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Monday, August 9, 2010

08/09/10 WASTEFUL SPENDING: With $9,118,582.14 Greenwich Millionaire Ned Lamont Could Feed A Lot Of Hungry Children

Where Are Ned Lamont's Priorities?

In The Ned Lamont's Two Election Attempts He has Spent Over $26 Million.

There Are So Many Unemployed Famlies That Are Suffering In Connecticut

In The Last Few Years Has Ned Lamont Spent 26 Million Buck On Helping Those Less Fortunate Than Himself?

It Makes One Wonder If Ned Lamont's Multi-Million Dollar Election Attempts Are About His Ego Instead Of His Desire To Help The People Of Connecticut.


Greenwich Roundup,

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That’ s the amount that Ned Lamont has spent so far on his Gubernatorial primary campaign.
As Dan campaigns across the state, voters are making their choice. They are making a decision based on values and experience. They are choosing which candidate can lead from day one, and who can help turn Connecticut around. They are choosing which candidate can fight for the middle class, protect our seniors, and make this state great again. They are choosing Dan.
Connecticut Isn't Buying It
Ned feels it, and knows that if voters make a choice based on values and experience, Dan wins. His response? Pour in money. As voters learn more about Dan and Ned, they are supporting Dan in droves. Ned realizes that, and just last week alone, put in $1,750,000 of his family’s money.
Help us fight back. Your help can make sure that this is an election, not an auction. Join our election day team today.
Ned enjoyed a lead when the campaign was about money, when his millions helped him campaign in a vacuum, before voters could make a choice based on both candidates values and experience. Once Dan had the resources and grassroots support to make this a race about values and experience, Ned’s lead has evaporated. Dan is in a position to win.
Help us finish strong and get the message out these final days. Please sign up today to join our election day team, and volunteer one time .
Dan Kelly
Campaign Manager
Dan Malloy for Governor
PS - You should be proud of all that you’re doing.. I sure am. Even in the face of $9,118,582.14, Dan is in a position to win thanks to all that you’ve done. Let’s not stop now – sign up today to volunteer on election day and one time before.

Dan Malloy is running for Governor of the state of Connecticut. He was the longest serving mayor in the history of Stamford, CT. You can learn more about him here.

Stand with Dan!

Dan Malloy

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following 551 people

Contact Us:
Dan Malloy for Connecticut
PO Box 110073
Stamford, CT 06911

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