford Transportation Center

The State Bond Commission on Friday approved $170 million for several major Department of Transportation projects, including $40 million to transform the Stamford Transportation Center into a multi-modal commuter complex .

via Stamford Newswire http://stamford.patch.com/articles/bond-commission-approves-40m-for-stamford-transportation-center

Newtown couple provide home furnishings to needy

... mouth about Make A Home has enabled it to grow. Pettengill, a longtime Newtown resident who was born and raised in Stamford, knows what it's like to need help. A mom of three and grandma of two, she has had breast cancer and, nearly two years ago, ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.newstimes.com/news/article/Newtown-couple-provide-home-furnishings-to-needy-4225659.php

Community Fund of Darien seeking new executive director

... executive director. The Community Fund of Darien, established in 1951, addresses human service needs in Darien, Stamford and Norwalk by raising money and distributing to local social service agencies. Through its Human Services Planning Council , ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.dariennewsonline.com/news/article/Community-Fund-of-Darien-seeking-new-executive-4225891.php

Investor group plans to nominate three directors to Ferro's board

... group calls itself the Shareholder Committee for the Future of Ferro and is led by FrontFour Capital Group LLC of Stamford, Conn., and Quinpario Partners LLC of New York. It said it is nominating the three director candidates - David A. Lorber, ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.plasticsnews.com/article/20130125/NEWS/130129946/investor-group-plans-to-nominate-three-directors-to-ferros-board

Details on Aniston Movie Shoot in Greenwich [VIDEO]

... three seasons as the location scout for the popular television series 'The Big C', which is shot in Greenwich and Stamford, the selectmen asked if they could get the autographs and even meet stars Jennifer Aniston, Tim Robbins ("Bull Durham, ...

via Stamford Newswire http://shelton.patch.com/articles/details-on-aniston-movie-shoot-in-greenwich-video-ea38768d

Health, Technology and the Forgotten Stepchild of Innovation

... Simply put, they already exist, but fail to be implemented. I recently sat down with Faisal Hoque in his Stamford, CT offices and talked about healthcare business innovation. Faisal is an entrepreneur, thought leader, author of several business ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.forbes.com/sites/johnnosta/2013/01/26/health-technology-and-the-forgotten-stepchild-of-innovation/

Newtown couple provide home furnishings to needy

... mouth about Make A Home has enabled it to grow. Pettengill, a longtime Newtown resident who was born and raised in Stamford, knows what it's like to need help. A mom of three and grandma of two, she has had breast cancer and, nearly two years ago, ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.boston.com/news/local/connecticut/2013/01/26/newtown-couple-provide-home-furnishings-needy/EA2GV2TDCp7WnhWIMEHQlO/story.html

Will investors ride bull market?

... Matthew Tuttle had been down on the stock market for some time, he's recently changed his tune. In late 2012, the Stamford, Conn. , money manager began urging clients to pull money out of cash and put it into stocks. "Equities are the ticket for ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.csmonitor.com/Business/2013/0126/Will-investors-ride-bull-market?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+feeds%2Fcsm+%28Christian+Science+Monitor+%7C+All+Stories%29

Malloy Warns Of 'Tough Cuts' In Connecticut State Budget

Connecticut Gov. Dannel P. Malloy was in Stamford this week, talking plainly about what the state can expect in the budget in a couple of weeks.

via Stamford Newswire http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2013/01/26/malloy-warns-of-tough-cuts-in-connecticut-state-budget/

Have a Great Shot of Stamford You Want to Share?

Splash Car Wash in Stamford just Donated $1,373 To the Den for Grieving Kids from our store in Stamford CT! We just want everyone to remember that this is the giving season , Merry Christmas! All of this comes from 5% of the Local Splas h Car Wash's Gift sale.

via Stamford Newswire http://stamford.patch.com/articles/your-neighborhood-gallery-b3e0bd97

Stamford, CT Patch

In case you missed a day, here's a quick roundup of all the lead stories from Stamford this week.

via Stamford Newswire http://stamford.patch.com/articles/stamford-week-in-review

What's Up This Weekend: 'Next to Normal,' Sandy Hook Benefit Concert, Etc.

