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Saturday, August 7, 2010

Accusations Continue Between Dannel Malloy And Ned Lamont In Advance Of Tuesday's Democratic Primary

This Just in To The Stamford Roundup Newsroom .....
In a primary that seems to grow more bitter by the day, accusations between Democrats Dannel Malloy and Ned Lamont continue to be thrown in advance of Tuesday's primary.
New JFS Board Members (News Times)
Jewish Family Service elected new members to its board of directors in July. They are Craig Lambert , Lisa Linzer, Carl Rosen , Caroline Temlock-Teichman, Lauren Rosenthal Zalis , Ellen Bromley and Johanna Freud , all of Stamford; Gary Greene of Darien; and Leon Berkowitz of Norwalk.
The U.S. dollar approached a 15-year low against the yen on Friday and fell against the euro after news that the United States shed twice as many jobs in July as expected added to worries about the economic recovery.
It will be a Greenwich vs. Stamford showdown for the Democrats seeking their party's nomination in the race for the governor seat in next Tuesday's primary.
'I was racially abused... that's why I shot 10 of my colleagues': Killer's chilling 911 call after beer depot gun massacre By Mail Foreign Service Last updated at 2:45 PM on 6th August 2010 Shootings: Delivery driver Omar Thornton, 34, shot dead eight co-workers before turning the gun on himself A delivery driver who went on a shooting rampage at a ...
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Barbara Nitke/Lifetime Television 'Project Runway' designers A.J. Thouvenot of St.
U.S. company hiring will be slow to recover from the worst labor market since the end of World War II, economists said before a government report today.

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