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Monday, July 26, 2010

07/26/10 Liam Neeson Next to Join 'The Big C': Roger Catlin | TV Eye

This Just In To The Stamford Roundup Newsroom ......

Liam Neeson is the next big star to sign onto "The Big C," the Showtime dramedy about a woman dealing with cancer.
Landowners with property a block closer than the project preferred by Gov. M. Jodi Rell for a commuter parking garage near the downtown train station are wondering why state transportation officials snubbed their offer.
Municipal recycling has increased by 39 percent since Stamford adopted a single-stream system one year ago, according to city officials.
For all of your painting and wallpapering needs. Call George now for a free estimate: 203-241-8922 Mention WestportNow and get 10% discount R ex Marine Center 203-831-5236 203-604-1295 www.rexmarine.com Westport - Gorgeous OFFICE SUITES for lease by owner.
Stamford's seaside village (Connecticut Post)
In the city, descriptions of multimillion dollar houses set against tree-lined streets with a private clubhouse and yachts afloat nearby typically bring the storied seaside community of Shippan to mind.
Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to GreenwichRoundup@gmail.com
What if they held a debate and only one person showed up? That looks like the case next week as Democratic gubernatorial contender Dannel Malloy may receive one hour of free television time because his opponent, Ned Lamont, says he will not be debating.
City representatives Tuesday peppered the mayor's candidate for police chief with questions about overtime spending, staffing levels and the Police Department's perception among city residents.

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