... and protect this area for future generations. Winterfest at Sportsplex Where: Sportsplex , 49 Brown House Rd, Stamford, CT When: Saturday, January 26, 2013 , 8:00 am Cost: Free Description: Free membership raffle for all Attendees - Check out ...

via Stamford Newswire http://fairfield.patch.com/articles/what-s-up-this-weekend-next-to-normal-sandy-hook-benefit-concert-etc

Stamford's McDonald Confirmed by Senate for CT Supreme Court

Wednesday, Stamford's Andrew McDonald came one step closer to being confirmed to the Connecticut Supreme Court as an Associate Judge and as a judge to the Superior Court after the State Senate approved his nomination by a vote of 30 to 3. "Andrew McDonald is a remarkable public servant who has excelled at every position he has served in," said Sen.

via Stamford Newswire http://westport.patch.com/articles/stamfords-mcdonald-confirmed-by-senate-for-ct-supreme-court-1ed5e4bc

Find A Job In And Around Stamford

Former Stamford resident Juan Ruano, 49, was sentenced to than 10 years in prison Thursday for heroin trafficking, said a statement from U.S. Attorney in Connecticut David B. Fein.

via Stamford Newswire http://stamford.dailyvoice.com/business/find-job-and-around-darien-7

Yen Falls for 11th Week on Bets Japan Will Push It Down Further

... was 0.66 percent. "A key driver of any currency is the two-year interest rate ," Dan Dorrow, head of research in Stamford, Connecticut , at Faros Trading LLC, said in a telephone interview. The LTRO repayments show "banks are able to fund ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-01-26/yen-falls-for-11th-week-on-bets-japan-will-push-it-down-further.html

Friday, January 25, 2013

CT Legislature Confirms First Openly Gay Supreme Court Justice

... d his wider range of professional and life experience in their support of his confirmation. McDonald is a native of Stamford, CT and received a bachelor's degree in Government from Cornell University and a Juris Doctor from UConn Law.

via Stamford Newswire http://waterford.patch.com/articles/ct-legislature-confirms-first-openly-gay-supreme-court-justice-7d032d19

Former Stamford Man Gets 10 Years For Trafficking Heroin

Former Stamford resident Juan Ruano, 49, was sentenced to than 10 years in prison Thursday for heroin trafficking, said a statement from U.S. Attorney in Connecticut David B. Fein.

via Stamford Newswire http://stamford.dailyvoice.com/police-fire/former-stamford-man-gets-10-years-trafficking-heroin

Stamford's Mayor Pavia Joins Anti-Illegal Gun Group

Stamford Mayor Michael Pavia joined the bipartisan coalition Mayor's Against Illegal Guns while at a U.S. Conference of Mayors meeting in Washington, D.C. "I am honored to have joined the coalition of "Mayors Against Illegal Guns" and am committed to working with the coalition of fellow mayors to develop innovative ideas and policies and support ... (more)

via Stamford Newswire http://stamford.dailyvoice.com/politics/stamfords-mayor-pavia-joins-anti-illegal-gun-group

Stamford-Based TV Show Picked Up for a Second Season

STAMFORD, Conn. Stamford-based television show "Trisha Goddard" has been renewed for a second season, NBC Universal Domestic Television Distribution announced Friday.

via Stamford Newswire http://stamford.dailyvoice.com/business/stamford-based-tv-show-picked-second-season

State Borrows $9.5 Million, Will Lend it To Three Businesses

... in New Haven , where it has 27 workers, but also with a New York office with 25 workers, will consolidate in Stamford . It plans to spend $5,057,000 on offices there, and the state will lend $2.5 million of that amount at 2 percent. Half of that ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.courant.com/business/hc-connecticut-business-loans-20130125,0,3904730.story?track=rss

Talbot's Closing Greenwich Avenue Store

... Talbot as a small, traditional women's clothing store in Massachusetts. The closest Talbots are located in the Stamford Town Center, 100 Greyrock Pl. , and at 680 Post Rd. in Scarsdale, NY . According to a store employee, the landlord plans to split ...

via Stamford Newswire http://greenwich.patch.com/articles/talbot-s-closing-greenwich-avenue-store

McDonald approved for state Supreme Court

... office to the Connecticut Supreme Court, becoming only the third high judge to bypass service in a lower court. The Stamford native, a graduate of Cornell University and the University of Connecticut School of Law, will take the oath of office on ...

via Stamford Newswire http://m.dariennewsonline.com/darien/db_10915/contentdetail.htm?detailindex=3&contentguid=nVGoP9Hw&pn=0

Open Houses in Stamford This Weekend

A Stamford woman accused of hitting a Darien woman with a tire ironlike object is scheduled to enter a plea in the case next week, court documents said.

via Stamford Newswire http://stamford.dailyvoice.com/real-estate/open-houses-stamford-weekend-5

