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Monday, July 19, 2010

07/19/10 Help Rick Torres Defend Freedom

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Rick Torres for Congress 2010

A Letter from Jeff Wright

Stamford Friends,

Today, Socialism is pounding at AMERICA'S door. In 1976, Margaret Thatcher said, "The problem with Socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money." President Obama is about to sign into law Wall Street regulatory legislation that gives the Treasury Secretary and his 9 fellow committee members exclusive right to seize any financial body they determine poses an economic threat to our nation. His signature brings America THROUGH THE DOOR OF SOCIALISM.

No candidate in this race is more knowledgeable on Socialism's looming threat, intrusion and loss of liberties to Americans than Rick Torres. The son of Cuban refugees he lived in Cuba and witnessed firsthand the failures of socialism. History clearly documents that centralized power never works, the power of the individual does. READ RICK'S BIO

The Republican congressional primary takes place on August 10th and will determine who will represent YOU in the November election. As Rick Torres' Political Director, a Fairfield County resident & taxpayer, father, small businessman and concerned citizen, I want to impress upon you the urgency of the current political landscape. Like many of you, I believe we must elect a new breed of legislators who will stop the madness and fight to repeal Obama's new laws.

RICK TORRES is the ONLY candidate capable of achieving these goals.

Please join me to raise an additional $100,000 by July 30th for Rick's campaign and consider a $100, $200 or greater personal contribution to help Rick get to Washington. For those of you who have already supported, thank you, and if possible please give again.

Why Rick?

· Rick will not be a career politician. He has the conviction to serve, not the ambition for a political career.

· As a life-long Bridgeport resident, he is the only Republican with the ability to get votes in the cities.

· His integrity, conviction, and passion to advocate for our rights are unmatched.

· Rick will work to defend our country from out of control government.

· Polling shows that Rick has the best name recognition out of the Republican candidates.

Time is flying and our current leaders in Washington are moving quickly to limit your freedom. America needs you now. We need you now. On behalf of Rick and all of his supporters, thank you for your support.

In victory,

Jeffrey A. Wright
Political Director



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