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Thursday, July 15, 2010

07/15/10 Palmer Hill honored for design, amenities

The award-winning Palmer Hill community in Stamford at the Greenwich town liine will have 195 homes, including 114 townhouses and 81 condos.
Open house focuses on well water safety in Stamford By CAROL KING Times Correspondent STAMFORD -- Elected officials, concerned Stamford residents, state agencies and water treatment experts converged at Scofield Middle Magnet School Wednesday to attend a "Well Water Informational Open House." The event was presented by the City of Stamford in ...
Stamford police taking steps to stop repeat offenders By TOM EVANS Times Staff Writer STAMFORD -- The Stamford Police Department is well aware of the problems surrounding repeat criminals, and those officers and the administration are taking some substantive steps to curtailing chronic offenders.
Cengage Learning announced that the company will consolidate its business units into one streamlined operating group, a new structure that will allow for greater synergies, more focused technology investments and increased innovation both domestically and internationally.
As the fight over the proposed South End development called Gateway intensifies, the city's traffic expert has released a memo suggesting that predictions about clogged streets near the train station at rush hour may be exaggerated.
Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to StamfordRoundup@gmail.com
HobbyTown USA customer Bob Pressner, left, discusses radio-controlled model vehicles with store owner Marc Rosenblum.
Two separate court rulings rendered Tuesday could shift the balance of power in Connecticut's political race, one pitting self-bankrolled candidates for state office against those reliant on taxpayer dollars.

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