Suspect In Stamford Tire Iron Attack Expected In Court

A Stamford woman accused of hitting a Darien woman with a tire ironlike object is scheduled to enter a plea in the case next week, court documents said.

via Stamford Newswire http://stamford.dailyvoice.com/police-fire/suspect-stamford-tire-iron-attack-expected-court

Police: Man Arrested In Stamford New Year's Stabbing

Stamford police arrested a man Thursday suspected of stabbing another man at a New Year's Eve Party , according to Lt.

via Stamford Newswire http://stamford.dailyvoice.com/police-fire/police-man-arrested-stamford-new-years-stabbing

Strike Causes Widening Losses At HealthBridge

... non-union properties, Milford's Golden Hill and Southbury 's River Glen. They were also stable at Long Ridge of Stamford , which is on strike. The company would not discuss why the share of patient days covered by Medicaid is growing, how Long Ridge ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.courant.com/business/hc-strike-costs-healthbridge-20130125,0,2510048.story?track=rss

Police: Intoxicated man punched wall at GPD

... and frame, police said. His bond was set at $2,500 bond and he was scheduled to appear in state Superior Court in Stamford on Thursday. - Madeleine C. Andrews , 22, of 14 Cary Road, was charged early Jan. 18 with driving under the influence, failure ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.greenwichcitizen.com/policereports/article/Police-Intoxicated-man-punched-wall-at-GPD-4221437.php

Three Career Tips For Those Who Have A Job

... to advance or to switch companies. Mitch Tublin is an advanced certified personal and executive coach who lives in Stamford, CT. He has over 15 years in a variety of Senior Corporate Level positions.

via Stamford Newswire http://www.examiner.com/article/three-career-tips-for-those-who-have-a-job?cid=rss

Malloy stresses need for business growth

Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy speaks at the Business Council of Fairfield County's winter luncheon at the Sheraton Hotel in Stamford on Wednesday, January 23, 2012.

via Stamford Newswire http://www.norwalkcitizenonline.com/news/articleGallery/Malloy-stresses-need-for-business-growth-4220500.php

Tablets, smartphones usher in new era for retailers [Fairfield County Business Journal]

... I will be able to understand better what is available and what items match the item I just picked." Based in Stamford, RTG is a technology consulting firm that primarily serves retailers, retail software developers and private equity investors. ...

via Stamford Newswire http://technews.tmcnet.com/news/2013/01/25/6878638.htm

Hospitals, Healthcare Providers to Benefit from New Premier Agreements for Computed Radiography

... Corporation of Greenville, S.C.; Carestream Health Inc. of Rochester, N.Y.; Fujifilm Medical Systems USA, Inc. of Stamford, Conn.; Konica Minolta Medical Imaging USA, Inc. of Wayne, N.J.; and Philips Healthcare, a division of Philips electronics ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.businesswire.com/portal/site/topix/index.jsp?ndmViewId=news_view&newsId=20130125005004&newsLang=en&ndmConfigId=1000639&vnsId=41

Police reports

... double yellow lines. She posted $260 cash bond and was released on a promise to appear in state Superior Court in Stamford May 12. A 16-year-old Greenwich resident was charged with disorderly conduct late April 28 after he repeatedly pushed a male ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.greenwichcitizen.com/news/article/Police-reports-1365646.php

Jennifer Aniston to Star in Greenwich, Stamford Movie Shoot

... in about 25 days in February at several other private Greenwich locations as well as some "gritty neighborhoods" of Stamford and in the waterfront neighborhood of Shippan, Hartel said. For more details on this story, check out this article on ...

via Stamford Newswire http://newcanaan.patch.com/articles/jennifer-aniston-to-star-in-greenwich-stamford-movie-shoot

TREASURIES-Yields rise as German data saps safety appeal

... pushed the Bunds lower and Treasuries followed," said Tom di Galoma, managing director at Navigate Advisors LLC in Stamford, Connecticut. Benchmark 10-year notes were trading 17/32 lower in price to yield 1.91 percent, up from 1.86 percent late ...

via Stamford Newswire http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/01/25/markets-usa-bonds-idUSL1N0AU2KK20130125?feedType=RSS&feedName=bondsNews

What To Do In Stamford This Weekend

Basketball, a gun buy-back and the celebration of the Lunar New Year are some of the events going on this weekend in Stamford.

via Stamford Newswire http://stamford.dailyvoice.com/events/what-do-stamford-weekend-12

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