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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

07/21/10 The Harvard Swim Team Captain, Richard "Misstatement" Blumenthal Is Caught Lying Again!

Hearst Newspaper President Steven Swartz Is Scooped Again ....

First The New York Times Broke The News Of Richard Blumenthal's Lies About Having His Boots On The Ground In Vietnam.

Now Bloggers Are Breaking The Story That Blumenthal Had His Boots On The Ground In Vancouver, British Columbia

You Wont Read This In The Connecticut Post, The Danbury News-Times, The Greenwich Time Or The Stanford Advocate

What's Richard Blumenthal Doing At A Canadian PAC Fundraiser

Tricky Dick Goes To Canada To Get Wined Dined And Pocket Lined

Richard "I will not take money from special interests" Blumenthal caught traveling 2,432 miles a fundraiser arranged by trials lawyers along with other Democratic Senate candidates in Vancouver, British Columbia.

Just four months after saying he "never accepted special interest PAC money," AG Blumenthal is shown deep in cahoots with special interest money,

This Is Not The First Time That Tricky Dick Has

Lied About Accepting PAC money contributions

In an interview on MSNBC's Morning Joe, Dick Blumenthal said that he had never accepted PAC money, saying: "I have never taken PAC money and I have rejected all special interest money because I have stood strong and have taken legal action against many of those special interests."

Later, it was revealed that Blumenthal accepted over $220,000 in PAC money for the first fiscal quarter of 2010, according to his FEC report.


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1 comment:

  1. It is really sad to see people like this lying about simple things that you have to know people are going to find out. How someone can take a job like that and fail at it so bad, is kind of sad.


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