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Sunday, August 8, 2010

08/09/10 Hey Stamford Voters, You Have Got 48 Hours To Nominate A Ron Paul Endorsed Candidate

48 Hours to nominate a Ron Paul Endorsed Candidate

Stamford Feiends,

There are 48 hours left until my Republican Primary on August 10th. Time is short, but I know we are on the verge of defeating my moderate primary opponent. On Tuesday I will need your help to get people out to the polls to cast a vote for liberty.As you can see in this video the grass-roots movement in Connecticut is on the verge of propelling me to an upset victory.

With your financial contribution today, we can ensure that our work over the last six months pays off on Tuesday. If my Republican-In-Name-Only primary opponent wins, in November he will seek to replace a liberal Democrat with a liberal Republican. My primary opponent will still vote for bailouts, mandates, and continued federal intrusion into our lives.But we have a choice, with your support today you can send someone who is ready, willing, and able to defend liberty to the US Congress. I will stand with Congressman Paul and other true Conservatives in our shared fight to restore the Constitution and push back our increasingly tyrannical government.

Last week you helped me raise $7,459 toward my $10,000 goal. I am asking you to help me close that gap and reach our goal by raising another $3,000 before Tuesday. Your support is invaluable. Your donation of $50, $100, $500, or more will go to help pay for ads and phone calls to remind Republicans to vote for me on Tuesday. Thank you for your continued support.

P.S. Please click here to listen to my appearance on Mark Levin.



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