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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

07/27/10 Video: Rick Torres on Socialism v. Capitalism

Rick Torres for Congress 2010

Video: Rick Torres on Socialism v. Capitalism

Stamford Friends,

Please take a moment to view my latest video on the evils of Socialism and the virtues of Capitalism.

As you may know, I have twice suffered under socialist regimes. First as a child under Fidel Castro in Cuba and then again upon my return to Bridgeport when I lived in public housing. I have a keen ear to tyranny and I know that we must act now to stop it.

I ask that you please watch my video on socialism. If you believe that I am a strong warrior for freedom, property rights, and our liberties I implore you to please support my Campaign.

We are 14 days away from the primary and my big government opponents can sense that we are gaining momentum. In these final days I need your financial support of at least $50 to ensure that we can effectively get out the vote.

Your financial support of at least $50will get us closer to our goal of raising an additional $10,000 to get out the vote. Our polling indicates that we need roughly 10,000 votes to win this primary. Your support of $50 or more will allow us to reach more than 60 registered Republican voters by mail to remind them to vote for me on August 10th..

With your financial donation today I know that we can defeat my big government Republican opponents. If we let them win then voters in my district will have two big-government choices on the ballot in the fall. I am willing ready and able to defend our natural rights in Washington, but I need your financial commitment in these final days to help me do so.



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