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Thursday, July 29, 2010

07/29/10 STAMFORD BRIEFING: Fire Departments To Help Bridgeport

This Just In To The Stamford Roundup Newsroom.....

Fire departments from across Connecticut pledge their assistance to Bridgeport as they prepare to say goodbye to two fallen firefighters.
When my stomach is in the mood for enjoyable Mexican food - and those times are plentiful - the first place that usually comes to mind is Mary Ann's Mexican Restaurant on Summer Street in Stamford.
The Town Players of New Canaan's summer show, the concert version of Stephen Sondheim's musical Follies , played last weekend to full houses and continuous rounds of applause at the opening three performances.A The show continues until Saturday, August 7 at the air-conditioned Powerhouse Performing Arts Center in Waveny Park.
A break-up that turned violent left a city man with a gunshot wound in his abdomen Tuesday night, police said.
When Michael Fedele's family arrived on the shores of the United States when he was 3 years old, they had virtually nothing.
Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to StamfordRoundup@gmail.com
Jesse Lee Dinius , 27, of 39 Oak St., Stamford, the hapless bank robber and Fairfield University graduate originally from a wealthy Boston suburb, pleaded guilty Wednesday to robbing a bank last October and trying to rob another one the following month.
STAMFORDBy TOM EVANSHour Staff WriterControversy is again swirling around the Long Ridge Fire Company, after a canceled fire call Saturday night left no apparatus responding to an alarm at 69 Middle Patent Road.In an inter-office memo dated Monday, William J. Smith, deputy chief of Stamford .

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