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Sunday, August 8, 2010

08/08/10 STAMFORD BRIEFING: Pre-Primary Profiles: Michael P. Murray, Judge of Probate

This Just In To The Stamford Roundup Newsrooms ......
Tuesday's primary will determine which of three Republicans candidates for Judge of Probate will represent the party in the general election.
McMahon (News Times)
Just when you thought you'd seen it all, Linda McMahon is antiquing. A chest of drawers from her home state of North Carolina catches McMahon's eye -- the asking price for the Federalist Era piece carved from walnut is $10,000. And to think a famous Philadelphia museum curator once said the South never produced any quality goods.
Chris Burke feels fortunate that while growing up, his family, including his three siblings, included him in every facet of their lives.
"Yankee Doodle Daffy" (My Left Nutmeg)
New York Times columnist Gail Collins turns a gimlet eye on the Connecticut political scene today.
Ned Lamont may be leading in the polls in his bid to win the Democratic nomination for governor on Tuesday, but he's taking nothing for granted - campaigning hard and stopping off at the Circle Diner in Fairfield on Saturday to meet potential voters and sign a few autographs.
Please send us your news tips and press releases to StamfordRoundup@gmail.com
The Lumina String Quartet will present concerts by seven string quartets of young musicians, as part of the Chamber Music Institute for Young Musicians, on Sundays, Aug.
Harman Inta l Industries (The Boston Globe)
Harman slumped after the Stamford, Conn. maker of audio systems for homes and vehicles posted fourth-quarter profit excluding some items of 30 cents a share, trailing a 32-cent average analyst estimate.

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