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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

07/20/10 Change the Congress Endorses Rick Torres

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Rick Torres for Congress 2010

Change the Congress Endorses Rick Torres for Congress

Stamford Friends,

Change the Congress in 2010, a Federal PAC, is endorsing Rick Torres for the United States Congress for the 4th District of Connecticut.

Here's what Change the Congress in 2010 wants for Connecticut 4th District voters: An honest representative. A trustworthy person. A person with real experience in life. A person who lives and works and volunteers in his community – his community in Connecticut. A person who cares about people. A person who has paid taxes. A person who has balanced a budget. A person who has created jobs – real jobs. A person who will put his God and his country above himself. A person who will not sell out to the lobbyists. Rick Torres is that person.

Originally, Torres was not an Endorsed Candidate but Rick wouldn't give up on himself ... and wouldn't let Change the Congress in 2010 give up on him either. Rick Torres has probably been researched more than any other endorsed candidate. But once you learn all about Rick, you understand why he won't give up on himself and wouldn't allow Change the Congress in 2010 to give up on him. Giving up means losing ... you have to go way back in Rick Torres' life to understand why he won't give up. Although born in the United States, Rick returned to Cuba with his family ... Castro was no better than the previous dictator but it took years for him to get back to the states. When he did, he lived in public housing. Had public assistance. Rick was determined to get out of the welfare trap. He did.

Initially a registered Democrat -- having been attracted to the "social justice" rhetoric of the Democratic Party -- Rick in due course became first a closet Republican, and then a full-fledged Conservative. The more Rick looked around, the more inescapable was the conclusion: it was exactly the 'compassion' of the big government—professed by the Democratic Party—that was incentivizing poverty. On the other hand, the only logical solution to end poverty was to help people get off the government dole. Now he wants to represent the 4th District of Connecticut and work to get all of the people out of the welfare trap, off of public assistance, and into homes they work to own.

It's a tall order but Torres doesn't mind hard work. Today a successful self-made businessman, Rick never forgets his humble beginnings. He spent his post-Cuba childhood across the street from P.T. Barnum Public Housing Project while living in section eight public housing. Rick attended Bullard Havens Technical high school where he became a master carpenter and Rick will proudly show off the house he built with his own hands.

Rick Torres is a Change the Congress in 2010 Endorsed Candidate because he didn't give up. Now it's the turn of Connecticut 4th District not to give up ... Rick Torres epitomizes the American Dream ... he got out of the welfare trap and became a productive and successful citizen. Rick has signed the Contract From America ... pledging to fight for this country. Rick won't give up. Because he didn't allow Change the Congress in 2010 to give up on him either, we are proud to endorse Rick Torres for Congress from the 4th District of Connecticut.

Our mission at Change the Congress in 2010 IS to change the Congress … our house has become riddled with liars and thieves and cowards, not serving us but rather themselves and not even their country. Join Change the Congress in 2010 and support Rick Torres.

Catherine Welborn Executive Director Change the Congress in 2010, a Federal PAC PAC# C00465294 www.ChangetheCongressin2010.com



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