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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

08/03/10 STAMFORD BRIEFING: Bridgeport man arrested in shooting over break-up

This Just In To The Stamford Roundup Newsroom .....
STAMFORD a ' A 20-year-old Bridgeport man was arrested in connection with the bitter breakup that resulted in the shooting of a Stamford man last week, police said.
Dave Jones of Norwich , Will Smith of Avon and Tommy McDonagh of Norwalk earned spots in the 110th U.S. Amateur Championship after qualifying at the Wee Burn Country Club in Darien on Monday.
More than 20 years ago, Ned Lamont was already thinking about his legacy. He didn't want to be remembered simply as the guy who put up the most satellite television dishes east of the Mississippi River.
Malloy deserves Democratic nod
Malloy deserves Democratic nod (Connecticut Post)
Dannel Malloy, Democratic candidate for Governor of Connecticut former Mayor of Stamford, Conn.
Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to StamfordRoundup@gmail.com
DEUTSCHE BANK AND J.P. MORGAN NAMED 2010 GREENWICH ASSOCIATES SHARE LEADERS IN U.S. FIXED INCOME TRADING Barclays Capital Retains Title as Greenwich Quality Leader Monday, August 2, 2010 Stamford, CT USA - Deutsche Bank and J.P. Morgan emerged from the credit crisis as the leading U.S. fixed-income dealers in market share terms, and these firms ...
As a parting gift, Alexis van Dijk is leaving her alma mater a little greener than she found it.

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